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Last active December 1, 2020 08:35
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# our model class used to store articles
from models import Article
# utility to get connection to the database.
from django.db import connection
def detect_similarity(similarity_limit=0.7, chars_limit=1000, days_limit=3):
# internal function to process query results and return doublons IDs.
# this is mandatory because you'll end up with a list like below that need
# to be purged from duplicated results (again :D)
# Origin ID | Target ID | Similarity (%)
# --------- | --------- | --------------
# 18 | 19 | 0.8
# 19 | 18 | 0.8
# 18 | 20 | 0.9
# 20 | 18 | 0.9
def get_doublons_ids(data):
nodes = {}
good_ids = []
for n in data:
if not nodes.get(n[0]):
nodes[n[0]] = { 'to': n[2], 'date': n[1] }
for node_id in nodes:
node = nodes[node_id]
node_to_id = node['to']
node_to = nodes[node_to_id]
if node_to['date'] > node['date']:
if node_to_id not in good_ids: good_ids.append(node_to_id)
if node_id in good_ids: good_ids.remove(node_id)
if node_to['date'] == node['date']:
node_id = max(node_to_id, node_id)
if not (node_id in good_ids): good_ids.append(node_id)
if node_to_id in good_ids: good_ids.remove(node_to_id)
return map(lambda k: k, filter(lambda k: k not in good_ids, nodes))
# Initialize connection to DB.
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Our first query. It's here to:
# - Use the set_limit function from pg_trgrm to limit similarity results to
# a similarity greater than the given `similarity_limit`, by default 0.7
# - Create the homogenize function to remove punctation, ignore case and
# limit the given `t` to the first `c` given characters
SELECT set_limit({similarity_limit});
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION homogenize (t text, c integer)
RETURNS text as $$
RETURN substring(lower(regexp_replace(t, '\W', '', 'g')) for c);
$$ language plpgsql;
# the proper similarity detection query
-- basic information needed for comparison and result processing, A.publication_date,, B.publication_date,
-- similarity computation useful to debug our query
homogenize(A.content,{chars_limit}), homogenize(B.content, {chars_limit})
) as sim
FROM article A
JOIN article B
-- similarity JOIN, notice homogenize usage to ease computation.
ON homogenize(A.content, {chars_limit}) <> homogenize(B.content, {chars_limit})
AND homogenize(A.content, {chars_limit}) % homogenize(B.content, {chars_limit})
-- JOIN date limitation
AND B.publication_date <= A.publication_date + integer '{days_limit}'
AND B.publication_date >= A.publication_date - integer '{days_limit}'
# retrieve results
results = cursor.fetchall()
# process them to only have a list of ids
doublons_ids = get_doublons_ids(results)
# we then convert those id to models objects and return the result
return map(lambda pk: Article.objects.get(pk=pk), doublons_ids)
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