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Designing a New Allocator Interface for D

Designing a New Allocator Interface for D

Table of Contents

Design Goals

✔️ /❌ = satisfied/not satisfied by std.experimental.allocator's allocator interface


  • ✔️ Enable generic containers that work with any allocator
  • ✔️ User-defined allocators
  • ❌ Combine @safe and @nogc


  • ✔️ Composable allocators
  • ✔️ Runtime polymorphism (IAllocator)
  • ✔️ No exceptions
  • ✔️ BetterC compatibility


  • ✔️ Replace direct calls to new/malloc/etc. in existing code.
  • ✔️ Configurable global allocator.


Enable generic containers that work with any allocator

D is a general-purpose programming language that aims to support a wide variety of use cases, from low-level system programming to high-level scripting.

Phobos's current container library, std.container, fails to support many of these use cases, largely because of its hard-coded dependency on the druntime GC for memory allocation. As a result, we see a proliferation of container libraries on, many of which are incomplete or receive little maintenance.

Enabling the creation of generic containers that work with any allocator would allow this shortcoming to be remedied.

User-defined allocators

Different approaches to memory allocation are suitable for different applications. To support as many use cases as possible, users must be able to define their own allocators.

Combine @safe and @nogc

Users of std.experimental.allocator's allocator interface (and of libraries like emsi_containers that depend on it) are currently forced to choose between @safe and @nogc. They should not have to.

Composable allocators

The ability to define a new allocator through composition of reusable components vastly reduces the amount of code necessary to create complex allocators, or to experiment with different approaches to memory allocation.

While this is useful, few users are likely to take advantage of it, and the same results can be achieved by other means, so it is only "nice to have," not "must have."

Runtime polymorphism

Runtime polymorphism of allocators allows users of generic containers to write code using a single concrete type, like Array!(int, IAllocator), rather that dealing with a wide variety of types that differ only by choice of allocators (e.g., Array!(int, Mallocator), Array!(int, GCAllocator), etc.).

While this is convenient, Phobos already has a feature for solving this problem: ranges. Specifically, the interface types in std.range.interfaces allow any container that implements the appropriate interface to be used by code that accepts the concrete type InputRange (or ForwardRange, RandomAccessRange, etc).

Ranges do not cover every possible use case for allocator polymorphism, but they cover enough to demote this goal from "must have" to "nice to have."

No exceptions

While the choice of whether to use exceptions or not ultimately rests with the author of each individual allocator, the allocator interface should be designed to accomodate both choices.

Ideally, the allocator interface should not require the use of exceptions unless memory safety cannot possibly be guaranteed any other way. Since memory safety is a "must have," that makes this goal "nice to have."

BetterC compatibility

Again, the choice of whether to depend on druntime rests ultimately with the author of each individual allocator, but the interface itself should be possible to use in BetterC.

Replace direct calls to new/malloc/etc. in existing code

The features necessary to make the allocator interface @safe will also make it significantly more cumbersome to use. Code that is already using a specific allocator, like new or malloc, will not be able to easily adopt the new interface, and likely would not benefit from doing so.

Configurable global allocator

Global state is generally considered a code smell, so a compelling use case would be necessary to justify the inclusion of a configurable global allocator.

In practice, there is no evidence that such a use case exists. std.experimental.allocator provides both theAllocator and processAllocator, but nobody uses them.


Combine @safe and @nogc

Allocation is inherently memory-safe; only deallocation (and by extension reallocation) has the potential to cause memory corruption or UB.

Since we want to support generic containers and user-defined allocators, we cannot ask containers to use @trusted when callling deallocate--the deallocate method itself must be @safe (or @trusted). See this forum thread for more detailed discussion.

For an allocator to free a block of memory safely, without GC, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Uniqueness: there must not be any other references to the block.
  2. Liveness: the block must not have been deallocated already.
  3. Matching: the block must have originated from the allocator's allocate method.

To make deallocate @safe, the allocator API must be designed such that @safe code which would violate these conditions does not compile.

The use of void[] for blocks in std.experimental.allocator's allocator interface makes all 3 of the above conditions impossible for the compiler to enforce.

  1. A void[] block can be freely copied.
  2. Multiple copies of the same void[] block can be passed to deallocate.
  3. Any void[] block can be passed to any deallocate method, no matter where it originated.

This means that we cannot simply make std.experimental.allocator @safe by changing its implementation. The allocator interface itself must be redesigned.

BetterC compatibility

std.experimental.allocator's allocator interface does not have any features that depend on D's runtime, and much of its implementation is, in principle, compatible with BetterC already. It should not present much challenge to ensure that a new version of the allocator interface remains BetterC-compatible.

However, because std.experimental.allocator is part of Phobos, and is compiled into the Phobos shared library ( or equivalent), many essential parts of it are excluded from BetterC programs at the linking stage. So in spite of being BetterC-compatible in principle, it is not usable in BetterC in practice.

The subject of this document is the design of a new allocator interface. Since the challenges here are implementation challenges, not interface design challenges, they will not be discussed further.

Possible Solutions

Combine @safe and @nogc


To guarantee uniqueness, we can replace void[] blocks with a non-copyable wrapper type:

struct Block
    @system void[] payload;
    @system this(void[] payload) { this.payload = payload; }
    @disable this(ref inout Block) inout;

A @system variable is used for payload to prevent @safe code from creating untracked references to the block's memory, and a @system constructor is used to prevent @safe code from creating a Block that aliases an existing void[].

To allow temporary, controlled access to the memory in @safe code, we can use the "borrow pattern":

auto borrow(alias callback)(ref Block block)
    scope void[] tmp = null;
    () @trusted { swap(block.payload, tmp); }();
    scope(exit) () @trusted { swap(block.payload, tmp); }();
    return callback(tmp[]);

Swapping the payload with a null slice for the duration of the borrow maintains the invariant that there is only ever one reference to the block's underlying memory.


With uniqueness established, all that's necessary to guarantee liveness is to ensure that the single, unique Block referring to an allocation cannot be used again after it's been successfully deallocated.

The simplest way to do this is to have deallocate take its Block argument by reference, and overwrite it with the null Block upon successful deallocation:

void deallocate(ref Block block);

To check for a successful deallocation, instead of checking a boolean return value, we now compare the block to Block.init:

Block block = someAllocator.allocate(123);

// do stuff with block...

if (block == Block.init)
    // deallocation was successful
    // deallocation failed

Since checking for null is a common operation, let's add a helper method to make it less verbose:

struct Block
    // ...
    bool isNull() => this == typeof(this).init;


There are two cases to consider here:

  1. Allocators that implement owns.
  2. Allocators that don't implement owns.

In case (1), guaranteeing matching is easy: we can have deallocate call owns internally. For example:

void deallocate(ref Block block) @safe
    if (block.isNull) return;
    if (!this.owns(block)) assert(0, "Invalid block");

    // perform actual deallocation...

Note that this requires owns to always return true or false, not Ternary.unknown. In practice, this requirement is met by every allocator in std.experimental.allocator that implements owns.

Case (2) requires a bit more work.

Fundamentally, in order to guarantee matching of allocations and deallocations, we have to be able to answer the question, "did this block come from this allocator?" Since this is the same question answered by owns, it should be clear that any method we come up with to answer it can also be used to implement owns.

The solution, then, is to find some way of implementing owns for any allocator, even one that doesn't support it "natively."

If possible, we would also like to do this with minimal runtime overhead, and to avoid penalizing allocators that already implement owns.

Custom Block Types

Let's start with an easy example: Mallocator. Because Mallocator only has a single global instance, implementing owns only requires us to associate one bit of information with each block: was this block allocated by a Mallocator, or by something else?

One way to do this, without incurring any runtime overhead, is to give Mallocator its own block type:

struct MallocatorBlock { /* ... */ }

struct Mallocator
    MallocatorBlock allocate(size_t n) @trusted
        if (n == 0) return MallocatorBlock.init;
        void* p = malloc(n);
        if (p) return MallocatorBlock(p[0 .. n]);
        else return MallocatorBlock.init;
    void deallocate(ref MallocatorBlock block) @trusted
        if (block.isNull) return;
        if (!this.owns(block)) assert(0, "Invalid block");
        block = MallocatorBlock.init;
    // ...

If the only way to get a MallocatorBlock is from Mallocator.allocate, then only blocks allocated by Mallocator can be passed to Mallocator.deallocate. In other words, allocations and deallocations are guaranteed to match.

Because this is enforced at compile time, by the type system, owns is trivial to implement:

struct Mallocator
    // ...
    bool owns(ref MallocatorBlock block) @safe
        return !block.isNull;
    // ...
Custom Block Data

If every allocator we wished to support were either global or capable of implementing owns without assistance, then custom block types alone would be sufficient to guarantee matching. And in practice, most real-world allocators do indeed fall into one of these two categories--including every allocator currently provided by std.experimental.allocator.

Nevertheless, it's worth considering what it would take to implement owns for a non-global allocator that lacks it out of the box. If it's easy to do, then we might as well; and if it's difficult, we'll have a good reason not to bother.

As it happens, there is at least one real-world example of such an allocator: the Win32 private heap API.

To implement owns for this allocator, we need enough information to uniquely identify a specific instance of it, and we need to somehow associate that information with each block it allocates.

Broadly speaking, there are two ways we could do this. One is to add the necessary information directly to a custom block type:

struct PrivateHeapBlock
    // ...
    @system HANDLE handle;

struct PrivateHeap
    @system HANDLE handle;

    bool owns(ref PrivateHeapBlock block) @trusted
        return !block.isNull && block.handle == this.handle;
    // ...

According to the Win32 API docs, each private heap is uniquely identified by the handle returned from HeapCreate upon its creation. So, if we extend our custom block type to store the handle of the heap that allocated it, we can implement owns by simply checking whether the handles match.

The advantage of this approach is that it makes owns extremely cheap to execute. The disadvantage is that it increases the size of the block by 50%, and this storage overhead will be imposed on any code that uses PrivateHeap to allocate memory.

The other approach is to use an auxilliary data structure to keep track of the association between blocks and heaps:

struct PrivateHeap
    @system bool[Block] ownedBlocks; // AA used as a set

    bool owns(ref Block block) @trusted
        return !block.isNull && block in ownedBlocks;
    // ...

The advantage of this approach is that it does not require a custom block type, and does not impose any storage overhead on outside code. The disadvantage is that it adds significant storage overhead to PrivateHeap itself, and makes owns a more expensive operation.

Interestingly, neither approach requires any changes to our proposed allocator interface beyond what's already been done to support Mallocator. In particular, once we've decided to allow custom block types, we get the ability to store extra data in them "for free."


  • D's allocator interface cannot be made @safe and @nogc without a full redesign.

  • The new design must replace void[] with a block type that maintains the invariants necessary for safe deallocation.

  • Allowing allocators to define custom block types will allow all allocators to support @safe deallocation with no more runtime overhead than is strictly necessary.

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pbackus commented Nov 1, 2023


interface doesn't work in betterC, it require TypeInfo

A version condition can be used to disable IAllocator when compiling in BetterC mode.

you are confusing 2 things:

  • allocator interface/api (3 function pointer, alloc, free, resize)
  • allocator library/modules (various implementations using the API)

If you can't fit the API in one module, then it suggests that you overengineering it

The interface/API itself will consist of a small number of required functions (currently, allocate and deallocate) plus a larger number of optional functions (owns, resize, alignedAllocate, etc.). This is the same approach already used by std.experimental.allocator; I'm just changing some of the details to make it @safe.

Andrei Alexandrescu's talk on Design by Introspection explains the advantages of this approach to API design.

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p0nce commented Nov 2, 2023

Well in this case I'm sorry but I'm like @ryuukk and won't use it at all.

The fact that many popular C libraries use 3 macros or functions pointers to do that should be considered as the ground truth, a proof of things-that-work (why?), and the existence of fancy compile-time construct that can do it all, but are underused in real libraries, should be considered. AFAIK noone was really asked what they want before this was merged into Phobos.

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pbackus commented Nov 2, 2023


The goal of this project is to design a @safe allocator interface that enables the creation of generic containers. If you don't care about @safe and have no interest in generic containers, then yes, this project has nothing to offer you.

Personally, I think @safe generic containers that are compatible with @nogc and BetterC would be a valuable addition to D's standard library, so I'm going to continue working towards that goal.

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jmh530 commented Nov 2, 2023


The goal of this project is to design a @safe allocator interface that enables the creation of generic containers. If you don't care about @safe and have no interest in generic containers, then yes, this project has nothing to offer you.

What is in the back of my mind is: if there is an existing project that allocates with either malloc or the D GC, how much of a burden will it be to transition to this library? If it is a large burden, then fewer people will transition than you would like.

Personally, I think @safe generic containers that are compatible with @nogc and BetterC would be a valuable addition to D's standard library, so I'm going to continue working towards that goal.

It is worthwhile to finish std.experimental.allocator and thank you for spending your time working on it. Hopefully what comes out of this is something that becomes useful to many people.

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pbackus commented Nov 2, 2023

What is in the back of my mind is: if there is an existing project that allocates with either malloc or the D GC, how much of a burden will it be to transition to this library? If it is a large burden, then fewer people will transition than you would like.

If the project is using malloc and the GC directly, then it will be a significant burden to transition. In general, I do not expect such projects to adopt the new allocator interface.

If the project is using malloc and the GC via the existing std.experimental.allocator interface, then it will require extensive changes to transition to the new interface, but those changes should be mostly mechanical.

If the project is using malloc and the GC indirectly, via a container library, then all it will have to do is replace uses of its current container types with new container types. It won't be completely effortless, because safety requirements will prevent the new API from being a perfect drop-in replacement, but it shouldn't be too difficult.

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jmh530 commented Nov 2, 2023

@pbackus Thanks

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jmh530 commented Nov 2, 2023

@pbackus For your reference, mir-algorithm has some functions that depend on std.experimental.allocator.makeArray.

One looks like this:

Slice!(T*, N)
makeSlice(T, Allocator, size_t N)(auto ref Allocator alloc, size_t[N] lengths...)
    import std.experimental.allocator : makeArray;
    return alloc.makeArray!T(lengths.lengthsProduct).sliced(lengths);

From here:

It wouldn't take much work to change the import here to the new allocator library,

But, it is used like auto sl = Mallocator.instance.makeSlice([2, 3, 4], 10); So users would likely have to make changes to their code as well.

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