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Last active July 21, 2020 07:06
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import { Logger, Module, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ElasticsearchModule as BaseElasticsearchModule, ElasticsearchService } from '@nestjs/elasticsearch';
import { v4 as uuid }from 'uuid';
imports: [
node: 'http://localhost:9200',
generateRequestId: () => uuid(),
exports: [
export class ElasticsearchModule implements OnModuleInit {
private readonly client: ElasticsearchService,
) {}
public onModuleInit(): any {
interface CorrelationInfos {
startTime: Date;
const correlationsMap = new Map<string, CorrelationInfos>();
const logger = new Logger('Elasticsearch');
this.client.on('request', (err, result) => {
const { id } = result.meta.request;
* We could have skipped the use of a correlations map by adding the start time to the request metadata
* but we don't know what Elasticsearch does with the meta.request inside the lib so this is safer.
correlationsMap.set(id, { startTime: new Date() });
this.client.on('response', (err, result) => {
const { statusCode, meta: { request: { id }, attempts }, body } = result;
// Retrieve the correlation infos
const correlationInfos = correlationsMap.get(id);
// We don't want these correlation infos to accumulate
if (!correlationInfos) {
logger.error(`Response has an unknown correlation ID`); // It should not happen
const now = new Date();
const duration = now.getTime() - correlationInfos.startTime.getTime();
// Build the log message
let message = `${duration}ms`;
if (statusCode) {
// statusCode is null when ES is down
message = `${statusCode} - ${message}`;
if (attempts > 1) {
// Log the # of attempts only when relevant
message = `${message} - ${attempts} attemps`;
let logFn = logger.log.bind(logger);
if (body && body.headers) {
// No body nor headers when ES is down (and probably in case of some other serious errors)
message = `${message} - content-length: ${body.headers['content-length']}`
if (err) {
message = `${message} - ${err.stack}`;
logFn = logger.error.bind(logger);
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