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Created April 28, 2017 22:41
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module Main exposing (..)
import Exts.Float exposing (roundTo)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (on)
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Mouse exposing (Position)
import Keyboard exposing (..)
import Char
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
{ angle1 : Float
, len1 : Float
, angle2 : Float
, len2 : Float
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( Model 0 200 0 150, Cmd.none )
type Msg
= Nop Char
| Rotate1 Float
| Rotate2 Float
| Extend1 Float
| Extend2 Float
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
( updateHelp msg model, Cmd.none )
updateHelp : Msg -> Model -> Model
updateHelp msg model =
case msg of
Nop _ ->
Rotate1 delta ->
{ model | angle1 = model.angle1 + delta }
Rotate2 delta ->
{ model | angle2 = model.angle2 + delta }
Extend1 delta ->
{ model | len1 = model.len1 + delta }
Extend2 delta ->
{ model | len2 = model.len2 + delta }
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Keyboard.downs kbDown
kbDown : KeyCode -> Msg
kbDown code =
case Char.fromCode code of
'A' ->
Rotate1 -0.2
'D' ->
Rotate1 0.2
'Q' ->
Rotate2 -0.2
'E' ->
Rotate2 0.2
-- 'W' ->
-- Extend2 10
-- 'S' ->
-- Extend2 -10
x ->
Nop x
(=>) =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
angle1 =
angle2 =
model.angle1 + model.angle2
( x1, y1 ) =
( 400, 400 )
( x2, y2 ) =
rotate ( x1, y1 ) angle1 model.len1
( x3, y3 ) =
rotate ( x2, y2 ) angle2 model.len2
( a, b ) =
calcAngles model.len1 model.len2 ( x3 - x1, y3 - y1 )
( px2, py2 ) =
rotate ( x1, y1 ) a model.len1
( px3, py3 ) =
rotate ( px2, py2 ) (a + b) model.len2
[ style
[ "background-color" => "#555"
, "color" => "#fff"
, "cursor" => "move"
, "width" => "800px"
, "height" => "800px"
, "border-radius" => "4px"
, "position" => "relative"
, "display" => "flex"
, "align-items" => "center"
, "justify-content" => "center"
[ pre
[ style
[ "position" => "absolute"
, "left" => "0"
, "top" => "0"
[ text <| "A/D - rotate green arm (" ++ showFloat model.angle1 ++ " radians = " ++ showFloat (model.angle1 * 180 / pi) ++ "°)\n"
, text <| "Q/E - rotate blue arm (" ++ showFloat model.angle2 ++ " radians = " ++ showFloat (model.angle2 * 180 / pi) ++ "°)\n"
-- , text <| "W/S - extend/retract blue arm (" ++ showFloat model.len2 ++ ")\n"
, text <| "Elbow is at (" ++ showFloat x2 ++ ", " ++ showFloat y2 ++ ")\n"
, text <| "Hand is at (" ++ showFloat x3 ++ ", " ++ showFloat y3 ++ ")\n"
, text <| "Target (" ++ showFloat (x3 - x1) ++ ", " ++ showFloat (y3 - y1) ++ " => (" ++ showFloat (a * 180 / pi) ++ "°, " ++ showFloat (b * 180 / pi) ++ "°) -> (" ++ showFloat px3 ++ ", " ++ showFloat py3 ++ ")\n"
, div
[ style
[ "position" => "absolute"
-- , "left" => px x1
-- , "top" => px y1
, "left" => px x1
, "top" => px y1
, "width" => px model.len1
, "height" => "0px"
, "border-top" => "2px solid #3c8d2f"
, "border-bottom" => "2px solid #3c8d2f"
, "transform" => cssTransform [ cssRotate a ]
, "transform-origin" => "0 50%"
, div
[ style
[ "position" => "absolute"
, "left" => px px2
, "top" => px py2
, "width" => px model.len2
, "height" => "0px"
, "border-top" => "2px solid #2f6a8d"
, "border-bottom" => "2px solid #2f6a8d"
, "transform" => cssTransform [ cssRotate (a + b) ]
, "transform-origin" => "0 50%"
, div
[ style
[ "position" => "absolute"
-- , "left" => px x1
-- , "top" => px y1
, "left" => px x1
, "top" => px y1
, "width" => px model.len1
, "height" => "0px"
, "border-top" => "2px solid #3c8d2f"
, "border-bottom" => "2px solid #3c8d2f"
, "transform" => cssTransform [ cssRotate angle1 ]
, "transform-origin" => "0 50%"
, div
[ style
[ "position" => "absolute"
, "left" => px x2
, "top" => px y2
, "width" => px model.len2
, "height" => "0px"
, "border-top" => "2px solid #2f6a8d"
, "border-bottom" => "2px solid #2f6a8d"
, "transform" => cssTransform [ cssRotate angle2 ]
, "transform-origin" => "0 50%"
, div
[ style
[ "position" => "absolute"
, "left" => px (x3 - 10)
, "top" => px (y3 - 10)
, "width" => "20px"
, "height" => "20px"
, "border-radius" => "10px"
, "background-color" => "#8d2f2f"
, "transform" => cssTransform [ cssRotate angle2 ]
, "transform-origin" => "50% 50%"
cssTransform : List String -> String
cssTransform =
String.join " " << List.reverse
cssTranslate : Float -> Float -> String
cssTranslate x y =
"translate(" ++ toString x ++ "px, " ++ toString y ++ "px)"
cssRotate : Float -> String
cssRotate angle =
"rotate(" ++ toString angle ++ "rad)"
px : Float -> String
px number =
toString number ++ "px"
type alias Pos =
( Float, Float )
type alias Angle =
type alias Length =
rotate : Pos -> Angle -> Length -> Pos
rotate ( x0, y0 ) angle len =
dx =
len * cos angle
dy =
len * sin angle
( x0 + dx, y0 + dy )
showFloat : Float -> String
showFloat =
toString << roundTo 2
calcAngles : Length -> Length -> Pos -> ( Angle, Angle )
calcAngles l1 l2 ( x, y ) =
aa =
sqrt (2 * l1 * l1 * x * x + 2 * l2 * l2 * x * x + 2 * l1 * l1 * y * y + 2 * l2 * l2 * y * y - l1 * l1 * l1 * l1 - l2 * l2 * l2 * l2 + 2 * l1 * l1 * l2 * l2 - x * x * x * x - 2 * x * x * y * y - y * y * y * y)
d1 =
2 * l1 * x + l1 * l1 - l2 * l2 + x * x + y * y
d2 =
2 * l2 * x - l1 * l1 + l2 * l2 + x * x + y * y
a =
2 * atan ((aa + 2 * l1 * y) / d1)
b =
2 * atan ((2 * l2 * y - aa) / d2)
( a, b - a )
target : Length -> Length -> Pos -> ( Angle, Angle )
target l1 l2 ( x, y ) =
a =
acos (x / l1)
b =
acos ((x - l1 * cos a) / l2) - a
untarget ( alpha, beta ) =
( x1, y1 ) =
( 0, 0 )
( x2, y2 ) =
rotate ( x1, y1 ) alpha l1
( x3, y3 ) =
rotate ( x2, y2 ) (alpha + beta) l2
( x3, y3 )
minimumBy (\( alpha, beta ) -> squareDistance ( x, y ) (untarget ( alpha, beta ))) Nothing (Debug.log "choices" [ ( a, b ), ( a, -b ), ( -a, b ), ( -a, -b ) ])
|> Maybe.withDefault ( a, b )
nearest : Pos -> List Pos -> Maybe Pos
nearest targetPoint points =
minimumBy (squareDistance targetPoint) Nothing points
squareDistance : Pos -> Pos -> Float
squareDistance ( x1, y1 ) ( x2, y2 ) =
dx =
x2 - x1
dy =
y2 - y1
dx * dx + dy * dy
minimumBy : (a -> Float) -> Maybe ( a, Float ) -> List a -> Maybe a
minimumBy f best xs =
case xs of
[] -> Tuple.first best
a :: rest ->
case best of
Nothing ->
minimumBy f (Just ( a, f a )) rest
Just ( b, fb ) ->
if f a < fb then
minimumBy f (Just ( a, f a )) rest
minimumBy f best rest
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