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Last active April 17, 2022 20:07
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Example of using blankly to decide trade based on all asset prices using a global state-list
Example of using blankly to decide trade based on all asset prices using a global state-list
import blankly
import numpy as np
# global list of StrategyStates, one per symbol (price_event)
states = []
def trade():
Example of how to decide a trade based on ALL strategyStates
# print('.') # represents 'update'
all_updated = all([s.variables['updated'] for s in states])
if not all_updated:
'''do a trade only after all symbols are updated for this 'round' '''
# print('T') # represents (attempted) 'trade'
rsi_values = np.array([blankly.indicators.rsi(list(s.variables['history']))[-1]
for s in states])
n_rsi_min = np.argmin(rsi_values)
n_rsi_max = np.argmax(rsi_values)
rsi_min = rsi_values[n_rsi_min]
rsi_max = rsi_values[n_rsi_max]
state_rsi_min = states[n_rsi_min]
state_rsi_max = states[n_rsi_max]
# try to buy the lowest rsi, sell the highest rsi, if conditions hold
if rsi_min < 30 and not state_rsi_min.variables['owns_position']:
s = state_rsi_min
price = s.variables['history'][-1]
buy = blankly.trunc(, 2)
if buy > 0:
s.interface.market_order(s.symbol, side='buy', size=buy)
s.variables['owns_position'] = True
elif rsi_max > 70 and state_rsi_max.variables['owns_position']:
s = state_rsi_max
curr_value = blankly.trunc(s.interface.account[s.base_asset].available, 2)
s.interface.market_order(s.symbol, side='sell', size=curr_value)
s.variables['owns_position'] = False
# now that the trade is done, we set "updated" to False for all symbols,
# so we're ready for the next trading round.
for s in states:
s.variables['updated'] = False
def price_event(price, symbol, state: blankly.StrategyState):
""" This function will give an updated price every 1d from our definition below """
state.variables['updated'] = True
# Determine what to trade based on ALL assets:
def init(symbol, state: blankly.StrategyState):
# Download price data to give context to the algo
global states
states += [state]
state.variables['history'] = state.interface.history(symbol, to=150, return_as='deque',
state.variables['owns_position'] = False
state.variables['updated'] = False # has the price been updated in a trading round
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Authenticate coinbase pro strategy
exchange = blankly.CoinbasePro()
# Use our strategy helper on coinbase pro
strategy = blankly.Strategy(exchange)
# Run the price event function every time we check for a new price - by default that is 15 seconds
strategy.add_price_event(price_event, symbol='BTC-USD', resolution='1d', init=init)
strategy.add_price_event(price_event, symbol='ETH-USD', resolution='1d', init=init)
strategy.add_price_event(price_event, symbol='ADA-USD', resolution='1d', init=init)
# Start the strategy. This will begin each of the price event ticks
# strategy.start()
# Or backtest using this
results = strategy.backtest(to='1y', initial_values={'USD': 10000})
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