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midi-parser in Clojure
(ns midi-parser.core
#_(:use utils.utils)
#_(:use vendors.debug-repl)
(:import ( File)
#_(java.util Arrays)
#_(java.nio ByteBuffer)
(javax.sound.midi MidiSystem Sequence MidiMessage MidiEvent ShortMessage MetaMessage Track)))
;***************** Utils ********************
(defmacro or=
([expr coll] `(or= ~expr ~@coll))
([expr o & ors]
`(or ~@(map (fn [o] `(= ~expr ~o)) (cons o ors)))))
(defmacro or-> [arg & exprs]
`(or ~@(map (fn [expr] (if (symbol? expr)
`(~expr ~arg)
(cons (first expr) (cons arg (next expr)))))
(def p partial)
(def c comp)
(def a apply)
(defn ap [f & args]
(apply (apply partial f (butlast args)) (last args)))
;(ap + 2 3 [1 2 3 4])
(defn- note-on? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0x90 0xA0)))
(defn- note-off? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0x80 0x90)))
(defn- poly-after? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0xA0 0xB0)))
(defn- control-change? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0xB0 0xC0)))
(defn- program-change? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0xC0 0xD0)))
(defn- chan-after? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0xD0 0xE0)))
(defn- pitch-wheel? [msg] (or= (.getCommand msg) (range 0xE0 0xF0)))
(defn- note-msg? [msg] (or (note-on? msg)(note-off? msg)))
(defn- tempo-msg? [msg] (= (.getType msg) 0x51))
(defn- time-signature-msg? [msg] (= (.getType msg) 0x58))
(defn- key-signature-msg? [msg] (= (.getType msg) 0x59))
(def int->key
{0 :C -1 :Bb -2 :Eb -3 :Ab -4 :Db
-5 :Gb -6 :Cb -7 :Fb 1 :G 2 :D
3 :A 4 :E 5 :B 6 :F# 7 :C#})
; (defn- bpm-at [midi-pos parsed-file] ())
(defn- valid-meta-msg? [msg]
(or-> msg
key-signature-msg? ))
(defn- valid-msg? [msg]
(or-> msg
(defn- parse-meta-message [msg tick]
(tempo-msg? msg)
{:type :tempo
:position tick
:bpm (->> (a format "0x%x%x%x" (.getData msg))
(/ 60000000)
(round 1))}
(time-signature-msg? msg)
{:type :time-signature
:position tick
:signature (let [[n d] (from-java (.getData msg))]
[n (int (clojure.contrib.math/expt 2 d))])}
(key-signature-msg? msg)
{:type :key-signature
:position tick
:key (get int->key (first (from-java (.getData msg))))}
:else nil))
(defn- parse-message [msg tick]
(note-msg? msg)
{:type :note
:channel (.getChannel msg)
:pitch (.getData1 msg)
:velocity (if (note-on? msg) (.getData2 msg) 0)
:position tick}
(poly-after? msg)
{:type :poly-after
:channel (.getChannel msg)
:data [(.getData1 msg)(.getData2 msg)]
:position tick}
(control-change? msg)
{:type :control-change
:channel (.getChannel msg)
:data [(.getData1 msg)(.getData2 msg)]
:position tick}
(program-change? msg)
{:type :program-change
:channel (.getChannel msg)
:data (.getData msg)
:position tick}
(chan-after? msg)
{:type :chan-after
:channel (.getChannel msg)
:data (.getData msg)
:position tick}
(pitch-wheel? msg)
{:type :pitch-wheel
:channel (.getChannel msg)
:data (.getData msg)
:position tick}
:else nil))
;set start-position to zero and convert durations and positions into beat unit
(defn- time-format [resolution parsed]
(let [start-offset (:position (select-first #(= (:type %) :note) parsed))]
(map (fn [event]
(let [pos (/ (- (:position event) start-offset) resolution)
event (assoc event :position pos)]
(if (:duration event)
(update-in event [:duration] / resolution)
;grab all note-on and note-off message and couple them into :note type with duration
(defn- on-off-coupling [parsed]
(let [{notes :note :as by-type} (group-by :type parsed)
{ons :ons offs :offs} (group-by #(if (zero? (:velocity %)) :offs :ons) notes)
coupled (map (fn [{pos-on :position :as m} {pos-off :position}]
(assoc m :duration (- pos-off pos-on)))
ons offs)]
(->> (assoc by-type :note coupled) vals (a concat))))
(defn- parse-track [track]
(loop [parsed []
event-index 0]
(let [event (.get track event-index)
tick (.getTick event)
message (.getMessage event)]
(= (inc event-index) (.size track)) parsed
(and (instance? MetaMessage message) (valid-meta-msg? message))
(recur (conj parsed (parse-meta-message message tick)) (inc event-index))
(and (instance? ShortMessage message) (valid-msg? message))
(recur (conj parsed (parse-message message tick)) (inc event-index))
:else (recur parsed (inc event-index))))))
(defn parse-midi-file [file-name]
(let [midi-seq (-> (File. file-name) MidiSystem/getSequence)
tracks (.getTracks midi-seq)
res (.getResolution midi-seq)
cnt (-> tracks from-java count)]
(->> (for [n (range cnt)]
(parse-track (aget tracks n)))
(mapcat on-off-coupling)
(sort-by :position)
(time-format res))))
;(parse-midi-file "src/midi-files/rmmlo.mid")
(defn filter-msg-type [type-kw parsed-midi-file]
(filter #(= (:type %) type-kw) parsed-midi-file))
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sventech commented Oct 7, 2015

Cool! Could you add a license (hopefully Eclipse)? It would be nice to integrate this into some of the Clojure music libs like alda and overtone.

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