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Last active October 6, 2020 10:06
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Gradient estimators
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.distributions as dist
adjacencies, num_edges, targets = load_data(...)
opt = ...
# parametrize edge weights by normal dist
ew_mean = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_edges))
ew_std = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(num_edges))
for _ in range(num_epochs):
# reparametrized sample from the normal dist
ew_dist = dist.Normal(ew_mean, ew_std)
edge_weights = ew_dist.rsample()
# -- we take a reparametrized sample from the normal distribution (see the VAE lecture)
edge_weights = softmax(edge_weights)
# -- or spherical normalization or whatever
# compute two loss terms
gcn_loss = loss(gcn(adjacencies, edge_weights), targets) # regular GCN computation (simple backpropagation is fine here)
with torch.no_grad():
kemeny_loss = - alpha * kemeny(adjacencies, edge_weights)
# -- computation of the kemeny constant is not easily differentiable, so we do it under torch.no_grad
# and use REINFORCE to estimate the gradient.
# actual loss
# loss = gcn_loss + kemeny_loss
# -- we won't get a gradient over this, because kemeny_loss is detached from the comp graph
# estimated loss
loss = gcn_loss + ew_dist.log_prob(edge_weights) * kemeny_loss
# -- To see what happens here, write down the expected gradient of the actual loss under the normal distribution above.
# The expectation over the first term can be estimated simply by letting pytorch work out the gradient. The
# reparametrization results in a gradient on the ew_mean
# -- The expectation over the second term, we rewrite using the score function (so this becomes a score function with a
# single sample). The variable `kemeny_loss` is just a constant, but the log probability over the edge_weight will
# get a gradient for the REINFORCE loss.
# -- Note that the _derivative_ of this second term is the score function (if we see kemeny_loss as a constant). This is
# what we're looking for. By adding this loss, we're tricking pytorch into computing the gradient estimate and
# backpropagating it.
# -- We proceed in the same way: compute the gradient estimate in a detached way (under torch.no_grad()) and add its
# integrand to the loss so that pytorch sets the gradient estimate as the gradient of the relevant nodes and
# backpropagates from there.
edge_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_edges))
STD = 1e-7 # size of the perturbation
for _ in range(num_epochs):
# -- sparse softmax or spherical normalization or whatever
edge_weights = softmax(edge_weights)
# compute the GCN loss once
gcn_loss = loss(gcn(adjacencies, edge_weights), targets) # regular GCN computation (simple backpropagation is fine here)
# and the Kemeny loss twice
with torch.no_grad():
perturbation = torch.randn(num_edges) * STD
# -- This should be Bernoulli for a proper SPSA implementation.
edge_weights0, edge_weights1 = edge_weights + perturbation, edge_weights - perturbation
normalized0, normalized1 = softmax(edge_weights0), softmax(edge_weights1)
kemeny_loss0 = - alpha * kemeny(adjacencies, edge_weights0)
kemeny_loss1 = - alpha * kemeny(adjacencies, edge_weights0)
# -- computation of the kemeny constant is not easily differentiable, so we do it under torch.no_grad
# and use REINFORCE to estimate the gradient.
# actual loss
# loss = gcn_loss + kemeny_loss
# -- we won't get a gradient over this, because kemeny_loss is detached from the comp graph
# estimated loss
loss = gcn_loss + edge_weights * ((kemeny_loss0 - kemeny_loss1)/ (2.0 * perturbation))
# -- Note that when we take the derivative over the second term, the gradient becomes the SPSA estimate of the gradient.
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