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Created December 10, 2019 02:00
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How I Won The Game
You are Spazmodius, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You look around and see that it's a small ruined tower with a single door on the top floor.
The door is locked
> You cast knock on the door.
You knock on the door. No answer. You try again. Still no response. The sun has set and there isn't much light left to cast shadows over the door. You're starting to get frustrated. What kind of magic does this guy use
> You cast a spell to open the door.
You cast a fireball into the room. It explodes in the room but fortunately not near the door. Unfortunately the explosion doesn't help as the door is already open. You step inside and find yourself in a large hall. There are several doors along the way and some torches hanging from the ceiling
> You look around the hall.
You walk down the hall and see that it's empty save for a few torches illuminating the path ahead. You can hear voices talking in the distance. You decide to investigate.
> You walk towards the voices.
You walk forward until you reach the torchlight. You turn your head and see two figures standing in front of you. They don't seem to notice you. You raise your hand and they begin to move away from you. You raise your other hand and they stop moving
> You talk to the figures.
You speak to them. "Hello".
> You wait.
They continue to move away from you. You wait patiently. Eventually one of them turns back towards you. He looks at you with a smile on his face. "Hi there".
> You can you help you\?
You nod. "Sure I guess".
> You give you all your money.
The figure smiles and hands you all your money. You take it and leave the room. You walk through the halls and eventually you come across a small room with a table and chairs. A candle sits on top of the table. You stand by the candle and watch as the candle burns low
> You blow out the candle.
You do so. The candle goes out and the room dims. You sigh in relief. You've been found.
> You look around.
You walk up to the candle and pick it up. You examine it. It seems like a normal candle. You hold it in your hand and examine it more closely. It's made of wood and has a handle. You inspect the handle and it appears to be wrapped in leather
> You unwrap the handle.
You unwrap the handle and find a wooden ring. You put the ring on your finger and then you look around. Nothing seems amiss. You place the candle back onto the table and sit down. You feel a little strange about what just happened
> You look at the ring.
You look at the ring and you realize that it's a ring of fire. You stare at it for a moment and then you feel a burning sensation. You quickly pull off the ring and throw it away. You feel slightly better now. You go back to looking around.
> You keep the ring.
You keep the ring. You know its useless right now but you think maybe you'll need it later. You wonder if you should search the rest of the castle or go back to the village
> You search the rest of the castle.
You search the rest of the castle. You find nothing except candles lighting the rooms. You find a door leading to an underground area. You enter the door and you find yourself in a long corridor. At the end of the corridor is another door. This one leads to a hallway
> You explore the underground area.
You enter the next room and find yourself in a large underground area. There are many tunnels branching off here and each tunnel has a different theme. Some have pictures of animals, some have words written on them, some have symbols carved into the walls. All of these tunnels lead to dead ends
> You figure out the puzzle.
You solve the puzzle and find yourself in a room with a man sitting at a desk. He looks up when he sees you. "Ah, you must be the new arrival. Welcome to my home". He says
> You talk to the man.
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't understand why you won't let me in".
> You ask the man who he is.
He answers "My name is Spazmodius and I'm the king's advisor".
> Can you be the king's advisor?
"No, I'm afraid I'm not allowed to serve under anyone else than myself".
> But you are you!
"Yes, yes, I know you are. But I'm afraid I'm still not sure if I trust you".
> You you understand.
"Well, I suppose we'll have to work things out".
> You kill self.
You kill yourself
> You serve as the king's advisor.
You serve as the king's advisor. You're given a position in the palace and given a title. You're also given a magical ring which allows you to travel anywhere in the kingdom without having to worry about getting lost. Your life continues..
> You explore the kingdom.
You explore the kingdom. You find that the people are happy and contented. You make friends with a few people and learn their stories. One day you hear a knock on the door. You open it and find a young girl. She introduces herself as Nalia.
> You talk to Nalia.
Nalia: "Oh hello, I'm Nalia. My father sent me to bring you something".
You: "What is it?"
Nalia: "It's important, I promise".
You: "Okay, okay, I get it. What is it?"
> You take what Nalia brought you.
You take the ring and put it on. Suddenly you feel very strange. You feel like you're being watched. You turn around and see a tall, dark haired man standing behind you.
> You talk to the man.
You speak to him. "Who are you?".
> You ask the man who he is.
The man speaks "My name is Spazmodius and I'm the king's advisor".
> You but that's you\!
You but that's you\! "But I'm not you!"
> You kill the man.
You kill the man. He falls backwards and crumples to the ground. The king's advisor stands there speechless. You walk over to the king and tell him what happened. He looks at you with surprise.
> You tell the king that the man was an imposter.
You tell the king that the man was an imposter. He looks at you with anger.
> You placate the king.
You placate the king by telling him that you were just joking about killing the man. The king smiles and thanks you. Then he tells his advisors to start making preparations for war against the elves.
> You cast a spell to kill all the elves.
You cast a spell to kill all the elves. You then leave the king's advisor to do whatever he wants. Soon after you leave the king orders his army to attack the elves
> You cast a spell to become king.
You cast a spell to become king. You then go back to your normal life. You live happily ever after
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