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Last active May 27, 2022 08:09
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using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddDefaultPolicy(policy =>
Regex videoPattern = new(@"^/(.*)\.ism/(.*)$");
ConcurrentDictionary<string, (string contentType, byte[] bytes)> cache = new();
const string originalVideoPathPrefix = "";
async Task<(string contentType, byte[] bytes)> SendRequestToOriginal(string postfix)
if (cache.TryGetValue(postfix, out (string, byte[]) result))
return result;
using HttpClient client = new();
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(new Uri(originalVideoPathPrefix + postfix));
Stream stream = response.Content.ReadAsStream();
long numBytes = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength ?? 0;
byte[] bytes = new byte[numBytes];
long numBytesRead = 0;
while (numBytesRead < numBytes)
numBytesRead += await stream.ReadAsync(bytes, (int) numBytesRead, (int) (numBytes - numBytesRead));
string contentType = response.Content.Headers.ContentType?.ToString() ?? "";
cache[postfix] = (contentType, bytes);
return (contentType, bytes);
WebApplication app = builder.Build();
app.Run(async context =>
Match match = videoPattern.Match(context.Request.Path);
if (match.Success)
string postfix = match.Groups[2].Value;
var (contentType, bytes) = await SendRequestToOriginal(postfix);
Console.WriteLine("Processed: {0} {1}: {2}, {3} bytes", context.Request.Method, postfix, contentType,
context.Response.ContentType = contentType;
context.Response.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
await context.Response.BodyWriter.WriteAsync(bytes);
Console.WriteLine("Ignored: {0} {1}", context.Request.Method, context.Request.Path);
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