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Forked from imath/bp-custom.php
Created May 11, 2018 01:45
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This a snippet to auto join "just activated" members in one or more BuddyPress groups.
if ( ! class_exists( 'Imath_Auto_Join_Groups' ) ) :
* AutoJoin new members to chosen groups
* This is a little snippet, feel free to :
* - use it
* - extend it..
* - copy it...
* - build a plugin out of it :)
* But sorry, i have no time to support it :(
class Imath_Auto_Join_Groups {
* Start the class.
* @access public
* @uses buddypress() to get BuddyPress main instance.
* @static
public static function start_groups_autojoin() {
// Bail if groups component is not active
if ( ! bp_is_active( 'groups' ) ) {
return false;
$bp = buddypress();
if ( empty( $bp->groups->imath_aj ) ) {
$bp->groups->imath_aj = new self;
return $bp->groups->imath_aj;
* Construct.
* @access public
public function __construct() {
* Set Globals
* Using public here so that filters can be reached
* @access public
public function setup_globals() {
// What are the auto joinable groups ?
$this->group_ids = bp_get_option( 'imath_aj_group_ids', array() );
// Use the filter or directly edit in favor of your language..
// Sorry, this is a quick snippet so i won't handle internationalisation.
$this->bulk_label_set = apply_filters( 'imath_aj_bulk_label_set', __( 'Set as Auto-join', 'imath-aj' ) );
$this->bulk_label_unset = apply_filters( 'imath_aj_bulk_label_unset', __( 'Unset as Auto-join', 'imath-aj' ) );
$this->status_label = apply_filters( 'imath_aj_status_label', __( 'Auto-join', 'imath-aj' ) );
* Define hooks ( actions & filters )
* Using public here so that filters can be reached
* @access private
private function setup_hooks() {
/** "Create" the UI to define the autojoin groups *****************************/
* We will use the Groups Admin Panel within WordPress Administration
* > add a new bulk actions to available ones (by default BuddyPress only have the bulk delete one)
* > add an info near the group visibity status (is auto join ?)
// Add a bulk action in the groups admin panel to define auto joinable groups.
add_filter( 'bp_groups_list_table_get_bulk_actions', array( $this, 'bulk_auto_join' ), 10, 1 );
// Should probably create a new WP List Table column, but, hey! This is a quick snippet ;)
// So i'll use the visibility status column of the groups admin panel
add_filter( 'bp_groups_admin_get_group_status', array( $this, 'auto_join_status'), 10, 2 );
// Process autojoin / unautojoin
add_action( 'bp_groups_admin_load', array( $this, 'handle_bulk_auto_join' ), 10, 1 );
/** Auto join new members *****************************************************/
// Catch user just after activation
add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', array( $this, 'autojoin_user' ), 11, 1 );
* New bulk actions
* @access public
* @param array $bulk_actions list of available bulk actions
* @return array same list with our actions added
public function bulk_auto_join( $bulk_actions = array() ) {
return array_merge( $bulk_actions, array(
'autojoin' => $this->bulk_label_set,
'unautojoin' => $this->bulk_label_unset
) );
* Info to inform the "row" group is autojoin
* @access public
* @param string $group_status visibility of the group
* @param array $group the row group
* @return string same visibility with our autojoin info added
public function auto_join_status( $group_status = '', $group = array() ) {
if ( ! empty( $group['id'] ) && in_array( $group['id'], $this->group_ids ) ) {
$group_status .= '<br/><span class="attention">' . esc_html( $this->status_label ) . '</span>';
return $group_status;
* Process the bulk actions and gives a feedback to admins
* @access public
* @param string $do_action the bulk actions beeing requested
public function handle_bulk_auto_join( $do_action = '' ) {
/** Admin Feedback ************************************************************/
// First, let's check the url to see if bulk have been processed
if ( ! empty( $_GET['updated'] ) && 'aj' == $_GET['updated'] ) {
// Get the result message
$feedback = (array) get_transient( '_imath_aj_feedback' );
// This should never happen..
if ( empty( $feedback ) ) {
// Delete the feedback transient
delete_transient( '_imath_aj_feedback' );
// Init the notice
$admin_notice = '';
$feedback_type = array_keys( $feedback );
// Build the message
// arhg sorry for internationalisation :(
switch ( $feedback_type[0] ) {
case 'autojoin' :
$admin_notice = sprintf( __( 'Number of groups added to autojoins: %s', 'imath-aj' ), intval( $feedback['autojoin'] ) );
case 'unautojoin' :
$admin_notice = sprintf( __( 'Number of groups removed from autojoins: %s', 'imath-aj' ), intval( $feedback['unautojoin'] ) );
case 'error' :
$admin_notice = __( 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'imath-aj' );
// Using bp_core_add_admin_notice() is convenient ;)
if ( ! empty( $admin_notice ) ) {
bp_core_add_admin_notice( $admin_notice );
/** Bulk actions **************************************************************/
// Bail if not our targetted bulk actions or no group to auto join
if ( ! in_array( $do_action, array( 'autojoin', 'unautojoin' ) ) || empty( $_GET['gid'] ) ) {
// Global bulk nonce check ( "bulk-" . plural argument of WP_Liste_Table item )
check_admin_referer( 'bulk-groups' );
// Build redirect url
$admin_url = admin_url( 'admin.php' );
// BuddyPress is network activated ?
if ( bp_core_do_network_admin() ) {
$admin_url = network_admin_url( 'admin.php' );
$redirect = add_query_arg( array(
'page' => 'bp-groups',
'updated' => 'aj'
), $admin_url );
// Init the feedback message type
$feedback_message = array( 'error' => 1 );
// Get the group ids
$group_ids = wp_parse_id_list( $_GET['gid'] );
// Process
if ( ! empty( $group_ids ) ) {
foreach ( (array) $group_ids as $key => $group_id ) {
// Already in & autojoin action : no need to add the group
// unset to have the correct count
if ( in_array( $group_id, $this->group_ids ) && 'autojoin' == $do_action ) {
unset( $group_ids[ $key ] );
// Not in & unautojoin action : no need to remove from the group
if ( ! in_array( $group_id, $this->group_ids ) && 'unautojoin' == $do_action ) {
unset( $group_ids[ $key ] );
// Prepare the updated autojoin groups
$groups = array();
if ( 'autojoin' == $do_action ) {
$groups = array_merge( $this->group_ids, $group_ids );
} else {
$groups = array_diff( $this->group_ids, $group_ids );
if ( bp_update_option( 'imath_aj_group_ids', $groups ) ) {
$feedback_message = array( $do_action => count( $group_ids ) );
} else {
$feedback_message = array( 'error' => $do_action );
// Set a transient for the feedback message
set_transient( '_imath_aj_feedback', $feedback_message, 30 );
// Finally safely redirect the admin
bp_core_redirect( $redirect );
* Autojoin new member to the groups
* @access public
* @param int $user_id the just activated user id
public function autojoin_user( $user_id = 0 ) {
// YeeeeAH no user stop!
if ( empty( $user_id ) ) {
// UhhOuu no autojoin stop!
if ( empty( $this->group_ids ) ) {
// Before we go.. let's check the groups still exist...
$groups = groups_get_groups( array(
'include' => (array) $this->group_ids,
'show_hidden' => true,
'per_page' => false,
) );
// Dang autojoin groups have disappeared!
if ( empty( $groups['groups'] ) ) {
// Now we can safely add the user to groups
foreach ( $groups['groups'] as $group ) {
groups_join_group( $group->id, $user_id );
endif; // class_exists check
// Load the auto join class
add_action( 'bp_init', array( 'Imath_Auto_Join_Groups', 'start_groups_autojoin' ) );
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