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Created April 28, 2024 18:17
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This program deletes EVERYTHING in a folder and all subfolders, including files with corrupted (or too long) filenames, which is why I created it.
# This Python script is designed to delete all files and directories in a specified folder.
# It handles files with special characters in their names and long paths using UNC paths.
# Instructions:
# 1. Change the 'folder_to_delete' variable to the path of the directory you want to clear.
# 2. Run this script with Python. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to delete the files.
# 3. Use this script carefully, as it will permanently delete files and directories.
import os
import shutil
# Change this path to the directory you want to delete
folder_to_delete = "C:/temp/_Test"
def delete_files(folder_path):
Deletes all files and directories in the specified folder path, including handling special characters.
folder_path (str): The path to the directory where files and subdirectories will be deleted.
# UNC_PREFIX is a string used to handle files with special characters in paths on Windows.
# The prefix '\\?\' tells Windows to turn off all path parsing and allows for longer paths.
UNC_PREFIX = "\\\\?\\"
# Convert the given folder path to an absolute path and prepend with UNC_PREFIX to handle special characters.
folder_path = UNC_PREFIX + os.path.abspath(folder_path)
# os.walk is used to iterate over each directory and subdirectory in the folder.
# 'topdown=False' makes os.walk start from innermost directories, making it easier to delete subdirectories.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):
# Iterate over each file in the current directory ('root')
for name in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, name) # Create the full path of the file
os.remove(file_path) # Try to delete the file
print(f"Deleted file: {file_path}")
except Exception as e:
# If there's an error during deletion, print an error message.
print(f"Failed to delete file: {file_path}, error: {e}")
# Iterate over each directory in the current directory
for name in dirs:
dir_path = os.path.join(root, name) # Create the full path of the directory
shutil.rmtree(dir_path) # Try to delete the directory and all its contents
print(f"Deleted directory: {dir_path}")
except Exception as e:
# If there's an error during deletion, print an error message.
print(f"Failed to delete directory: {dir_path}, error: {e}")
# Example usage of the function:
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