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Last active December 18, 2016 18:09
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(ns rum-slave
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [chan >! <!]]
[rum.core :as rum]))
;; helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defn notify [s m]
((:notify s) m))
(defn dispatch [s m]
((:dispatch s) m))
(defn- parse-notif [n]
(if (fn? n)
(fn [s & xs] (into [n s] xs))))
(defn dispatcher [state {:keys [actions notifications after before]
:or {before identity
after identity}}]
(fn [[type & args :as message]]
(let [action (get actions type)
notif (parse-notif (get notifications type))]
(before state message)
(swap! state #(apply action % args))
(notify @state (apply notif @state args))
(after state message))))
;; mixin ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defn slave [{:keys [before after actions notifications] :as opts}]
(fn [s]
(let [s (assoc s :state (atom nil))
dispatch (dispatcher (:state s) opts)
{:keys [in-chan out-chan]
:or {in-chan (chan)
out-chan (chan)}}
(first (:rum/args s))]
(swap! (:state s)
:in-chan in-chan
:out-chan out-chan
:dispatch-sync dispatch
:dispatch #(go (async/>! in-chan %))
:notify #(go (async/>! out-chan %)))
(go-loop []
(let [m (async/<! in-chan)]
(dispatch m)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; example (click buttons and watch browser console)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn rand-color-str []
(str "rgb(" (rand-int 255) "," (rand-int 255) "," (rand-int 255) ")"))
(rum/defcs slaved
(slave {:actions {:change-color (fn [s c] (println "executing change-color message") (assoc s :color c))
:shrink (fn [s] (println "executing shrink message") (update s :size * 0.5))
:grow (fn [s mult] (println "executing grow message") (update s :size * mult))}
:notifications {;if notification value is a keyword just switching message type to it
;shorthand for (fn [s color] [:changed-color s color]) in this case
:change-color :changed-color
;notification can be built with a function taking state and message args
:grow (fn [s mult] (println "buiding grow notif") [:dynamic-grow-notif mult])
:shrink (fn [s] [:shrinked "yeah"])}
#(println "----------\n called before each message is interpreted with state and args")
#(println "called after each message is interpreted with state and args")})
(fn [s]
(swap! (:state s)
(first (:rum/args s)))
[state _]
(let [s (rum/react (:state state))
dispatch (:dispatch s)]
{:style {:margin-top :10px
:background :#FAFAFA
:padding :10px}}
[:div "child"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch [:shrink])} "shrink"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch [:grow 2])} "grow"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch [:change-color (rand-color-str)])} "color"]
[:div {:style {:margin-top :10px
:background (:color s)
:width (:size s)
:height (:size s)}}]]))
(rum/defcs tiran
{:init (fn [s]
(let [to-slave (chan)
from-slave (chan)]
(go-loop []
(let [received (<! from-slave)]
(println "notified from child" received)
(assoc s :to-slave to-slave :from-slave from-slave)))}
[{:keys [from-slave to-slave]}]
(let [send #(do (println "sent from parent to child" %)
(go (>! to-slave %)))]
{:style {:background :lightgrey
:padding :10px}}
[:div "parent"]
[:button {:on-click #(send [:shrink])} "shrink"]
[:button {:on-click #(send [:grow 1.2])} "grow"]
[:button {:on-click #(send [:change-color (rand-color-str)])} "color"]
{:color "tomato"
:size 50
:in-chan to-slave
:out-chan from-slave})]))
(.getElementById js/document "app"))
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