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Created July 18, 2024 15:51
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FIFO Lambda in Excel
/* FUNCTION NAME: Calculateλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Builds tables of output costs from input and output tables*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
01 Mar 2024 Peter Bartholomew Original Component
17 Jul 2024 Peter Bartholomew Major revision to tracking entries in combined table
// Parameter Declarations
[outFlow], [inFlow], [unitCost], [option],
// Main Procedure
"DESCRIPTION: →Builds tables of output costs from input and output tables.¶" &
"VERSION: →17 Jul 2024¶" &
"  outFlow, →(Required) A column array of output quantities¶" &
"  inFlow, →(Required) A column array of input quantities¶" &
"  unitCost, →(Required) A column array of input costs¶" &
"  option, →(Optional) A switch that selects output options¶" &
"    0: →Normalised table showing tranche quantity and cost against input/output¶" &
"    1: →List showing costs grouped by output¶" &
"    2: →Crosstab showing tranche quantities against input/output¶" &
"    3: →Crosstab showing tranche quantities and cost against input/output",
"→","¶" )
// Check inputs
outFlow, IF(OR(ISOMITTED(outFlow), outFlow=""), #Value!, outFlow),
inFlow, IF(OR(ISOMITTED(inFlow), inFlow=""), #Value!, inFlow),
unitCost, IF(OR(ISOMITTED(unitCost), unitCost=""), #Value!, unitCost),
// Procedure
//Use cumulative flows to identify change of input/output events
cumulativeOutflow, SCAN(0, outFlow, SUM),
cumulativeInflow, SCAN(0, inFlow, SUM),
stackedflow, VSTACK(cumulativeInflow, cumulativeOutflow),
eventLevels, SORT(stackedflow),
priorLevels, VSTACK(0, DROP(eventLevels, -1)),
tranchVolume, FILTER(eventLevels-priorLevels, eventLevels>priorLevels),
//Use change event flag to accumulate input and output batch numbers
isInflow, SORTBY(VSTACK(IF(inFlow, 1), IF(outFlow, 0)), stackedflow),
isOutflow, 1 - isInflow,
inBatchNum, FILTER(SCAN(1, isInflow, SUM) - isInflow, eventLevels>priorLevels),
outBatchNum, FILTER(SCAN(1, isOutflow, SUM) - isOutflow, eventLevels>priorLevels),
//Lookup unit cost by input batch number
tranchCost, tranchVolume * INDEX(unitCost, inBatchNum),
result, SWITCH(option,
// Presents the results as a list, crosstab or detailed crosstab as required
1, VSTACK({"Output idx", "Volume", "Cost"},
GROUPBY(outBatchNum, HSTACK(tranchVolume, tranchCost), SUM)),
2, PIVOTBY(outBatchNum, inBatchNum, tranchCost, SUM,,0),
3, PIVOTBY(outBatchNum, inBatchNum, HSTACK(tranchVolume, tranchCost), SUM,,0,,0),
VSTACK({"Input idx","Output idx","Volume","Cost"},
HSTACK(inBatchNum, outBatchNum, tranchVolume, tranchCost)
// Handle Error
Error, MAX(ISERROR(Result)+1),
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Error, Result, Help)
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