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Created June 1, 2014 21:48
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Lynckia's Linode configuration file, for use with Peer Instruction (
var config = {}
config.rabbit = {};
config.nuve = {};
config.erizoController = {};
config.cloudProvider = {};
config.erizo = {}; = 'localhost';
config.rabbit.port = 5672;
config.nuve.dataBaseURL = "localhost/nuvedb";
config.nuve.superserviceID = '5375fd2cbb73d9526156796c';
config.nuve.superserviceKey = '29325';
config.nuve.testErizoController = 'localhost:8080';
//Use undefined to run clients without Stun
config.erizoController.stunServerUrl = '';
config.erizoController.defaultVideoBW = 300;
config.erizoController.maxVideoBW = 300;
//Public erizoController IP for websockets (useful when behind NATs)
//Use '' to automatically get IP from the interface
config.erizoController.publicIP = '';
//Use '' to use the public IP address instead of a hostname
config.erizoController.hostname = '';
config.erizoController.port = 8080;
//Use true if clients communicate with erizoController over SSL
config.erizoController.ssl = false;
// Use the name of the inferface you want to bind to for websockets
// config.erizoController.networkInterface = 'eth1'
//Use undefined to run clients without Turn
config.erizoController.turnServer = {};
config.erizoController.turnServer.url = '';
config.erizoController.turnServer.username = '';
config.erizoController.turnServer.password = '';
config.erizoController.warning_n_rooms = 15;
config.erizoController.limit_n_rooms = 20;
config.erizoController.interval_time_keepAlive = 1000;
//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.
//if '' is used, the address is discovered locally
config.erizo.stunserver = '';
config.erizo.stunport = 0;
//note, this won't work with all versions of libnice. With 0 all the available ports are used
config.erizo.minport = 0;
config.erizo.maxport = 0; = '';
//In Amazon Ec2 instances you can specify the zone host. By default is '' = '';
config.cloudProvider.accessKey = '';
config.cloudProvider.secretAccessKey = '';
// Roles to be used by services
config.roles = {
"presenter": ["publish", "subscribe", "record"],
"viewer": ["subscribe"],
"student": ["publish", "subscribe", "record"],
"teacher": ["publish", "subscribe", "record"]
var module = module || {};
module.exports = config;
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