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# Author: Trevor Sullivan
# Date: October 28, 2009
# Lessons learned:
# 1. ADSI property names are lower case using DirectorySearcher or DirectoryEntry
# 2. Must explicitly cast 64-bit integers from AD
# 3. The Excel API is terrible (already knew that) #
# Change Log:
# 2009-11-06
# -Added: function to delete objects from SCCM (untested)
# -Added: User variables at top of script to ease usage
# -Added: function to auto-detect SCCM site code, based on server name
# -Added: Windows Vista accounts to search criteria
# -Fixed: Replaced -bxor operator with -bor to prevent computer accounts
# from being re-enabled
# -Fixed: Casted [void] from loading Excel Interop assembly to prevent
# Assembly object from being written to pipeline
### Populate these variables please.
$ExcelLog = $Env:USERPROFILE + '' + (Get-Date).ToString().Replace("/","-").Replace(":","") + " AD Workstation Cleanup.xlsx"
# Full path to save Excel log to
$TargetDn = 'cn=computers,dc=ts,dc=loc'
# Top-level distinguishedName
$DisabledDn = 'ou=Disabled,ou=Workstations,dc=ts,dc=;pc'
# OU to place disabled accounts into
$DisableAge = 60
# Age (in days) of computer account, to be disabled
$DeleteAge = 30
# Age of computer account (<DisabledDate> + X) to delete computer accounts
$SccmServer = 'sccm01'
# The server on which your SMS Provider component is installed
$BreakStuff = $false
# If set to $true, the script WILL TAKE ACTION!
$Debug = $false
# Enables additional logging to file and stdout
function DisableOldAccounts(${TargetDn}, ${DisableAge} = 60) {
${Computers} = GetComputerList ${TargetDn}
foreach (${Computer} in ${Computers}) {
# PwdLastSet is a 64-bit integer that indicates the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since 12:00 AM January 1st, 1601
# The FromFileTime method converts a 64-bit integer to datetime
${PwdLastSet} = [DateTime]::FromFileTime([Int64]"$(${Computer}.Properties['pwdlastset'])")
${CompAge} = ([DateTime]::Now - $PwdLastSet).Days
if (${CompAge} -gt ${DisableAge}) {
LogMessage "$($Computer.Properties['cn']) age is ${CompAge}. Account will be disabled" 2
WriteDisabledEntry $Computer.Properties['cn'].Item(0) $CompAge $Computer.Properties['distinguishedname'].Item(0) $DisabledDn
DisableAccount $Computer.Properties['distinguishedname'].Item(0)
else {
LogMessage "$($Computer.Properties['cn'].Item(0)) age is ${CompAge}, $($Computer.Properties['pwdlastset'].Item(0)), ${PwdLastSet}" 1
# Gets a full list of computer accounts from the target distinguishedName defined at the top of the script
function GetComputerList($TargetDn) {
# Define the LDAP search syntax filter to locate workstation objects.
# See this link for info:
${tFilter} = '(&(objectClass=computer)(|(operatingSystem=Windows 2000 Professional)(operatingSystem=Windows XP*)(operatingSystem=*Vista*)(operatingSystem=Windows 7*)))'
# Create a DirectorySearcher using filter defined above
${Searcher} = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $tFilter
# Set the search root to the distinguishedName specified in the function parameter
${Searcher}.SearchRoot = "LDAP://${TargetDn}"
# Search current container and all subcontainers
${Searcher}.SearchScope = [System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope]::Subtree
# See this link for info on why this next line is necessary:
${Searcher}.PageSize = 1000
$Results = $Searcher.FindAll()
LogMessage "Found $($Results.Count) computer accounts to evaluate for disablement" 1
return $Results
# Set description on computer account, disable it, and move it to the Disabled OU
function DisableAccount($dn) {
# LogMessage "DisableAccount method called with param: ${dn}" 1
# Get a reference to the object at <distinguishedName>
$comp = [adsi]"LDAP://${dn}"
# Disable the account
# LogMessage "userAccountControl ($($comp.Name)) is: $($comp.userAccountControl)"
$comp.userAccountControl = $comp.userAccountControl.Value -bor 2
# Write the current date to the description field
if ($comp.Description -ne '') {
LogMessage "Description attribute of ($comp.Name) is set to: $($comp.Description)" 2
$comp.Description = "$(([DateTime]::Now).ToShortDateString())"
# Uncomment these lines to write changes to Active Directory
if ($BreakStuff) {
[Void] $comp.SetInfo()
# Parameter ($DeleteAge): Days from disable date to delete computer account
function DeleteDisabledAccounts($DeleteAge) {
# Get reference to OU for disabled workstation accounts
${DisabledOu} = [adsi]"LDAP://${DisabledDn}"
${Searcher} = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher '(objectClass=computer)'
${Searcher}.SearchRoot = ${DisabledOu}
${Searcher}.SearchScope = [System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope]::Subtree
# Page size is used to return result count > default size limit on domain controllers.
# See:
${Searcher}.PageSize = 1000
LogMessage "Finding computers to evaluate for deletion in container: ${DisabledDn}" 1
${Computers} = ${Searcher}.FindAll()
foreach (${Computer} in ${Computers}) {
${DisableDate} = [DateTime]::Parse(${Computer}.Properties['description'])
trap {
LogMessage "Couldn't parse date for $($Computer.Properties['cn'])" 3
${CurrentAge} = ([DateTime]::Now - ${DisableDate}).Days
if (${CurrentAge} -gt ${DeleteAge}) {
LogMessage "$(${Computer}.Properties['cn']) age is ${CurrentAge} and will be deleted" 2
WriteDeletedEntry $Computer.Properties['cn'].Item(0) $CurrentAge $Computer.Properties['distinguishedname'].Item(0) "Note"
if ($BreakStuff) {
$DisabledOu.Delete('computer', 'CN=' + ${Computer}.Properties['cn'])
RemoveFromSccm ${Computer}.Properties['cn'] $SccmServer
else {
LogMessage "$(${Computer}.Properties['cn']) age is ${CurrentAge} and will not be deleted" 1
# Purpose: This function deletes a resource from the Configuration Manager database
function RemoveFromSccm($tPcName, $tSiteServer) {
$tSysQuery = "select * from SMS_R_System where Name = '$tPcName'"
$tWmiNs = "rootsmssite_" + $Global:SccmSiteCode
if ($Debug) {
LogMessage "Site code is: $Global:SccmSiteCode" 1
LogMessage $tSysQuery 1
LogMessage "tSiteServer is: $tSiteServer" 1
LogMessage "tWmiNs is: $tWmiNs" 1
$Resources = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $tSiteServer -Namespace $tWmiNs -Query $tSysQuery
if ($Resources -eq $null) {
foreach ($Resource in $Resources) {
$AgentTime = $($Resource.AgentTime | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1)
$UserName = $Resource.LastLogonUserDomain + '' + $Resource.LastLogonUserName
# Log the deleted SCCM resource to the Excel log
WriteSccmDeletionEntry $Resource.ResourceID $Resource.Name $AgentTime $UserName
# This line deletes records from the ConfigMgr database
if ($BreakStuff) {
# Delete the resource from the ConfigMgr site server
# Purpose: This function looks up the site code for the SMS Provider, given a server name
function GetSiteCode($tSiteServer) {
# Dynamically obtain SMS provider location based only on server name
$tSiteCode = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $tSiteServer -Class SMS_ProviderLocation -Namespace rootsms).NamespacePath
# Return only the last 3 characters of the NamespacePath property, which indicates the site code
return $tSiteCode.SubString($tSiteCode.Length - 3).ToLower()
# This function logs a message to the console and a log file.
# Params:
# $tMessage = A string representing the message to be logged to the file & console
# $Severity = A integer from 1-3 representing the severity of the message: Info, Warning, Error
function LogMessage(${tMessage}, ${Severity}) {
switch(${Severity}) {
1 {
$LogPrefix = "INFO"
$fgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::Blue
$bgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::White
2 {
$LogPrefix = "WARNING"
$fgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::Black
$bgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow
3 {
$LogPrefix = "ERROR"
$fgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$bgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::Red
default {
$LogPrefix = "DEFAULT"
$fgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::Black
$bgcolor = [ConsoleColor]::White
if ($Debug) {
Add-Content -Path "AD-Workstation-Cleanup.log" -Value "$((Get-Date).ToString()) ${LogPrefix}: ${tMessage}"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $fgcolor -BackgroundColor $bgcolor -Object "$((Get-Date).ToString()) ${LogPrefix}: ${tMessage}"
function SetupExcel() {
LogMessage "Setting up Excel logging" 1
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel")
$Global:Excel = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass
$Excel.Visible = $true
$Global:Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
# Setup worksheet for deleted SCCM resource records
$Global:SccmResourceLog = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet3")
$SccmResourceLog.Name = "SCCM Resources"
$SccmResourceLog.Tab.ThemeColor = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlThemeColor]::xlThemeColorAccent3
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value2 = "Date"
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value2 = "Resource ID"
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value2 = "Name"
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item(1, 4).Value2 = "Last Agent Time"
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item(1, 5).Value2 = "Username"
$Global:tSccmResRow = 2
# Setup worksheet for disabled accounts
$Global:DisabledLog = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet2")
$DisabledLog.Tab.ThemeColor = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlThemeColor]::xlThemeColorAccent2
$DisabledLog.Name = "Disabled"
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value2 = "Date"
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value2 = "Name"
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value2 = "Age"
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item(1, 4).Value2 = "Source Container"
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item(1, 5).Value2 = "Destination Container"
$Global:tDisabledRow = 2
# Setup worksheet for deleted accounts log
$Global:DeletedLog = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
$DeletedLog.Tab.ThemeColor = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlThemeColor]::xlThemeColorAccent5
$DeletedLog.Name = "Deleted"
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value2 = "Date"
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value2 = "Name"
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value2 = "Age"
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item(1, 4).Value2 = "DN"
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item(1, 5).Value2 = "Note"
$Global:tDeletedRow = 2
# Writes an entry to the global variable used to reference the log for disabled accounts
function WriteDisabledEntry([string] $tName, $tAge, [string] $tSourceDn, [string] $tDestinationDn) {
#LogMessage "Writing disabled computer to Excel log: $tName" 1
#Write-Host "Value of tname is $tName"
#Write-Host "Value of tage is $tAge"
#Write-Host "Value of tsourcedn is $tSourceDn"
#Write-Host "Value of tDestinationDn is $tDestinationDn"
$tArrContainer = $tSourceDn.Split(",")
$tContainer = [string]::Join(",", ($tArrContainer | select -Last ($tArrContainer.Length - 1)))
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item($tDisabledRow, 1).Value2 = [DateTime]::Now.ToString()
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item($tDisabledRow, 2).Value2 = $tName
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item($tDisabledRow, 3).Value2 = $tAge
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item($tDisabledRow, 4).Value2 = $tContainer
$DisabledLog.Cells.Item($tDisabledRow, 5).Value2 = $tDestinationDn
# Writes an entry to the global variable used to reference the log for deleted accounts
function WriteDeletedEntry($tName, $tAge, $tDN, $tNote) {
#LogMessage "Writing deleted computer to Excel log: $tName" 1
#Write-Host "Value of tName is $tName"
#Write-Host "Value of tAge is $tAge"
#Write-Host "Value of tDN is $tDN"
#Write-Host "Value of tNote is $tNote"
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item($tDeletedRow,1).Value2 = [DateTime]::Now.ToString()
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item($tDeletedRow,2).Value2 = $tName.ToString()
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item($tDeletedRow,3).Value2 = $tAge.ToString()
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item($tDeletedRow,4).Value2 = $tDN.ToString()
$DeletedLog.Cells.Item($tDeletedRow,5).Value2 = $tNote.ToString()
function WriteSccmDeletionEntry($tResourceId, $tName, $tLastAgentTime, $tUserName) {
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item($tSccmResRow, 1).Value2 = [DateTime]::Now.ToString()
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item($tSccmResRow, 2).Value2 = $tResourceId
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item($tSccmResRow, 3).Value2 = $tName
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item($tSccmResRow, 4).Value2 = $tLastAgentTime
$SccmResourceLog.Cells.Item($tSccmResRow, 5).Value2 = $tUserName
function CloseExcel() {
# AutoFit the columns
foreach ($tSheet in $Workbook.Worksheets) {
[Void] $Excel.ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Columns.AutoFit()
[Void] $Excel.ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select()
$Global:ListObject = $Excel.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlListObjectSourceType]::xlSrcRange, $Excel.ActiveCell.CurrentRegion, $null ,[Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlYesNoGuess]::xlYes)
$ListObject.Name = "TableData"
$ListObject.TableStyle = "TableStyleLight9"
LogMessage "Saving and closing Excel workbook" 1
function Main() {
LogMessage "Beginning workstation account cleanup script" 1
# Retrieve SCCM site code from site server specified by user
$Global:SccmSiteCode = GetSiteCode $SccmServer
# Setup Excel logging SetupExcel
# Delete accounts that have been disabled for X days
DeleteDisabledAccounts $DeleteAge
# Disable accounts that are older than X days
DisableOldAccounts $TargetDn $DisableAge
LogMessage "Completed workstation account cleanup script" 1
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