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Created March 6, 2021 00:55
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A small python module to merge the OpenCovid19-FR and datasets
"""Module to merge the OpenCovid19-FR and datasets.
The function provided by this script (`download_france_data`) pulls the latest
data from:
renames the columns of the data.gouv dataset to match the opencovid19 dataset and
merges the two datasets. The data is returned as a pandas dataframe.
If run from the command line as is this script will output a file merging the two
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import requests
import pandas as pd
"date": "date",
"granularite": "granularite",
"maille_code": "maille_code",
"maille_nom": "maille_nom",
"rea": "reanimation",
"hosp": "hospitalises",
"dchosp": "deces",
"incid_hosp": "nouvelles_hospitalisations",
"incid_rea": "nouvelles_reanimations",
"conf": "cas_confirmes",
"esms_dc": "deces_ehpad",
"esms_cas": "cas_confirmes_ehpad",
"source_url": "source_url",
def download_france_data() -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Download and merges data from OpenCovid19-fr and
oc19_file = "opencovid19-fr-chiffres-cles.csv"
gouv_file = "data-gouv-fr-chiffres-cles.csv"
oc19_url = ""
gouv_url = (
# run requests to download and save the data
myfile = requests.get(oc19_url)
with open(oc19_file, "wb") as f:
file = requests.get(gouv_url)
with open(gouv_file, "wb") as f:
# Load both csv into pandas
data = pd.read_csv(oc19_file)
data_gouv = pd.read_csv(gouv_file)
# Fill in some of the metadata that is not present in the government data
data_gouv["granularite"] = "pays"
data_gouv["maille_code"] = "FRA"
data_gouv["maille_nom"] = "France"
data["source_nom"] = "Santé publique France Data"
data_gouv["source_url"] = gouv_url
# merge and collate data
data_gouv.rename(DATA_GOUV_2_OPEN, axis="columns", inplace=True)
return pd.concat((data, data_gouv), join="outer")
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = download_france_data()
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