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Created October 4, 2013 03:53
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「円周上のCrossing」をErlangで(横へな14参考) ref:
%% 解く
solve(Data) ->
integer_to_list(solve([{X, 0} || X <- Data], 0)).
solve([], Total) ->
solve([{FirstChar, _} | Rest], Total) ->
WithDistance = line_to_distance(Rest), % 線の本数→距離
Distance = sum_distance(FirstChar, WithDistance), % 距離を合計
LineAdded = add_line(FirstChar, Rest), % 新たに線を引く
solve(LineAdded, Total + Distance). % 次の文字へ
%% 先頭から各文字までの距離(交差する線の数)を計算する
%% {文字, 線の数}のリストを受け取り{文字, 距離}のリストを返す
line_to_distance(L) ->
F = fun({Char, Line}, {Distance, Ret}) ->
{Distance + Line, [{Char, Distance} | Ret]} end,
lists:reverse(element(2, lists:foldl(F, {0, []}, L))).
%% リストの先頭の文字から後続の同じ文字までの間に交差する線の数を返す
sum_distance(FirstChar, Rest) ->
lists:sum([Distance || {Char, Distance} <- Rest, Char =:= FirstChar]).
%% リストの先頭の文字から後続の同じ文字へ線を引く
add_line(FirstChar, Rest) ->
Same = fun(Char) -> % 同じ文字なら1、違う文字なら0を返す関数
case Char of FirstChar -> 1; _ -> 0 end end,
[{Char, Line + Same(Char)} || {Char, Line} <- Rest].
test(Data, Expected) ->
Result = solve(Data),
OkNg = case Result =:= Expected of true -> ok; false -> ng end,
io:fwrite("~s: ~s -> ~s~n", [OkNg, Data, Result]).
tests() ->
test("aabbca1bcb", "14"), %0
test("111ZZZ", "0"), %1
test("v", "0"), %2
test("ww", "0"), %3
test("xxx", "0"), %4
test("yyyy", "1"), %5
test("zzzzz", "5"), %6
test("abcdef", "0"), %7
test("abcaef", "0"), %8
test("abbaee", "0"), %9
test("abcacb", "2"), %10
test("abcabc", "3"), %11
test("abcdabcd", "6"), %12
test("abcadeabcade", "23"), %13
test("abcdeedcba", "0"), %14
test("abcdeaedcba", "8"), %15
test("abcdeaedcbad", "16"), %16
test("QQQQXXXX", "2"), %17
test("QwQQmQXmXXwX", "14"), %18
test("111222333", "0"), %19
test("aaAAaA", "4"), %20
test("121232313", "12"), %21
test("1ab1b", "1"), %22
test("abcdefbadcfe", "12"), %23
test("abxcdefbadcfex", "14"), %24
test("dtnwtkt", "0"), %25
test("mvubvpp", "0"), %26
test("moggscd", "0"), %27
test("kzkjzpkw", "2"), %28
test("fbifybre", "1"), %29
test("rrrfjryki", "1"), %30
test("wrbbdwsdwtx", "2"), %31
test("vvucugvxbvgx", "9"), %32
test("ojkjzyasjwbfjj", "5"), %33
test("ggffyuxnkyypifff", "5"), %34
test("vcgtcqlwrepwvkkogl", "4"), %35
test("xeqtmmgppwcjpcisogxbs", "4"), %36
test("lukltpeucrqfvcupnpxwmoj", "6"), %37
test("zpzswlkkoqwwndwpfdpkhtzgtn", "31"), %38
test("bkfeflagfvluelududqjcvfyvytfw", "45"), %39
test("rvqbhfmcjjqlpqzulzerxgyowiwrfkmhw", "26"), %40
test("qyxvpdtoeexbqsethwjwmqszcxxjnsdoeaet", "144"), %41
test("rjmsgmswhcolmpbhmpncziymydyalrcnevsrespj", "133"), %42
test("oxetnyjzjbysnwktfwzndlejfndsqeetsnjvsicyjehd", "395"), %43
test("wzvddnddzogywcqxbyvagbzmsmtcmrrlbnebmvhaemjouaqim", "219"), %44
test("karhphxcxqgsyorhusbumbqzocuzvnwzwcpxgsksrviihxrgsrhji", "461"), %45
test("oxgbononhqdxzmkysgijwvxljpaazmgkurkpffeuwywwuyxhyfkicgyzyc", "441"), %46
test("sdgsrddwsrwqthhdvhrjhgtxwgurgyiygtktgtughtogzaqmcafkljgpniddsvb", "1077"), %47
test("qemhecchkgzhxmdcsltwhpoyhkapckkkzosmklcvzkiiucrvzzznmhjfcdumuflavxik", "1711"), %48
test("ffqmsirwpxrzfkbvmmfeptkbhnrvfcywthkwkbycmayhhkgvuyecbwwofwthlmzruphrcujwhr", "2440"). %49
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