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Created June 7, 2020 09:26
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delimited continuations with cloroutine
(ns cloroutine.conts
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[cloroutine.core :refer [cr]]))
;; I'm trying to port code from
;; using delimited continuations cloroutine's implementation
(def ^:dynamic *coroutine*)
(def ^:dynamic *result*)
(defn run [c]
(binding [*coroutine* c] (c)))
(defn fork [c x]
(binding [*result* x] (c run)))
;; first tweak, renames the original shift function to shift-fn
;; in order to keep the shift identifier free to hold the same semantics as in the article
(defn shift-fn [f & args]
(apply f (partial fork *coroutine*) args))
;; here it is, we are just binding the continuation to the given symbol using a lambda
(defmacro shift [ksym & body]
`(shift-fn (fn [~ksym] ~@body)))
(defn thunk [] *result*)
(defmacro reset [& body]
`(run (cr {shift-fn thunk}
;; code from wiki:
(* 2 (reset (+ 1 (shift k (k 5)))))
;; => 12
(reset (* 2 (shift k (k (k 4)))))
;; => 16
(shift k (cons 1 (k ()))))
;=> (1)
(shift k (cons 1 (k ())))
(shift k (cons 2 (k ()))))
;;=> (1 2)
(defn yield [x] (shift k (cons x (k ()))))
;; this will throw a stackoverflow error
'(reset (yield 1)
(yield 2)
(yield 3))
;; in order to make it work we have to patch reset
(defmacro reset' [& body]
`(run (cr {shift-fn thunk
yield thunk} ;; <- here
;; and now it works
(reset' (yield 1)
(yield 2)
(yield 3))
;; it looks that when shift is nested in a function call it has to be add in the first argument given to cr
;; we can imagine this workaround to avoid redifining reset each time
;; it does not look optimal and I think i must miss something here...
(def reset-mappings (atom `{shift-fn thunk}))
(defmacro reset'' [& body]
`(run (cr ~(deref reset-mappings)
(defmacro defshift [name & body]
(swap! reset-mappings assoc name `thunk)
`(defn ~name ~@body))
;; but it seems to work
(defshift yield' [x] (shift k (cons x (k ()))))
(reset'' (yield' 1)
(yield' 2)
(yield' 3))
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