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Created November 27, 2019 21:47
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# params array
define('PARAMS', array('to', 'from', 'amnt', 'format'));
# error_hash to hold error numbers and messages
define ('ERROR_HASH', array(
1000 => 'Required parameter is missing',
1100 => 'Parameter not recognized',
1200 => 'Currency type not recognized',
1300 => 'Currency amount must be a decimal number',
1400 => 'Format must be xml or json',
1500 => 'Error in Service',
2000 => 'Action not recognized or is missing',
2100 => 'Currency code in wrong format or is missing',
2200 => 'Currency code not found for update',
2300 => 'No rate listed for currency',
2400 => 'Cannot update base currency',
2500 => 'Error in service'
if (!isset($_GET['format']) || empty($_GET['format'])) {
$_GET['format'] = 'xml';
# ensure PARAM values match the keys in $GET
if (count(array_intersect(PARAMS, array_keys($_GET))) < 4) {
echo generate_error(1000, $_GET['format']);
# ensure no extra params
if (count($_GET) > 4) {
echo generate_error(1100, $_GET['format']);
# validate parameter values
# load the rates file as a simple xml object
# xpath the codes of the rates which are live
$rates = $xml->xpath("//rate[@live='1']/@code");
# create a php array of these codes
foreach ($rates as $key=>$val) {$codes[] =(string) $val;}
# $to and $from are not recognized currencies
if (!in_array($_GET['to'], $codes) || !in_array($_GET['from'], $codes)) {
echo generate_error(1200, $_GET['format']);
# $amnt is not a two digit decimal value (can be integer)
if (!preg_match('/^\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/', $_GET['amnt'])) {
echo generate_error(1300, $_GET['format']);
# set a constant array holding format vals
define('FRMTS', array('xml', 'json'));
# check for allowed format values
if (!in_array( $_GET['format'], FRMTS)) {
echo generate_error(1400);
# do coversion
# get the to and from rates
$fr = $xml->xpath("//rate[@code='" . $_GET['from'] . "']/@rate")[0]['rate'];
$tr = $xml->xpath("//rate[@code='" . $_GET['to'] . "']/@rate")[0]['rate'];
# if to and from are the same - set rate to 1.00
if ($_GET['from']==$_GET['to']) {
$rate = 1.00;
$conv = $_GET['amnt'];
else {
# calculate relative conversion rate
$rate = floatval($tr) / floatval($fr);
# calculate the conversion
$conv = $rate * $_GET['amnt'];
# build an array to send to the response function
$curr = simplexml_load_file('currencies.xml');
#get the timestamp (ts) from the rates file & format it
$resp['date_time'] = date('d M Y H:i', (string) $xml->xpath("/rates/@ts")[0]);
# get the rate
$resp['rate'] = $rate;
$resp['from_code'] = $_GET['from'];
$resp['from_curr'] = (string) $curr->xpath("//currency/cname[../ccode='". $_GET['from'] . "']")[0];
$resp['from_loc'] = (string) $curr->xpath("//currency/cntry[../ccode='". $_GET['from'] . "']")[0];
$resp['from_amnt'] = $_GET['amnt'];
$resp['to_code'] = $_GET['to'];
$resp['to_curr'] = (string) $curr->xpath("//currency/cname[../ccode='". $_GET['to'] . "']")[0];
$resp['to_loc'] = (string) $curr->xpath("//currency/cntry[../ccode='". $_GET['to'] . "']")[0];
$resp['to_amnt'] = $conv;
# make the response xml
$response = response_xml($resp);
# print the xml header and content
if ($_GET['format']=='xml') {
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->loadXML ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n" . $response);
$dom->formatOutput = true;
echo (string) $dom->saveXML();
else {
$json = simplexml_load_string('<conv>'.$response.'</conv>');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
# function to return xml or json errors
function generate_error($eno, $format='xml') {
$msg = ERROR_HASH["$eno"];
if ($format=='json') {
$json = array('conv' => array("code" => "$eno", "msg" => "$msg"));
$out = header('Content-Type: application/json');
$out .= json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
else {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
$xml .= '<conv><error>';
$xml .= '<code>' . $eno . '</code>';
$xml .= '<msg>' . $msg . '</msg>';
$xml .= '</error></conv>';
$out = header('Content-type: text/xml');
$out .= $xml;
return $out;
function response_xml (&$resp) {
$resp['from_loc'] = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $resp['from_loc']));
$resp['to_loc'] = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $resp['to_loc']));
$resp_xml = <<<__xml
return $resp_xml;
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