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Last active May 29, 2020 12:57
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  • Save pburkholder/bdffb295bbac4caee4ae86d69671a3be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pburkholder/bdffb295bbac4caee4ae86d69671a3be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gitleak whitelist commit bug demo
REPO_PATH=$(mktemp -d "/tmp/gittest.XXXXXX")
echo ====== using REPO_PATH $REPO_PATH =====
pushd $REPO_PATH
git init .
git config --local hooks.gitleaks false; # Needed for my local test
git add README
git commit -m "Initial commit"
echo "innocuous" >> README
git commit -am "Add something safe"
git commit -am "Add another leak"
cat >gitleaks.toml <<END
description = "generic secret regex"
regex = '''(SECRET|PASSWORD)'''
tags = ["secret", "example"]
echo ====== git leaks should find two leaks =====
gitleaks --repo-path=$REPO_PATH --config=gitleaks.toml
# get first commit
first=$(git --git-dir=$REPO_PATH/.git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)
# get last commit
last=$(git --git-dir=$REPO_PATH/.git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD)
cat >>gitleaks.toml <<END
commits = [
echo ====== git leaks should find zero leaks =====
gitleaks --repo-path=$REPO_PATH --config=gitleaks.toml --verbose --pretty
rm -rf $REPO_PATH
$ ./
====== using REPO_PATH /tmp/gittest.CviCwN =====
/tmp/gittest.CviCwN ~/tmp/gitleak_bug
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/gittest.CviCwN/.git/
[master (root-commit) c60cc34] Initial commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 README
[master 898280b] Add something safe
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[master daa2527] Add another leak
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
====== git leaks should find two leaks =====
WARN[2020-05-29T08:07:26-04:00] 2 leaks detected. 3 commits audited in 2 milliseconds 595 microseconds
====== git leaks should find zero leaks =====
"line": "SECRET",
"offender": "SECRET",
"commit": "c60cc343f4819d867ef2d6ec0b2b699b0f96e2d6",
"repo": "gittest.CviCwN",
"rule": "generic secret regex",
"commitMessage": "Initial commit\n",
"author": "Peter Burkholder",
"email": "",
"file": "README",
"date": "2020-05-29T08:07:26-04:00",
"tags": "secret, example"
WARN[2020-05-29T08:07:26-04:00] 1 leaks detected. 2 commits audited in 4 milliseconds 436 microseconds
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