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Last active August 11, 2023 22:19
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Ruby Random: Performance vs. Distribution
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'benchmark'
gem 'securerandom'
gem 'openssl'
gem 'ruby-statistics', require: 'statistics'
# Random space is 0 to x, non-inclusive
x = 15
# Run 50k iterations
n = 50_000
Benchmark.bmbm do |b|"K.rand:") { 1.upto(n) { Kernel.rand(x) } }"R.rand:") { 1.upto(n) { Random.rand(x) } }"S.rand:") { 1.upto(n) { SecureRandom.rand(x) } }
# This is the only one that will result in cryptographically secure random number generation"O.rand:") { 1.upto(n) { OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(4).unpack("S")[0].modulo(x) } }
# Run 50k iterations
n = 50_000
k =
r =
s =
o =
puts "*** Standard Deviations: Generating random numbers from 0 to #{x} ***"
1.upto(n) { k[Kernel.rand(x)] += 1 }
1.upto(n) { r[Random.rand(x)] += 1 }
1.upto(n) { s[SecureRandom.rand(x)] += 1 }
1.upto(n) { o[OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(4).unpack("S")[0].modulo(x)] += 1 }
# Standard Deviations
ks = k.values
rs = r.values
ss = s.values
os = o.values
puts "\n*** Standard Deviations: Results ***\n"
puts "\n*** Kernel.rand ***\n"
puts ks.to_s
puts "mean: #{ks.mean}, std-dev: #{ks.standard_deviation}"
puts "\n*** Random.rand ***\n"
puts rs.to_s
puts "#{rs.mean}, std-dev: #{rs.standard_deviation}"
puts "\n*** SecureRandom.rand ***\n"
puts ss.to_s
puts "mean: #{ss.mean}, std-dev: #{ss.standard_deviation}"
puts "\n*** OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes ***\n"
puts os.to_s
puts "mean: #{os.mean}, std-dev: #{os.standard_deviation}"
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