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mailman % makepkg (gcarrier@snibbits:~/mailman x86_64)
==> Making package: mailman 2.1.12rc2-1 x86_64 (Sat Feb 7 01:56:00 CET 2009)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Missing Dependencies:
-> error:
-> could
-> not
-> open
-> file
-> /var/lib/pacman/local/soprano-2.2-1/depends:
Remove_formula=Supprimer la formule
Update_formula=Mettre à jour la formule
Create_formula=Créer une formule
Formula=Formule :
Formula_definition_for_attribute=Définition de la formule pour l'attribut :
/bin/sh -c /Users/gcarrier/Documents/adiumx/build/
The following build commands failed:
CpResource "build/Release-Debug/ Dock Icon Images" "Resources/en.lproj/Shared Dock Icon Images"
CpResource "build/Release-Debug/ Dock Icon Images" "Resources/sl.lproj/Shared Dock Icon Images"
CpResource "build/Release-Debug/ Dock Icon Images" "Resources/fi.lproj/Shared Dock Icon Images"
CpResource "build/Release-Debug/ Dock Icon Images" "Resources/en_GB.lproj/Shared Dock Icon Images"
CpResource "build/Release-Debug/ Dock Icon Images" "Resources/el_GR.lproj/Shared Dock Icon Images"
guess = function(a,b)
return a==0 and b
or b==0 and a
or a>b and guess(a-b,b)
or guess(a,b-a)
function guess2(a,b)
if (a==0) then
return b
function pack(...)
return arg
end --function
function as_table(s)
return pack(s:byte(1, #s))
end --function
function min(t)
local min = t[1]
local function pack(...)
return arg
end --function
local function as_table(s)
return pack(s:byte(1, #s))
end --function
-- Levenshtein distance
local function distance_between_words(t1,t2)
<span class="analyzed icon">
<%= i18n.analyzed.section %>
<div class="inner">
<div class="list">
<% if(@analyzed and @analyzed.length != 0) - %>
[1234] means 1234 represented on 32 bits
# indicates a comment
We escape:
- \ as \\
- character 0 as \0
- literal [, ] as \[, \]
- classical \ (\->\\, char 0 as \0, etc.)
- # as \#
pcarrier / recursive_mkdir.rb
Created June 27, 2011 16:05
def self.mkdir_p(path)
path_acc = ''
path = File.join Dir.pwd, path if path[0] != ?/
path.split(File::SEPARATOR).grep(/./).collect do |name|
path_acc += File::SEPARATOR+ name
end.each do |dir|
begin Dir.mkdir(dir) rescue Errno::EEXIST end
pcarrier / fun.rb
Created June 30, 2011 19:08
Run this in Ruby and enjoy.
def easier_life
nilmm = NilClass.instance_method(:method_missing)
NilClass.send :define_method, :method_missing, lambda {|*whatev|}
NilClass.send :define_method, :method_missing, nilmm
def broken_code
[:only_item][10].oops.thats.very.wrong :with, :arguments