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Last active April 30, 2018 21:09
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JHipster Blog
<%_ if (databaseType == 'sql') { _%>
compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:${hibernate_entitymanager_version}"
compile("com.zaxxer:HikariCP") {
exclude(module: 'tools')
<%_ } _%>
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "<%= dasherizedBaseName %>" {
launch_configuration = "${aws_launch_configuration.<%= dasherizedBaseName %>.id}"
availability_zones = ["${data.aws_availability_zones.all.names}"]
min_size = "${var.min_size}"
max_size = "${var.max_size}"
load_balancers = ["${aws_elb.<%= dasherizedBaseName %>.name}"]
health_check_type = "ELB"
tag {
key = "Name"
value = "terraform-asg-<%= dasherizedBaseName %>"
propagate_at_launch = true
writing: {
cleanupOldServerFiles: function() {
cleanup.cleanupOldServerFiles(this, this.javaDir, this.testDir);
writeGlobalFiles: function () {
this.template('', '', this, {});
this.copy('gitignore', '.gitignore');
this.copy('gitattributes', '.gitattributes');
this.copy('editorconfig', '.editorconfig');
this.template('_travis.yml', '.travis.yml', this, {});
this.template('_Jenkinsfile', 'Jenkinsfile', this, {});
writeTerraformFiles: function () {
switch (this.terraform) {
case 'yes':
// Create Terraform module files
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/backend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/backend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/backend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/backend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/backend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/backend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/frontend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/frontend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/frontend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/frontend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/frontend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/frontend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/postgres/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/postgres/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/postgres/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/postgres/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/postgres/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'modules/postgres/', this, {});
// Create Terraform prod files
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'prod/services/backend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'prod/services/backend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'prod/services/frontend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'prod/services/frontend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'prod/data-storage/postgresql/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'prod/data-storage/postgresql/', this, {});
// Create Terraform stage files
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'stage/services/backend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'stage/services/backend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'stage/services/frontend-app/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'stage/services/frontend-app/', this, {});
this.template(TERRAFORM_DIR + 'stage/data-storage/postgresql/', TERRAFORM_DIR + 'stage/data-storage/postgresql/', this, {});
case 'no':
default :
type: 'list',
name: 'terraform',
message: function (response) {
return getNumberedQuestion('Would you like to generate Terraform files?', true);
choices: [
value: 'yes',
name: 'Yes'
value: 'no',
name: 'No'
default: 'no'
? (12/15) Would you like to generate Terraform files? (Use arrow keys)
❯ No
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