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Created June 28, 2022 10:25
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(load "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/hironxjsk-interface.l")
(defmethod hironxjsk-interface
(:init (&rest args &key (type nil) &allow-other-keys)
(setq robot (instance hironxjsk-robot :init))
;;; Define {limb}-controller, usually we can define manually as jsk_robots
;(dolist (limb '(:rarm :larm :head :torso))
; (send self :def-limb-controller-method limb))
;; If gazebo with ros_control, overwrite :default-controller
(setq on-gazebo-ros-control
(and (ros::get-param "/gazebo/time_step" nil)
;; rtm-ros-bridge does not have type parametrs
(ros::get-param "/torso_controller/type" nil)))
(when on-gazebo-ros-control
(ros::ros-warn "Found Gazebo/ros_control environment"))
;; Hironx has two types of joint_states on one topic: whole body and hand,
;; so queue size of joint_states should be two.
(send-super* :init :joint-states-queue-size 2 :robot robot :type
(cond (type type)
(on-gazebo-ros-control :gazebo-ros-controller)
(t :default-controller))
(dolist (limb '(:rarm :larm :head :torso))
(let ((ctype (read-from-string (format nil "~A-controller" limb))))
;; If :gazebo-ros-controller was passed to *ri* init, {limb}-controller's action was already created, so we just register it as {limb}-controller
(unless (send self :add-controller ctype)
;; If :default-controller was passed to *ri* init, {limb}-controller's action was not created, so we create it.
;; If we create it when :gazebo-ros-controller was passed, "old client's goal" warning is showed after :angle-vector
(send self :add-controller ctype
:joint-enable-check t :create-actions t))))
;; add hand controller for gazebo with ros_control
(when on-gazebo-ros-control
(setq hand-actions (make-hash-table))
(dolist (hand (list :rhand :lhand))
;; initialize hand action
(sethash hand hand-actions
(instance ros::simple-action-client :init
(format nil "/~A_controller/follow_joint_trajectory_action"
(string-downcase hand))
:groupname groupname))
;; check if hand action is respond (based on baxter-interface)
(and joint-action-enable (send (gethash hand hand-actions) :wait-for-server 3))
(ros::ros-warn "~A is not respond" (gethash hand hand-actions))
(ros::ros-info "*** if you do not have hand, you can ignore this message ***"))))
;; number of servo motors in one hand
(setq hand-servo-num 4)))
(:rarm-controller ()
(cons :group-name "rarm")
(cons :controller-action "fullbody_controller/follow_joint_trajectory_action")
(cons :controller-state "fullbody_controller/state")
(cons :action-type control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
(cons :joint-names
(defun test ()
(hironxjsk-init :type :rarm-controller)
(objects (list *hironxjsk*))
(send *hironxjsk* :angle-vector (send *ri* :state :potentio-vector :wait-until-update t))
(setq *prev-larm-av* (send *hironxjsk* :larm :angle-vector))
(dotimes (i 300)
(send *ri* :angle-vector (send *hironxjsk* :reset-manip-pose) 1000)
(send *ri* :wait-interpolation)
(send *ri* :angle-vector (send *hironxjsk* :reset-pose) 1000)
(send *ri* :wait-interpolation))
(send *hironxjsk* :angle-vector (send *ri* :state :potentio-vector :wait-until-update t))
(setq *curr-larm-av* (send *hironxjsk* :larm :angle-vector))
(ros::ros-info "larm av diff: ~a" (v- *curr-larm-av* *prev-larm-av*)))
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