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Last active March 26, 2017 22:01
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Attempting to port the examples in to Haskell

NOTE: This has been moved to a repo proper.


  1. If I were better at Lens, it would probably make this much shorter. Alas.

  2. The "Graph", once I was done implementing all the way to Example, only needed to be a map of { Id: Vertex a } (where a is whatever data you care about). So I ripped out the Arrays and simplified the pointers from the JavaScript version. A lack of mutability actually forced me to this (IMO better) direction, FWIW.

  3. The vertices can be traversed by their edges and those edge's Id pointers. And so a "Query" is just a monadic building up of results while traversing. Again, I feel Lens (well, Prisms) would fit really well here, but I don't know them.

  4. All discussion of non-strict semantics and the related machinery is unneeded; the accumlated results are lazy so there's no need to implement all the pipetype or gremlin stuff to get the needed non-strict semantics.

  5. I'm pretty sure layering in the filter, map, and alias stuff will be trivial, so I might not even do it:

    -- Transformations
    mapQ = modify . map
    filterQ pred = modify $ filter pred
    -- Aliases
    parents = out
    grandParents = out >> out
  6. I find the in/out terminology very confusing and error-prone, I wonder if the type system can help here. If you aren't careful, you can easily introduce a logic error without the type-checker noticing (because a result of following "in" vs "out" would still be the right type, even if it was the wrong direction).

module Dagoba.Elements
( Id
, Vertex(..)
, vertex
, Edge(..)
, to
) where
type Id = Int
data Vertex a = Vertex
{ vId :: Id
, vValue :: a
, vIn :: [Edge]
, vOut :: [Edge]
vertex :: Id -> a -> Vertex a
vertex i a = Vertex i a [] []
instance Show a => Show (Vertex a) where
show v = "{ " ++ show (vValue v) ++ " }"
data Edge = Edge
{ eIn :: Id
, eOut :: Id
-- Instead of saying "Edge 1 2", we can say "1 `to` 2"
to :: Id -> Id -> Edge
to = Edge
module Dagoba.Graph
( Graph
, empty
, findVertextById
, filterVertices
, addVertices
, addEdges
) where
import Dagoba.Elements
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
newtype Graph a = Graph { gVerticesById :: M.Map Id (Vertex a) }
empty :: Graph a
empty = Graph M.empty
findVertextById :: Graph a -> Id -> Maybe (Vertex a)
findVertextById g i = M.lookup i $ gVerticesById g
filterVertices :: (a -> Bool) -> Graph a -> [Vertex a]
filterVertices pred = M.elems . M.filter (pred . vValue) . gVerticesById
addVertices :: [Vertex a] -> Graph a -> Graph a
addVertices = flip $ foldr addVertex
addEdges :: [Edge] -> Graph a -> Graph a
addEdges = flip $ foldr addEdge
-- N.B. clobbers existing values
addVertex :: Vertex a -> Graph a -> Graph a
addVertex v g = g { gVerticesById = M.insert (vId v) v $ gVerticesById g }
-- Returns graph as-is if identified vertices are not present
addEdge :: Edge -> Graph a -> Graph a
addEdge e@(Edge i o) g = fromMaybe g $ do
evi <- findVertextById g i
evo <- findVertextById g o
let vertices =
[ evi { vIn = e : vIn evi }
, evo { vOut = e : vOut evo }
return $ addVertices vertices g
module Dagoba.Query
( Query
, runQuery
, val
, out
, in_
) where
import Dagoba.Elements
import Dagoba.Graph
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-- | The Query Monad
-- Each query action can read and write the current (lazy) results, or ask for
-- the original graph.
type Query a = StateT [Vertex a] (Reader (Graph a)) ()
-- | Run a query on a graph for the results
runQuery :: Graph a -> Query a -> [Vertex a]
runQuery g f = runReader (execStateT f []) g
-- | Begin a query on the given vertex
val :: Eq a => a -> Query a
val a = put . filterVertices (== a) =<< lift ask
-- | Update results to those vertices with edges pointed at us
out :: Query a
out = followEdges vOut eIn
-- | Update results to those vertices to which our edges point
-- N.B. "in" is a keyword, unfortunately
in_ :: Query a
in_ = followEdges vIn eOut
followEdges :: (Vertex a -> [Edge]) -> (Edge -> Id) -> Query a
followEdges fv fe = do
g <- lift ask
modify $ mapMaybe (findVertextById g . fe) . concatMap fv
module Main where
import Dagoba.Elements
import Dagoba.Graph
import Dagoba.Query
import Data.Function ((&))
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- parents: [Mom, Dad]
print $ runQuery graph $ do
val "Me"
-- children: [Bro, Me]
print $ runQuery graph $ do
val "Mom"
-- siblings: [Bro, Me, Bro, Me]
print $ runQuery graph $ do
val "Me"
-- cousins: [Cuz, Bro, Me]
print $ runQuery graph $ do
val "Me"
graph :: Graph String
graph = empty
& addVertices
[ vertex 1 "Me"
, vertex 2 "Mom"
, vertex 3 "Dad"
, vertex 4 "Bro"
, vertex 5 "Uncle"
, vertex 6 "Cuz"
, vertex 7 "Gran"
& addEdges
[ 2 `to` 1 -- The rents to me
, 3 `to` 1
, 2 `to` 4 -- The rents to my brother
, 3 `to` 4
, 7 `to` 2 -- Gran to my mom and her brother
, 7 `to` 5
, 5 `to` 6 -- My uncle's kid
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