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Created June 29, 2013 08:16
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「エイト・クイーン問題」をErlangで その2 ref:
% solve 8-queens problem.
-export([solve/0, solve_count/0, solve_display/0]).
% Solve and return answer as a list of lists.
solve() -> solve(1, [], []).
% Solve and return count of answers.
solve_count() -> length(solve()).
% Solve and display them in user friendly style.
solve_display() -> lists:foreach(fun display/1, solve()).
% Found an answer of queens position.
solve(_, Queens, L) when length(Queens) == 8 ->
solve(hd(Queens) + 1, tl(Queens), [Queens|L]);
% Finished searching all cell on the board.
solve(9, [], L) -> L;
% Finished searching one line.
solve(9, [H|T], L) -> solve(H + 1, T, L);
% Search.
solve(Col, Queens, L) ->
case not conflict(Col, Queens) of
true -> solve(1, [Col | Queens], L);
false -> solve(Col + 1, Queens, L)
% Check if a column conflicts with queens.
conflict(Col, Queens) ->
Conflict = fun({N, QCol}) -> Col == QCol orelse abs(Col - QCol) == N end,
lists:any(Conflict, with_idx(Queens)).
% [a,b,c] -> [{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}].
with_idx(L) -> lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(L)), L).
% Display board.
display(Queens) ->
Frame = "**********",
io:fwrite("~s~n", [Frame]),
lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:fwrite("*~s*~n", [make_line(X)]) end, Queens),
io:fwrite("~s~n~n", [Frame]).
% Make a line of board.
make_line(X) -> string:chars($., X - 1) ++ "Q" ++ string:chars($., 8 - X).
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