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Created June 6, 2024 19:01
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This script toggles the default audio output device between headphones and speakers on a Windows system.
# SwitchAudio.ps1
# This script toggles the default audio output device between headphones and speakers on a Windows system.
# Documentation:
# This script uses the AudioDeviceCmdlets PowerShell module to manage audio devices.
# It identifies the current default audio device and switches to the other specified device.
# Dependencies: AudioDeviceCmdlets module
# Step-by-step guide to set up and use this script:
# 1. Install AudioDeviceCmdlets Module
# Open PowerShell as an administrator and run the following command to install the AudioDeviceCmdlets module:
# Install-Module -Name AudioDeviceCmdlets -Scope CurrentUser -Force
# 2. Install BurntToast Module
# Run the following command to install the BurntToast module:
# Install-Module -Name BurntToast -Scope CurrentUser -Force
# 3. Discover Audio Devices
# Run the following command to list all audio devices and find the exact names of your headphone and speaker outputs:
# Get-AudioDevice -List
# 4. Update Device Names
# Replace "Realtek HD Audio 2nd output" and "Realtek High Definition Audio" with the names of your actual devices.
# Import necessary modules
Import-Module -Name AudioDeviceCmdlets
Import-Module -Name BurntToast
# Define the names of your audio devices
$headphones = "Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek(R) Audio)" # Replace with your headphone device name
$speakers = "LG Ultra HD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)" # Replace with your speaker device name
# Function to set the default audio device
function Set-DefaultAudioDevice {
param (
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Get the audio device matching the provided name
$device = Get-AudioDevice -List | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $deviceName }
if ($device) {
# Set the audio device as the default
Set-AudioDevice -Index $device.Index
# Show a toast notification
New-BurntToastNotification -Text "Audio Device Switched", "Switched to $deviceName"
Write-Output "Switched to $deviceName"
} else {
New-BurntToastNotification -Text "Audio Device Switch Error", "Device $deviceName not found"
Write-Output "Device $deviceName not found"
# Get the current default audio device
$currentDevice = (Get-AudioDevice -List | Where-Object { $_.Default -eq $true }).Name
# Toggle between headphones and speakers
if ($currentDevice -eq $headphones) {
Set-DefaultAudioDevice -deviceName $speakers
} else {
Set-DefaultAudioDevice -deviceName $headphones
# Running the Script:
# Save this script as SwitchAudio.ps1 in your scripts folder.
# To run the script, open PowerShell and navigate to the script directory, then execute:
# .\SwitchAudio.ps1
# Creating a Shortcut:
# To create a desktop shortcut that runs this script with a double-click:
# 1. Right-click on your desktop and select "New > Shortcut".
# 2. Enter the following location for the item:
# powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File "C:\Users\pchin\scripts\SwitchAudio.ps1"
# 3. Name your shortcut, such as "Switch Audio".
# 4. Click "Finish".
# This setup allows you to switch between your headphone and speaker outputs quickly without manually navigating through system settings.
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