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Last active October 7, 2021 15:01
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stress terminus 2 threads
(require 'clj-http.client)
(def DURATION 10)
(def tics (atom 1))
(def responses (atom []))
(def start (System/currentTimeMillis))
(defn rand-query []
{"@type" "woql:AddTriple",
"woql:subject" {"@type" "woql:Node", "woql:node" (str "doc:" (gensym))},
"woql:predicate" {"@type" "woql:Node", "woql:node" (str "scm:" (gensym))},
"woql:object" {"@type" "woql:Node", "woql:node" (str "doc:" (gensym))}})
(declare tic)
(defn cont [id response]
(when (< (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start)
(* DURATION 1000))
#_(swap! responses conj [id response])
(swap! tics inc)
(tic id)))
(defn tic [id]
(clj-http.client/post "https://localhost:6363/api/woql/admin/pouet"
{:basic-auth "admin:root"
:async true
:insecure? true,
:validate-hostnames false,
:content-type :json
{:commit_info {:author "", :message "si je veux"},
:query (rand-query)}}
(partial cont id)
(partial cont id)))
(tic "one")
(tic "two")
(Thread/sleep (* DURATION 1000))
(println "requests per second: "
(float (/ @tics DURATION)))
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