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Created August 18, 2015 19:04
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  • Save pcasaretto/b9f1a699c2a925c1a26b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pcasaretto/b9f1a699c2a925c1a26b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pensarios em que precisamo fazer para chegar no plateau e quanto tempo ele levaria na media
dai poderiamos direcionar produto e cosultorias nisso
Time to first N sales?
Time to first N opportunities?
blacklist:, Shared
blacklist:, Shared
blacklist:, Shared
blacklist:, Shared
blacklist: , Shared
blacklist:, Shared
blacklist:, Shared
select * into temp all_dates from (
select date_trunc('month', current_date - (a.a + (10*b.a)+ (100*c.a)) * INTERVAL '1' MONTH) as mes
from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c
) i;
select id_conta,
abs(((extract( year FROM l.created_at ) - extract( year FROM a.created_at )) *12) + extract(MONTH FROM l.created_at ) - extract(MONTH FROM a.created_at )) age,
count( total
from accounts a
inner join all_dates
inner join leads_managers lm on lm.account_id =
left join leads l on l.leads_manager_id =
group by 1
limit 100;
select * into temp all_dates from (
select date_trunc('month', current_date - (a.a + (10*b.a)+ (100*c.a)) * INTERVAL '1' MONTH) as mes
from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c
) i;
select * into temp leads_per_month from
(select id_conta, date_trunc('month', l.created_at) mes_lead, count(*) total
from accounts a
inner join leads_managers lm on lm.account_id =
inner join leads l on l.leads_manager_id =
group by 1,2) l;
create index leads_per_month_id_mes on leads_per_month(id_conta, mes_lead);
create index leads_per_month_id on leads_per_month(id_conta);
select * into temp leads_by_month_by_account from (select id_conta, cliente,
date_trunc('month', a.created_at) criacao,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at) = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_1,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '1 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_2,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '2 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_3,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '3 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_4,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '4 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_5,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '5 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_6,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '6 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_7,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '7 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_8,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '8 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_9,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '9 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_10,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '10 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_11,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '11 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_12,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '12 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_13,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '13 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_14,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '14 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_15,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '15 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_16,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '16 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_17,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '17 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_18,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '18 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_19,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '19 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_20,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '20 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_21,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '21 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_22,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '22 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_23,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '23 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_24,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '24 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_25,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '25 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_26,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '26 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_27,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '27 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_28,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '28 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_29,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '29 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_30,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '30 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_31,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '31 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_32,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '32 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_33,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '33 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_34,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '34 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_35,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '35 month') >= date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_36
from accounts a
inner join (
select lm.id_conta, ad.mes,
from all_dates ad
left join leads_per_month lm on lm.mes_lead = ad.mes
) as totals on totals.id_conta =
group by 1,2,3
order by 1,3) aaa;
-- select criacao,
-- count(distinct id_conta) total,
-- sum(case when mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes1,
-- sum(case when mes_3 > 1 then 1 end) mes3,
-- sum(case when mes_4 > 1 then 1 end) mes4,
-- sum(case when mes_5 > 1 then 1 end) mes5,
-- sum(case when mes_6 > 1 then 1 end) mes6,
-- sum(case when mes_7 > 1 then 1 end) mes7,
-- sum(case when mes_8 > 1 then 1 end) mes8,
-- sum(case when mes_9 > 1 then 1 end) mes9,
-- sum(case when mes_10 > 1 then 1 end) mes10,
-- sum(case when mes_12 > 1 then 1 end) mes12,
-- sum(case when mes_13 > 1 then 1 end) mes13,
-- sum(case when mes_14 > 1 then 1 end) mes14,
-- sum(case when mes_15 > 1 then 1 end) mes15,
-- sum(case when mes_16 > 1 then 1 end) mes16,
-- sum(case when mes_17 > 1 then 1 end) mes17,
-- sum(case when mes_18 > 1 then 1 end) mes18,
-- sum(case when mes_19 > 1 then 1 end) mes19,
-- sum(case when mes_20 > 1 then 1 end) mes20,
-- sum(case when mes_22 > 1 then 1 end) mes22,
-- sum(case when mes_23 > 1 then 1 end) mes23,
-- sum(case when mes_24 > 1 then 1 end) mes24
-- from leads_by_month_by_account
-- group by 1
-- order by 1;
-- select criacao,
-- count(distinct id_conta) total,
-- sum(case when mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes1,
-- sum(case when mes_2 > 1 and mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes2,
-- sum(case when mes_3 > 1 and mes_2 > 1 then 1 end) mes3
-- from leads_by_month_by_account
-- group by 1
-- order by 1;
\copy (select criacao, count(distinct id_conta) total, sum(case when mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes1, sum(case when mes_3 > 1 then 1 end) mes3, sum(case when mes_4 > 1 then 1 end) mes4, sum(case when mes_5 > 1 then 1 end) mes5, sum(case when mes_6 > 1 then 1 end) mes6, sum(case when mes_7 > 1 then 1 end) mes7, sum(case when mes_8 > 1 then 1 end) mes8, sum(case when mes_9 > 1 then 1 end) mes9, sum(case when mes_10 > 1 then 1 end) mes10, sum(case when mes_12 > 1 then 1 end) mes12, sum(case when mes_13 > 1 then 1 end) mes13, sum(case when mes_14 > 1 then 1 end) mes14, sum(case when mes_15 > 1 then 1 end) mes15, sum(case when mes_16 > 1 then 1 end) mes16, sum(case when mes_17 > 1 then 1 end) mes17, sum(case when mes_18 > 1 then 1 end) mes18, sum(case when mes_19 > 1 then 1 end) mes19, sum(case when mes_20 > 1 then 1 end) mes20, sum(case when mes_22 > 1 then 1 end) mes22, sum(case when mes_23 > 1 then 1 end) mes23, sum(case when mes_24 > 1 then 1 end) mes24 from leads_by_month_by_account group by 1 order by 1) to '/tmp/lead_gen_activation.csv' with csv;
select * into temp all_dates from (
select date_trunc('month', current_date - (a.a + (10*b.a)+ (100*c.a)) * INTERVAL '1' MONTH) as mes
from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c
) i;
select * into temp leads_per_month from
(select id_conta, date_trunc('month', l.created_at) mes_lead, count(*) total
from accounts a
inner join leads_managers lm on lm.account_id =
left join leads l on l.leads_manager_id =
group by 1,2) l;
create index leads_per_month_id_mes on leads_per_month(id_conta, mes_lead);
create index leads_per_month_id on leads_per_month(id_conta);
select * into temp leads_by_month_by_account from (select id_conta, cliente,
date_trunc('month', a.created_at) criacao,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at) = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_1,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '1 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_2,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '2 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_3,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '3 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_4,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '4 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_5,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '5 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_6,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '6 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_7,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '7 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_8,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '8 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_9,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '9 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_10,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '10 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_11,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '11 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_12,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '12 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_13,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '13 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_14,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '14 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_15,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '15 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_16,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '16 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_17,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '17 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_18,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '18 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_19,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '19 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_20,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '20 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_21,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '21 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_22,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '22 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_23,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '23 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_24,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '24 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_25,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '25 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_26,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '26 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_27,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '27 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_28,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '28 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_29,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '29 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_30,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '30 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_31,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '31 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_32,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '32 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_33,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '33 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_34,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '34 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_35,
sum(case when date_trunc('month', a.created_at + interval '35 month') = date_trunc('month', totals.mes) then end) mes_36
from accounts a
left join (
select lm.id_conta, ad.mes,
from all_dates ad
left join leads_per_month lm on lm.mes_lead = ad.mes
) as totals on totals.id_conta = and totals.mes between date_trunc('month', a.created_at) and date_trunc('month', a.created_at + 36 * interval '1' month)
group by 1,2,3
order by 1,3) aaa;
\copy (select * from leads_by_month_by_account) to '~/Desktop/leadgen.csv' with csv header;
/*select criacao,
count(distinct id_conta) total,
sum(case when mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes1,
sum(case when mes_3 > 1 then 1 end) mes3,
sum(case when mes_4 > 1 then 1 end) mes4,
sum(case when mes_5 > 1 then 1 end) mes5,
sum(case when mes_6 > 1 then 1 end) mes6,
sum(case when mes_7 > 1 then 1 end) mes7,
sum(case when mes_8 > 1 then 1 end) mes8,
sum(case when mes_9 > 1 then 1 end) mes9,
sum(case when mes_10 > 1 then 1 end) mes10,
sum(case when mes_12 > 1 then 1 end) mes12,
sum(case when mes_13 > 1 then 1 end) mes13,
sum(case when mes_14 > 1 then 1 end) mes14,
sum(case when mes_15 > 1 then 1 end) mes15,
sum(case when mes_16 > 1 then 1 end) mes16,
sum(case when mes_17 > 1 then 1 end) mes17,
sum(case when mes_18 > 1 then 1 end) mes18,
sum(case when mes_19 > 1 then 1 end) mes19,
sum(case when mes_20 > 1 then 1 end) mes20,
sum(case when mes_22 > 1 then 1 end) mes22,
sum(case when mes_23 > 1 then 1 end) mes23,
sum(case when mes_24 > 1 then 1 end) mes24
from leads_by_month_by_account
group by 1
order by 1;*/
-- select criacao,
-- count(distinct id_conta) total,
-- sum(case when mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes1,
-- sum(case when mes_2 > 1 and mes_1 > 1 then 1 end) mes2,
-- sum(case when mes_3 > 1 and mes_2 > 1 then 1 end) mes3
-- from leads_by_month_by_account
-- group by 1
-- order by 1;
create temp table first_sales as
select lm_id, min( first_sale, min(lh.created_at) created_at from lead_lifecycle_histories lh
inner join leads_managers lm on = lh.leads_manager_id
where lh.type = 'Lead::LifecycleHistory::MarkedSaleHistory'
group by 1;
(extract(year from fs.created_at) - extract(year from acc.created_at))*12 +
(extract(month from fs.created_at) - extract(month from acc.created_at)) sales_lead_time
from accounts acc
inner join leads_managers lm on lm.account_id =
inner join first_sales fs on fs.lm_id =;
create temp table results as
select, count( from accounts a
inner join leads_managers lm on lm.account_id =
left join lead_lifecycle_histories lh on lh.leads_manager_id =
AND lh.type = 'Lead::LifecycleHistory::MarkedSaleHistory'
group by 1
order by 1;
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