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Created February 21, 2017 13:41
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  • Save pbondoer/69fcdad8ab3d65a79e94fc941cf7d684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pbondoer/69fcdad8ab3d65a79e94fc941cf7d684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* fr
out.updated_common_connectionLostAndInfo = ""; // "<b>Server Connection Lost</b><br>You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back."
out.driveReadmeTitle = ""; // "What is CryptDrive?"
out.driveReadme_h1 = ""; // "Welcome to CryptPad"
out.driveReadme_li1 = ""; // "CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place"
out.driveReadme_li1_1 = ""; // "Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc."
out.driveReadme = ""; // "[\"BODY\",{\"class\":\"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders\",\"contenteditable\":\"true\",\"spellcheck\":\"false\",\"style\":\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\"},[[\"H1\",{},[\"Welcome to CryptPad\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place\",[\"BR\",{},[]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc.\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]]]]]]]]],{\"metadata\":{\"defaultTitle\":\"What is CryptDrive?\",\"title\":\"What is CryptDrive?\"}}]"
* es
out.updated_common_connectionLostAndInfo = ""; // "<b>Server Connection Lost</b><br>You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back."
out.websocketError = ""; // "Unable to connect to the websocket server..."
out.typeError = ""; // "That realtime document is not compatible with the selected application"
out.onLogout = ""; // "You are logged out, <a href=\"/\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to log in<br>or press <em>Escape</em> to access your pad in read-only mode."
out.loading = ""; // "Loading..."
out.error = ""; // "Error"
out.language = ""; // "Language"
out.user_rename = ""; // "Change display name"
out.user_displayName = ""; // "Display name"
out.user_accountName = ""; // "Account name"
out.newButton = ""; // "New"
out.newButtonTitle = ""; // "Create a new document"
out.cancel = ""; // "Cancel"
out.poll_publish_button = ""; // "Publish"
out.poll_admin_button = ""; // "Admin"
out.poll_create_user = ""; // "Add a new user"
out.poll_create_option = ""; // "Add a new option"
out.poll_commit = ""; // "Commit"
out.fm_rootName = ""; // "Documents"
out.fm_trashName = ""; // "Trash"
out.fm_unsortedName = ""; // "Unsorted files"
out.fm_filesDataName = ""; // "All files"
out.fm_templateName = ""; // "Templates"
out.fm_newButton = ""; // "New"
out.fm_newFolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fm_folder = ""; // "Folder"
out.fm_folderName = ""; // "Folder name"
out.fm_numberOfFolders = ""; // "# of folders"
out.fm_numberOfFiles = ""; // "# of files"
out.fm_fileName = ""; // "File name"
out.fm_title = ""; // "Title"
out.fm_lastAccess = ""; // "Last access"
out.fm_creation = ""; // "Creation"
out.fm_forbidden = ""; // "Forbidden action"
out.fm_originalPath = ""; // "Original path"
out.fm_noname = ""; // "Untitled Document"
out.fm_emptyTrashDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?"
out.fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove these null elements from the trash permanently?"
out.fm_removePermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove that element permanently?"
out.fm_removeSeveralDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move these null elements to the trash?"
out.fm_removeDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move null to the trash?"
out.fm_restoreDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to restore null to its previous location?"
out.fm_unknownFolderError = ""; // "The selected or last visited directory no longer exist. Opening the parent folder..."
out.fm_contextMenuError = ""; // "Unable to open the context menu for that element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_selectError = ""; // "Unable to select the targetted element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_info_root = ""; // "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files."
out.fm_info_unsorted = ""; // "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\"."
out.fm_info_template = ""; // "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new document."
out.fm_info_trash = ""; // "Files deleted from the trash are also removed from \"All files\" and it is impossible to recover them from the file manager."
out.fm_info_allFiles = ""; // "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here."
out.fm_alert_backupUrl = ""; // "Backup URL for this drive.<br>It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep ip for yourself only.<br>You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>Anybody with that URL can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"fm_backupUrl\" value=\"null\"/>"
out.fm_backup_title = ""; // "Backup URL"
out.fm_nameFile = ""; // "How would you like to name that file?"
out.fc_newfolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fc_rename = ""; // "Rename"
out.fc_open = ""; // "Open"
out.fc_open_ro = ""; // "Open (read-only)"
out.fc_delete = ""; // "Delete"
out.fc_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.fc_remove = ""; // "Delete permanently"
out.fc_empty = ""; // "Empty the trash"
out.fc_prop = ""; // "Properties"
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = ""; // "You can't move a folder to the list of unsorted pads"
out.fo_existingNameError = ""; // "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one."
out.fo_moveFolderToChildError = ""; // "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants"
out.fo_unableToRestore = ""; // "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location."
out.fo_unavailableName = ""; // "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again."
out.login_login = ""; // "Log in"
out.login_makeAPad = ""; // "Create a pad anonymously"
out.login_nologin = ""; // "Browse local pads"
out.login_register = ""; // "Sign up"
out.logoutButton = ""; // "Log out"
out.settingsButton = ""; // "Settings"
out.login_username = ""; // "Username"
out.login_password = ""; // "Password"
out.login_confirm = ""; // "Confirm your password"
out.login_remember = ""; // "Remember me"
out.login_hashing = ""; // "Hashing your password, this might take some time."
out.login_hello = ""; // "Hello null,"
out.login_helloNoName = ""; // "Hello,"
out.login_accessDrive = ""; // "Access your drive"
out.login_orNoLogin = ""; // "or"
out.login_noSuchUser = ""; // "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up"
out.login_invalUser = ""; // "Username required"
out.login_invalPass = ""; // "Password required"
out.login_unhandledError = ""; // "An unexpected error occured :("
out.register_importRecent = ""; // "Import pad history (Recommended)"
out.register_acceptTerms = ""; // "I accept <a href='/terms.html'>the terms of service</a>"
out.register_rememberPassword = ""; // "I will remember my login name and password"
out.register_passwordsDontMatch = ""; // "Passwords do not match!"
out.register_mustAcceptTerms = ""; // "You must accept the terms of service."
out.register_mustRememberPass = ""; // "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm."
out.register_header = ""; // "Welcome to Cryptpad"
out.register_explanation = ""; // ["<p>Lets go over a couple things first</p>","<ul>","<li>Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</li>","<li>You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.</li>","<li>If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.</li>","</ul>"]
out.settings_title = ""; // "Settings"
out.settings_save = ""; // "Save"
out.settings_backupTitle = ""; // "Backup or restore all your data"
out.settings_backup = ""; // "Backup"
out.settings_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.settings_resetTitle = ""; // "Clean your drive"
out.settings_reset = ""; // "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetPrompt = ""; // "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?<br>Type “<em>I love CryptPad</em>” to confirm."
out.settings_resetDone = ""; // "Your drive is now empty!"
out.settings_resetTips = ""; // "Tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsButton = ""; // "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsDone = ""; // "All the tips are now visible again."
out.main_info = ""; // "<h1>Collaborate in Confidence</h1><br> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; even from us."
out.main_zeroKnowledge = ""; // "Zero Knowledge"
out.main_zeroKnowledge_p = ""; // "You don't have to trust that we <em>won't</em> look at your pads, with CryptPad's revolutionary Zero Knowledge Technology we <em>can't</em>. Learn more about how we protect your <a href=\"/privacy.html\" title='Privacy'>Privacy and Security</a>."
out.main_writeItDown = ""; // "Write it down"
out.main_writeItDown_p = ""; // "The greatest projects come from the smallest ideas. Take down the moments of inspiration and unexpected ideas because you never know which one might be a breakthrough."
out.main_share = ""; // "Share the link, share the pad"
out.main_share_p = ""; // "Grow your ideas together: conduct efficient meetings, collaborate on TODO lists and make quick presentations with all your friends and all your devices."
out.main_organize = ""; // "Get organized"
out.main_organize_p = ""; // "With CryptPad Drive, you can keep your sights on what's important. Folders allow you to keep track of your projects and have a global vision of where things are going."
out.main_richText = ""; // "Rich Text editor"
out.main_richText_p = ""; // "Edit rich text documents collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CkEditor</a> application."
out.main_code = ""; // "Code editor"
out.main_code_p = ""; // "Edit code from your software collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CodeMirror</a> application."
out.main_slide = ""; // "Slide editor"
out.main_slide_p = ""; // "Create your presentations using the Markdown syntax, and display them in your browser."
out.main_poll = ""; // "Polls"
out.main_poll_p = ""; // "Plan your meeting or your event, or vote for the best solution regarding your problem."
out.main_drive = ""; // "CryptDrive"
out.footer_applications = ""; // "Applications"
out.footer_contact = ""; // "Contact"
out.footer_aboutUs = ""; // "About us"
out.about = ""; // "About"
out.privacy = ""; // "Privacy" = ""; // "Contact"
out.terms = ""; // "ToS"
out.driveReadmeTitle = ""; // "What is CryptDrive?"
out.driveReadme_h1 = ""; // "Welcome to CryptPad"
out.driveReadme_li1 = ""; // "CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place"
out.driveReadme_li1_1 = ""; // "Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc."
out.driveReadme = ""; // "[\"BODY\",{\"class\":\"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders\",\"contenteditable\":\"true\",\"spellcheck\":\"false\",\"style\":\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\"},[[\"H1\",{},[\"Welcome to CryptPad\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place\",[\"BR\",{},[]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc.\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]]]]]]]]],{\"metadata\":{\"defaultTitle\":\"What is CryptDrive?\",\"title\":\"What is CryptDrive?\"}}]"
// TODO: These keys are not needed anymore and should be removed (es)
// out.errorBox_errorType_disconnected = "";
// out.errorBox_errorExplanation_disconnected = "";
// out.shareView = "";
// out.shareEdit = "";
// out.back = "";
// out.backToCryptpad = "";
// out.userButton = "";
// out.userButtonTitle = "";
// out.renameButton = "";
// out.renameButtonTitle = "";
// out.renamePrompt = "";
// out.renameConflict = "";
// out.shareButtonTitle = "";
// out.shareFailed = "";
// out.commitButton = "";
// out.getViewButton = "";
// out.getViewButtonTitle = "";
// out.readonlyUrl = "";
// out.copyReadOnly = "";
// out.openReadOnly = "";
// out.recentPads = "";
// out.loginText = "";
// out.forget = "";
// out.poll_p_howtouse = "";
// out.promptName = "";
// out.poll_addUserButton = "";
// out.poll_addUserButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButton = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOption = "";
// out.poll_addUser = "";
// out.poll_removeOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_removeUserTitle = "";
// out.poll_editOption = "";
// out.poll_editOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_editUser = "";
// out.poll_editUserTitle = "";
// out.main_p1 = "";
// out.main_p2 = "";
// out.main_howitworks_p1 = "";
// out.main_about = "";
// out.main_about_p1 = "";
// out.main_about_p2 = "";
// out.table_type = "";
// out.table_link = "";
// out.table_created = "";
// out.table_last = "";
* pl
out.updated_common_connectionLostAndInfo = ""; // "<b>Server Connection Lost</b><br>You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back."
out.websocketError = ""; // "Unable to connect to the websocket server..."
out.typeError = ""; // "That realtime document is not compatible with the selected application"
out.onLogout = ""; // "You are logged out, <a href=\"/\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to log in<br>or press <em>Escape</em> to access your pad in read-only mode."
out.loading = ""; // "Loading..."
out.error = ""; // "Error"
out.language = ""; // "Language"
out.user_rename = ""; // "Change display name"
out.user_displayName = ""; // "Display name"
out.user_accountName = ""; // "Account name"
out.newButton = ""; // "New"
out.newButtonTitle = ""; // "Create a new document"
out.cancel = ""; // "Cancel"
out.poll_publish_button = ""; // "Publish"
out.poll_admin_button = ""; // "Admin"
out.poll_create_user = ""; // "Add a new user"
out.poll_create_option = ""; // "Add a new option"
out.poll_commit = ""; // "Commit"
out.fm_rootName = ""; // "Documents"
out.fm_trashName = ""; // "Trash"
out.fm_unsortedName = ""; // "Unsorted files"
out.fm_filesDataName = ""; // "All files"
out.fm_templateName = ""; // "Templates"
out.fm_newButton = ""; // "New"
out.fm_newFolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fm_folder = ""; // "Folder"
out.fm_folderName = ""; // "Folder name"
out.fm_numberOfFolders = ""; // "# of folders"
out.fm_numberOfFiles = ""; // "# of files"
out.fm_fileName = ""; // "File name"
out.fm_title = ""; // "Title"
out.fm_lastAccess = ""; // "Last access"
out.fm_creation = ""; // "Creation"
out.fm_forbidden = ""; // "Forbidden action"
out.fm_originalPath = ""; // "Original path"
out.fm_noname = ""; // "Untitled Document"
out.fm_emptyTrashDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?"
out.fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove these null elements from the trash permanently?"
out.fm_removePermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove that element permanently?"
out.fm_removeSeveralDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move these null elements to the trash?"
out.fm_removeDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move null to the trash?"
out.fm_restoreDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to restore null to its previous location?"
out.fm_unknownFolderError = ""; // "The selected or last visited directory no longer exist. Opening the parent folder..."
out.fm_contextMenuError = ""; // "Unable to open the context menu for that element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_selectError = ""; // "Unable to select the targetted element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_info_root = ""; // "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files."
out.fm_info_unsorted = ""; // "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\"."
out.fm_info_template = ""; // "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new document."
out.fm_info_trash = ""; // "Files deleted from the trash are also removed from \"All files\" and it is impossible to recover them from the file manager."
out.fm_info_allFiles = ""; // "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here."
out.fm_alert_backupUrl = ""; // "Backup URL for this drive.<br>It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep ip for yourself only.<br>You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>Anybody with that URL can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"fm_backupUrl\" value=\"null\"/>"
out.fm_backup_title = ""; // "Backup URL"
out.fm_nameFile = ""; // "How would you like to name that file?"
out.fc_newfolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fc_rename = ""; // "Rename"
out.fc_open = ""; // "Open"
out.fc_open_ro = ""; // "Open (read-only)"
out.fc_delete = ""; // "Delete"
out.fc_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.fc_remove = ""; // "Delete permanently"
out.fc_empty = ""; // "Empty the trash"
out.fc_prop = ""; // "Properties"
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = ""; // "You can't move a folder to the list of unsorted pads"
out.fo_existingNameError = ""; // "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one."
out.fo_moveFolderToChildError = ""; // "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants"
out.fo_unableToRestore = ""; // "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location."
out.fo_unavailableName = ""; // "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again."
out.login_login = ""; // "Log in"
out.login_makeAPad = ""; // "Create a pad anonymously"
out.login_nologin = ""; // "Browse local pads"
out.login_register = ""; // "Sign up"
out.logoutButton = ""; // "Log out"
out.settingsButton = ""; // "Settings"
out.login_username = ""; // "Username"
out.login_password = ""; // "Password"
out.login_confirm = ""; // "Confirm your password"
out.login_remember = ""; // "Remember me"
out.login_hashing = ""; // "Hashing your password, this might take some time."
out.login_hello = ""; // "Hello null,"
out.login_helloNoName = ""; // "Hello,"
out.login_accessDrive = ""; // "Access your drive"
out.login_orNoLogin = ""; // "or"
out.login_noSuchUser = ""; // "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up"
out.login_invalUser = ""; // "Username required"
out.login_invalPass = ""; // "Password required"
out.login_unhandledError = ""; // "An unexpected error occured :("
out.register_importRecent = ""; // "Import pad history (Recommended)"
out.register_acceptTerms = ""; // "I accept <a href='/terms.html'>the terms of service</a>"
out.register_rememberPassword = ""; // "I will remember my login name and password"
out.register_passwordsDontMatch = ""; // "Passwords do not match!"
out.register_mustAcceptTerms = ""; // "You must accept the terms of service."
out.register_mustRememberPass = ""; // "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm."
out.register_header = ""; // "Welcome to Cryptpad"
out.register_explanation = ""; // ["<p>Lets go over a couple things first</p>","<ul>","<li>Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</li>","<li>You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.</li>","<li>If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.</li>","</ul>"]
out.settings_title = ""; // "Settings"
out.settings_save = ""; // "Save"
out.settings_backupTitle = ""; // "Backup or restore all your data"
out.settings_backup = ""; // "Backup"
out.settings_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.settings_resetTitle = ""; // "Clean your drive"
out.settings_reset = ""; // "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetPrompt = ""; // "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?<br>Type “<em>I love CryptPad</em>” to confirm."
out.settings_resetDone = ""; // "Your drive is now empty!"
out.settings_resetTips = ""; // "Tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsButton = ""; // "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsDone = ""; // "All the tips are now visible again."
out.main_info = ""; // "<h1>Collaborate in Confidence</h1><br> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; even from us."
out.main_zeroKnowledge = ""; // "Zero Knowledge"
out.main_zeroKnowledge_p = ""; // "You don't have to trust that we <em>won't</em> look at your pads, with CryptPad's revolutionary Zero Knowledge Technology we <em>can't</em>. Learn more about how we protect your <a href=\"/privacy.html\" title='Privacy'>Privacy and Security</a>."
out.main_writeItDown = ""; // "Write it down"
out.main_writeItDown_p = ""; // "The greatest projects come from the smallest ideas. Take down the moments of inspiration and unexpected ideas because you never know which one might be a breakthrough."
out.main_share = ""; // "Share the link, share the pad"
out.main_share_p = ""; // "Grow your ideas together: conduct efficient meetings, collaborate on TODO lists and make quick presentations with all your friends and all your devices."
out.main_organize = ""; // "Get organized"
out.main_organize_p = ""; // "With CryptPad Drive, you can keep your sights on what's important. Folders allow you to keep track of your projects and have a global vision of where things are going."
out.main_richText = ""; // "Rich Text editor"
out.main_richText_p = ""; // "Edit rich text documents collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CkEditor</a> application."
out.main_code = ""; // "Code editor"
out.main_code_p = ""; // "Edit code from your software collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CodeMirror</a> application."
out.main_slide = ""; // "Slide editor"
out.main_slide_p = ""; // "Create your presentations using the Markdown syntax, and display them in your browser."
out.main_poll = ""; // "Polls"
out.main_poll_p = ""; // "Plan your meeting or your event, or vote for the best solution regarding your problem."
out.main_drive = ""; // "CryptDrive"
out.footer_applications = ""; // "Applications"
out.footer_contact = ""; // "Contact"
out.footer_aboutUs = ""; // "About us"
out.about = ""; // "About"
out.privacy = ""; // "Privacy" = ""; // "Contact"
out.terms = ""; // "ToS"
out.driveReadmeTitle = ""; // "What is CryptDrive?"
out.driveReadme_h1 = ""; // "Welcome to CryptPad"
out.driveReadme_li1 = ""; // "CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place"
out.driveReadme_li1_1 = ""; // "Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc."
out.driveReadme = ""; // "[\"BODY\",{\"class\":\"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders\",\"contenteditable\":\"true\",\"spellcheck\":\"false\",\"style\":\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\"},[[\"H1\",{},[\"Welcome to CryptPad\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place\",[\"BR\",{},[]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc.\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]]]]]]]]],{\"metadata\":{\"defaultTitle\":\"What is CryptDrive?\",\"title\":\"What is CryptDrive?\"}}]"
// TODO: These keys are not needed anymore and should be removed (pl)
// out.errorBox_errorType_disconnected = "";
// out.errorBox_errorExplanation_disconnected = "";
// out.shareView = "";
// out.shareEdit = "";
// out.back = "";
// out.backToCryptpad = "";
// out.userButton = "";
// out.userButtonTitle = "";
// out.renameButton = "";
// out.renameButtonTitle = "";
// out.renamePrompt = "";
// out.renameConflict = "";
// out.shareButtonTitle = "";
// out.shareFailed = "";
// out.commitButton = "";
// out.getViewButton = "";
// out.getViewButtonTitle = "";
// out.readonlyUrl = "";
// out.copyReadOnly = "";
// out.openReadOnly = "";
// out.recentPads = "";
// out.loginText = "";
// out.forget = "";
// out.poll_p_howtouse = "";
// out.promptName = "";
// out.poll_addUserButton = "";
// out.poll_addUserButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButton = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOption = "";
// out.poll_addUser = "";
// out.poll_removeOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_removeUserTitle = "";
// out.poll_editOption = "";
// out.poll_editOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_editUser = "";
// out.poll_editUserTitle = "";
// out.main_p1 = "";
// out.main_p2 = "";
// out.main_howitworks_p1 = "";
// out.main_about = "";
// out.main_about_p1 = "";
// out.main_about_p2 = "";
// out.table_type = "";
// out.table_link = "";
// out.table_created = "";
// out.table_last = "";
* de
out.updated_common_connectionLostAndInfo = ""; // "<b>Server Connection Lost</b><br>You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back."
out.websocketError = ""; // "Unable to connect to the websocket server..."
out.typeError = ""; // "That realtime document is not compatible with the selected application"
out.onLogout = ""; // "You are logged out, <a href=\"/\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to log in<br>or press <em>Escape</em> to access your pad in read-only mode."
out.loading = ""; // "Loading..."
out.error = ""; // "Error"
out.language = ""; // "Language"
out.user_rename = ""; // "Change display name"
out.user_displayName = ""; // "Display name"
out.user_accountName = ""; // "Account name"
out.newButton = ""; // "New"
out.newButtonTitle = ""; // "Create a new document"
out.cancel = ""; // "Cancel"
out.poll_publish_button = ""; // "Publish"
out.poll_admin_button = ""; // "Admin"
out.poll_create_user = ""; // "Add a new user"
out.poll_create_option = ""; // "Add a new option"
out.poll_commit = ""; // "Commit"
out.fm_rootName = ""; // "Documents"
out.fm_trashName = ""; // "Trash"
out.fm_unsortedName = ""; // "Unsorted files"
out.fm_filesDataName = ""; // "All files"
out.fm_templateName = ""; // "Templates"
out.fm_newButton = ""; // "New"
out.fm_newFolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fm_folder = ""; // "Folder"
out.fm_folderName = ""; // "Folder name"
out.fm_numberOfFolders = ""; // "# of folders"
out.fm_numberOfFiles = ""; // "# of files"
out.fm_fileName = ""; // "File name"
out.fm_title = ""; // "Title"
out.fm_lastAccess = ""; // "Last access"
out.fm_creation = ""; // "Creation"
out.fm_forbidden = ""; // "Forbidden action"
out.fm_originalPath = ""; // "Original path"
out.fm_noname = ""; // "Untitled Document"
out.fm_emptyTrashDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?"
out.fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove these null elements from the trash permanently?"
out.fm_removePermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove that element permanently?"
out.fm_removeSeveralDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move these null elements to the trash?"
out.fm_removeDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move null to the trash?"
out.fm_restoreDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to restore null to its previous location?"
out.fm_unknownFolderError = ""; // "The selected or last visited directory no longer exist. Opening the parent folder..."
out.fm_contextMenuError = ""; // "Unable to open the context menu for that element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_selectError = ""; // "Unable to select the targetted element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_info_root = ""; // "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files."
out.fm_info_unsorted = ""; // "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\"."
out.fm_info_template = ""; // "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new document."
out.fm_info_trash = ""; // "Files deleted from the trash are also removed from \"All files\" and it is impossible to recover them from the file manager."
out.fm_info_allFiles = ""; // "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here."
out.fm_alert_backupUrl = ""; // "Backup URL for this drive.<br>It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep ip for yourself only.<br>You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>Anybody with that URL can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"fm_backupUrl\" value=\"null\"/>"
out.fm_backup_title = ""; // "Backup URL"
out.fm_nameFile = ""; // "How would you like to name that file?"
out.fc_newfolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fc_rename = ""; // "Rename"
out.fc_open = ""; // "Open"
out.fc_open_ro = ""; // "Open (read-only)"
out.fc_delete = ""; // "Delete"
out.fc_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.fc_remove = ""; // "Delete permanently"
out.fc_empty = ""; // "Empty the trash"
out.fc_prop = ""; // "Properties"
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = ""; // "You can't move a folder to the list of unsorted pads"
out.fo_existingNameError = ""; // "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one."
out.fo_moveFolderToChildError = ""; // "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants"
out.fo_unableToRestore = ""; // "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location."
out.fo_unavailableName = ""; // "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again."
out.login_login = ""; // "Log in"
out.login_makeAPad = ""; // "Create a pad anonymously"
out.login_nologin = ""; // "Browse local pads"
out.login_register = ""; // "Sign up"
out.logoutButton = ""; // "Log out"
out.settingsButton = ""; // "Settings"
out.login_username = ""; // "Username"
out.login_password = ""; // "Password"
out.login_confirm = ""; // "Confirm your password"
out.login_remember = ""; // "Remember me"
out.login_hashing = ""; // "Hashing your password, this might take some time."
out.login_hello = ""; // "Hello null,"
out.login_helloNoName = ""; // "Hello,"
out.login_accessDrive = ""; // "Access your drive"
out.login_orNoLogin = ""; // "or"
out.login_noSuchUser = ""; // "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up"
out.login_invalUser = ""; // "Username required"
out.login_invalPass = ""; // "Password required"
out.login_unhandledError = ""; // "An unexpected error occured :("
out.register_importRecent = ""; // "Import pad history (Recommended)"
out.register_acceptTerms = ""; // "I accept <a href='/terms.html'>the terms of service</a>"
out.register_rememberPassword = ""; // "I will remember my login name and password"
out.register_passwordsDontMatch = ""; // "Passwords do not match!"
out.register_mustAcceptTerms = ""; // "You must accept the terms of service."
out.register_mustRememberPass = ""; // "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm."
out.register_header = ""; // "Welcome to Cryptpad"
out.register_explanation = ""; // ["<p>Lets go over a couple things first</p>","<ul>","<li>Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</li>","<li>You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.</li>","<li>If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.</li>","</ul>"]
out.settings_title = ""; // "Settings"
out.settings_save = ""; // "Save"
out.settings_backupTitle = ""; // "Backup or restore all your data"
out.settings_backup = ""; // "Backup"
out.settings_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.settings_resetTitle = ""; // "Clean your drive"
out.settings_reset = ""; // "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetPrompt = ""; // "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?<br>Type “<em>I love CryptPad</em>” to confirm."
out.settings_resetDone = ""; // "Your drive is now empty!"
out.settings_resetTips = ""; // "Tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsButton = ""; // "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsDone = ""; // "All the tips are now visible again."
out.main_info = ""; // "<h1>Collaborate in Confidence</h1><br> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; even from us."
out.main_zeroKnowledge = ""; // "Zero Knowledge"
out.main_zeroKnowledge_p = ""; // "You don't have to trust that we <em>won't</em> look at your pads, with CryptPad's revolutionary Zero Knowledge Technology we <em>can't</em>. Learn more about how we protect your <a href=\"/privacy.html\" title='Privacy'>Privacy and Security</a>."
out.main_writeItDown = ""; // "Write it down"
out.main_writeItDown_p = ""; // "The greatest projects come from the smallest ideas. Take down the moments of inspiration and unexpected ideas because you never know which one might be a breakthrough."
out.main_share = ""; // "Share the link, share the pad"
out.main_share_p = ""; // "Grow your ideas together: conduct efficient meetings, collaborate on TODO lists and make quick presentations with all your friends and all your devices."
out.main_organize = ""; // "Get organized"
out.main_organize_p = ""; // "With CryptPad Drive, you can keep your sights on what's important. Folders allow you to keep track of your projects and have a global vision of where things are going."
out.main_richText = ""; // "Rich Text editor"
out.main_richText_p = ""; // "Edit rich text documents collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CkEditor</a> application."
out.main_code = ""; // "Code editor"
out.main_code_p = ""; // "Edit code from your software collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CodeMirror</a> application."
out.main_slide = ""; // "Slide editor"
out.main_slide_p = ""; // "Create your presentations using the Markdown syntax, and display them in your browser."
out.main_poll = ""; // "Polls"
out.main_poll_p = ""; // "Plan your meeting or your event, or vote for the best solution regarding your problem."
out.main_drive = ""; // "CryptDrive"
out.footer_applications = ""; // "Applications"
out.footer_contact = ""; // "Contact"
out.footer_aboutUs = ""; // "About us"
out.about = ""; // "About"
out.privacy = ""; // "Privacy" = ""; // "Contact"
out.terms = ""; // "ToS"
out.driveReadmeTitle = ""; // "What is CryptDrive?"
out.driveReadme_h1 = ""; // "Welcome to CryptPad"
out.driveReadme_li1 = ""; // "CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place"
out.driveReadme_li1_1 = ""; // "Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc."
out.driveReadme = ""; // "[\"BODY\",{\"class\":\"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders\",\"contenteditable\":\"true\",\"spellcheck\":\"false\",\"style\":\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\"},[[\"H1\",{},[\"Welcome to CryptPad\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place\",[\"BR\",{},[]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc.\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]]]]]]]]],{\"metadata\":{\"defaultTitle\":\"What is CryptDrive?\",\"title\":\"What is CryptDrive?\"}}]"
// TODO: These keys are not needed anymore and should be removed (de)
// out.errorBox_errorType_disconnected = "";
// out.errorBox_errorExplanation_disconnected = "";
// out.shareView = "";
// out.shareEdit = "";
// out.back = "";
// out.backToCryptpad = "";
// out.userButton = "";
// out.userButtonTitle = "";
// out.renameButton = "";
// out.renameButtonTitle = "";
// out.renamePrompt = "";
// out.renameConflict = "";
// out.shareButtonTitle = "";
// out.shareFailed = "";
// out.commitButton = "";
// out.getViewButton = "";
// out.getViewButtonTitle = "";
// out.readonlyUrl = "";
// out.copyReadOnly = "";
// out.openReadOnly = "";
// out.recentPads = "";
// out.loginText = "";
// out.forget = "";
// out.poll_p_howtouse = "";
// out.promptName = "";
// out.poll_addUserButton = "";
// out.poll_addUserButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButton = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOption = "";
// out.poll_addUser = "";
// out.poll_removeOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_removeUserTitle = "";
// out.poll_editOption = "";
// out.poll_editOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_editUser = "";
// out.poll_editUserTitle = "";
// out.main_p1 = "";
// out.main_p2 = "";
// out.main_howitworks_p1 = "";
// out.main_about = "";
// out.main_about_p1 = "";
// out.main_about_p2 = "";
// out.table_type = "";
// out.table_link = "";
// out.table_created = "";
// out.table_last = "";
* pt-br
out.updated_common_connectionLostAndInfo = ""; // "<b>Server Connection Lost</b><br>You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back."
out.websocketError = ""; // "Unable to connect to the websocket server..."
out.typeError = ""; // "That realtime document is not compatible with the selected application"
out.onLogout = ""; // "You are logged out, <a href=\"/\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> to log in<br>or press <em>Escape</em> to access your pad in read-only mode."
out.loading = ""; // "Loading..."
out.error = ""; // "Error"
out.language = ""; // "Language"
out.user_rename = ""; // "Change display name"
out.user_displayName = ""; // "Display name"
out.user_accountName = ""; // "Account name"
out.newButton = ""; // "New"
out.newButtonTitle = ""; // "Create a new document"
out.cancel = ""; // "Cancel"
out.poll_publish_button = ""; // "Publish"
out.poll_admin_button = ""; // "Admin"
out.poll_create_user = ""; // "Add a new user"
out.poll_create_option = ""; // "Add a new option"
out.poll_commit = ""; // "Commit"
out.fm_rootName = ""; // "Documents"
out.fm_trashName = ""; // "Trash"
out.fm_unsortedName = ""; // "Unsorted files"
out.fm_filesDataName = ""; // "All files"
out.fm_templateName = ""; // "Templates"
out.fm_newButton = ""; // "New"
out.fm_newFolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fm_folder = ""; // "Folder"
out.fm_folderName = ""; // "Folder name"
out.fm_numberOfFolders = ""; // "# of folders"
out.fm_numberOfFiles = ""; // "# of files"
out.fm_fileName = ""; // "File name"
out.fm_title = ""; // "Title"
out.fm_lastAccess = ""; // "Last access"
out.fm_creation = ""; // "Creation"
out.fm_forbidden = ""; // "Forbidden action"
out.fm_originalPath = ""; // "Original path"
out.fm_noname = ""; // "Untitled Document"
out.fm_emptyTrashDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?"
out.fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove these null elements from the trash permanently?"
out.fm_removePermanentlyDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to remove that element permanently?"
out.fm_removeSeveralDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move these null elements to the trash?"
out.fm_removeDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to move null to the trash?"
out.fm_restoreDialog = ""; // "Are you sure you want to restore null to its previous location?"
out.fm_unknownFolderError = ""; // "The selected or last visited directory no longer exist. Opening the parent folder..."
out.fm_contextMenuError = ""; // "Unable to open the context menu for that element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_selectError = ""; // "Unable to select the targetted element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page."
out.fm_info_root = ""; // "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files."
out.fm_info_unsorted = ""; // "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\"."
out.fm_info_template = ""; // "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new document."
out.fm_info_trash = ""; // "Files deleted from the trash are also removed from \"All files\" and it is impossible to recover them from the file manager."
out.fm_info_allFiles = ""; // "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here."
out.fm_alert_backupUrl = ""; // "Backup URL for this drive.<br>It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you keep ip for yourself only.<br>You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.<br>Anybody with that URL can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"fm_backupUrl\" value=\"null\"/>"
out.fm_backup_title = ""; // "Backup URL"
out.fm_nameFile = ""; // "How would you like to name that file?"
out.fc_newfolder = ""; // "New folder"
out.fc_rename = ""; // "Rename"
out.fc_open = ""; // "Open"
out.fc_open_ro = ""; // "Open (read-only)"
out.fc_delete = ""; // "Delete"
out.fc_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.fc_remove = ""; // "Delete permanently"
out.fc_empty = ""; // "Empty the trash"
out.fc_prop = ""; // "Properties"
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = ""; // "You can't move a folder to the list of unsorted pads"
out.fo_existingNameError = ""; // "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one."
out.fo_moveFolderToChildError = ""; // "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants"
out.fo_unableToRestore = ""; // "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location."
out.fo_unavailableName = ""; // "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again."
out.login_login = ""; // "Log in"
out.login_makeAPad = ""; // "Create a pad anonymously"
out.login_nologin = ""; // "Browse local pads"
out.login_register = ""; // "Sign up"
out.logoutButton = ""; // "Log out"
out.settingsButton = ""; // "Settings"
out.login_username = ""; // "Username"
out.login_password = ""; // "Password"
out.login_confirm = ""; // "Confirm your password"
out.login_remember = ""; // "Remember me"
out.login_hashing = ""; // "Hashing your password, this might take some time."
out.login_hello = ""; // "Hello null,"
out.login_helloNoName = ""; // "Hello,"
out.login_accessDrive = ""; // "Access your drive"
out.login_orNoLogin = ""; // "or"
out.login_noSuchUser = ""; // "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up"
out.login_invalUser = ""; // "Username required"
out.login_invalPass = ""; // "Password required"
out.login_unhandledError = ""; // "An unexpected error occured :("
out.register_importRecent = ""; // "Import pad history (Recommended)"
out.register_acceptTerms = ""; // "I accept <a href='/terms.html'>the terms of service</a>"
out.register_rememberPassword = ""; // "I will remember my login name and password"
out.register_passwordsDontMatch = ""; // "Passwords do not match!"
out.register_mustAcceptTerms = ""; // "You must accept the terms of service."
out.register_mustRememberPass = ""; // "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm."
out.register_header = ""; // "Welcome to Cryptpad"
out.register_explanation = ""; // ["<p>Lets go over a couple things first</p>","<ul>","<li>Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.</li>","<li>You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.</li>","<li>If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.</li>","</ul>"]
out.settings_title = ""; // "Settings"
out.settings_save = ""; // "Save"
out.settings_backupTitle = ""; // "Backup or restore all your data"
out.settings_backup = ""; // "Backup"
out.settings_restore = ""; // "Restore"
out.settings_resetTitle = ""; // "Clean your drive"
out.settings_reset = ""; // "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetPrompt = ""; // "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?<br>Type “<em>I love CryptPad</em>” to confirm."
out.settings_resetDone = ""; // "Your drive is now empty!"
out.settings_resetTips = ""; // "Tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsButton = ""; // "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive"
out.settings_resetTipsDone = ""; // "All the tips are now visible again."
out.main_info = ""; // "<h1>Collaborate in Confidence</h1><br> Grow your ideas together with shared documents while <strong>Zero Knowledge</strong> technology secures your privacy; even from us."
out.main_zeroKnowledge = ""; // "Zero Knowledge"
out.main_zeroKnowledge_p = ""; // "You don't have to trust that we <em>won't</em> look at your pads, with CryptPad's revolutionary Zero Knowledge Technology we <em>can't</em>. Learn more about how we protect your <a href=\"/privacy.html\" title='Privacy'>Privacy and Security</a>."
out.main_writeItDown = ""; // "Write it down"
out.main_writeItDown_p = ""; // "The greatest projects come from the smallest ideas. Take down the moments of inspiration and unexpected ideas because you never know which one might be a breakthrough."
out.main_share = ""; // "Share the link, share the pad"
out.main_share_p = ""; // "Grow your ideas together: conduct efficient meetings, collaborate on TODO lists and make quick presentations with all your friends and all your devices."
out.main_organize = ""; // "Get organized"
out.main_organize_p = ""; // "With CryptPad Drive, you can keep your sights on what's important. Folders allow you to keep track of your projects and have a global vision of where things are going."
out.main_richText = ""; // "Rich Text editor"
out.main_richText_p = ""; // "Edit rich text documents collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CkEditor</a> application."
out.main_code = ""; // "Code editor"
out.main_code_p = ""; // "Edit code from your software collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CodeMirror</a> application."
out.main_slide = ""; // "Slide editor"
out.main_slide_p = ""; // "Create your presentations using the Markdown syntax, and display them in your browser."
out.main_poll = ""; // "Polls"
out.main_poll_p = ""; // "Plan your meeting or your event, or vote for the best solution regarding your problem."
out.main_drive = ""; // "CryptDrive"
out.footer_applications = ""; // "Applications"
out.footer_contact = ""; // "Contact"
out.footer_aboutUs = ""; // "About us"
out.about = ""; // "About"
out.privacy = ""; // "Privacy" = ""; // "Contact"
out.terms = ""; // "ToS"
out.driveReadmeTitle = ""; // "What is CryptDrive?"
out.driveReadme_h1 = ""; // "Welcome to CryptPad"
out.driveReadme_li1 = ""; // "CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place"
out.driveReadme_li1_1 = ""; // "Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc."
out.driveReadme = ""; // "[\"BODY\",{\"class\":\"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders\",\"contenteditable\":\"true\",\"spellcheck\":\"false\",\"style\":\"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\"},[[\"H1\",{},[\"Welcome to CryptPad\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place\",[\"BR\",{},[]],[\"UL\",{},[[\"LI\",{},[\"Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc.\",[\"BR\",{},[]]]]]]]]]]],{\"metadata\":{\"defaultTitle\":\"What is CryptDrive?\",\"title\":\"What is CryptDrive?\"}}]"
// TODO: These keys are not needed anymore and should be removed (pt-br)
// out.errorBox_errorType_disconnected = "";
// out.errorBox_errorExplanation_disconnected = "";
// out.shareView = "";
// out.shareEdit = "";
// out.back = "";
// out.backToCryptpad = "";
// out.userButton = "";
// out.userButtonTitle = "";
// out.renameButton = "";
// out.renameButtonTitle = "";
// out.renamePrompt = "";
// out.renameConflict = "";
// out.shareButtonTitle = "";
// out.shareFailed = "";
// out.commitButton = "";
// out.getViewButton = "";
// out.getViewButtonTitle = "";
// out.readonlyUrl = "";
// out.copyReadOnly = "";
// out.openReadOnly = "";
// out.recentPads = "";
// out.loginText = "";
// out.forget = "";
// out.poll_p_howtouse = "";
// out.promptName = "";
// out.poll_addUserButton = "";
// out.poll_addUserButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButton = "";
// out.poll_addOptionButtonTitle = "";
// out.poll_addOption = "";
// out.poll_addUser = "";
// out.poll_removeOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_removeUserTitle = "";
// out.poll_editOption = "";
// out.poll_editOptionTitle = "";
// out.poll_editUser = "";
// out.poll_editUserTitle = "";
// out.main_p1 = "";
// out.main_p2 = "";
// out.main_howitworks_p1 = "";
// out.main_about = "";
// out.main_about_p1 = "";
// out.main_about_p2 = "";
// out.table_type = "";
// out.table_link = "";
// out.table_created = "";
// out.table_last = "";
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