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Last active March 4, 2016 09:34
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Possibly pointless? encoding of lists as their own paramorphisms.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
import Data.Maybe
data Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
data ListF a b = LF { unLF :: forall c. (Maybe (a, (c, b)) -> c) -> c }
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
wrap :: (forall c. (Maybe (a, (c, List a)) -> c) -> c) -> List a
wrap f = Fix (LF f)
unwrap :: List a -> (forall c. (Maybe (a, (c, List a)) -> c) -> c)
unwrap = unLF . unFix
nil :: List a
nil = wrap (\f -> f Nothing)
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons x xs = wrap (\f -> f (Just (x, (unwrap xs f, xs))))
cata :: List a -> (Maybe (a, b) -> b) -> b
cata xs f = unwrap xs (f Nothing `maybe` uncurry (\x -> uncurry (\r _ -> f (Just (x, r)))))
para :: List a -> (Maybe (a, (b, List a)) -> b) -> b
para = unwrap
elim :: List a -> (Maybe (a, List a) -> b) -> b
elim xs f = unwrap xs (f Nothing `maybe` uncurry (\x -> uncurry (\_ xs -> f (Just (x, xs)))))
isEmpty :: List a -> Bool
isEmpty xs = elim xs (True `maybe` \_ -> False)
hd :: List a -> Maybe a
hd xs = elim xs (Nothing `maybe` (Just . fst))
tl :: List a -> Maybe (List a)
tl xs = elim xs (Nothing `maybe` (Just . snd))
len :: (Num b, Enum b) => List a -> b
len xs = cata xs (0 `maybe` uncurry (const succ))
xs = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))
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