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Created March 12, 2020 16:34
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  • Save pcdavid/d316c849f2f2191adc3304ab15518cc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pcdavid/d316c849f2f2191adc3304ab15518cc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
readonly PLATFORM="${1:-2019-06}"
readonly SUITE="${2:-junit}"
readonly COMMIT="$(git describe)"
readonly NAME="sirius-tests_${COMMIT}_${SUITE}"
readonly IMAGE="eclipsesirius/build:1.1"
readonly TARGET="$HOME/tmp/$NAME"
mkdir -p "$TARGET"
git show HEAD > "$TARGET/commit.txt"
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven clean
docker run --rm --name="$NAME" \
-p 32001:5900 \
-e GOAL="verify" \
-e FAIL_AT_END="true" \
-v "$HOME/.m2:/sirius/.m2" \
-v "$PWD:/sirius/git" \
"$IMAGE" 2>&1 | tee "$TARGET/${NAME}.log"
cp $(find "$PWD" -name "org_eclipse*.txt" -o -name "TEST*xml" -o -name "org.eclipse.sirius.tests*.txt") "$TARGET"
find . -name ".*log" | while read -r f; do cp "$f" "${TARGET}/error$(basename "${f}").txt"; done
notify-send "$NAME finished"
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