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Created November 16, 2011 04:30
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GADT support in Scala
/** GADTs in Scala and their limitations */
/** Background: what is an algebraic data type (ADT) ?
* ADT: (possibly) recursive datatype with sums and products
* In scala - a trait with case classes (case class is product, subtyping is sum)
/** Motivation: untyped embedded DSL doesn't prevent nonsensical expressions */
sealed trait Expr {
def apply(other: Expr) = Ap(this, other)
def eval: Expr = this match {
case Ap(f,e) => f.eval match {
case Fn(f) => f(e).eval(e.eval).eval
case f2 => sys.error("application of non-function")
case _ => this
case class S(s: String) extends Expr
case class N(i: Int) extends Expr
case class Ap(f: Expr, arg: Expr) extends Expr
case class Fn(f: Expr => Expr) extends Expr
object Untyped {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val x = N(1)
val factorial = Fn { case N (i) => N ((1 to i).product) }
val f4 = factorial(x)
val f5 = factorial(S("hello world!")) // compiles fine!!! :(
println (f5.eval)
/** Generalized algebraic data types (GADTs) let you give a different type
* to each data constructor. Also, pattern matching on each data constructor
* allows you to recover and appropriately refine type information.
* (Scala does not fully support this)
trait Expr2[A] {
def eval: A
case class Atom2[A](a: A) extends Expr2[A] {
def eval = a
case class Ap2[A,B](f: Expr2[A => B], arg: Expr2[A]) extends Expr2[B] {
def eval = f.eval(arg.eval)
case class Fn2[A,B](f: Expr2[A] => Expr2[B]) extends Expr2[A => B] {
def eval = (a: A) => f(Atom2(a)).eval
object GADT1 {
/** This implementation also compiles - suggested by Mark Harrah.
* Note the use of (existential) type variables in pattern. */
def eval[A](e: Expr2[A]): A = e match {
case Atom2(a) => a
case Ap2(f,a) => eval(f)(eval(a))
case f: Fn2[a,b] => ((x:a) => eval(f.f(Atom2[a](x))))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val x = Atom2(4)
val factorial = Fn2 { (e: Expr2[Int]) => Atom2 ((1 to e.eval).product) }
val e = Ap2(factorial, x)
// val e2 = Ap2(factorial, Atom2("w00t")) // error!!
println (e.eval)
/** More problems with deep pattern matching and lack of type refinement in pattern matching */
/** GADTs for stream transforming functions */
trait F[A,B] {
def eval: List[A] => List[B]
// def optimize: F[A,B] = this
def pipe[C](f: F[B,C]): F[A,C] = Pipe(this, f)
def |[C](f: F[B,C]): F[A,C] = this pipe f
case class MapF[A,B](f: A => B) extends F[A,B] {
def eval = _ map f
override def pipe[C](g: F[B,C]) = g match {
case MapF(g) => MapF(f andThen g)
/** Commented out lines do not compile, the pattern match does not refine
* the type B to a (x,y) for some types, x, y */
// case g2: Flip[a,b] => MapF(f andThen (_.swap))
// case Flip() => MapF(f andThen (_.swap))
case _ => Pipe(this,g)
case class Par[A,B,C,D](f: F[A,B], g: F[C,D]) extends F[(A,C), (B,D)] {
def eval = l => f.eval( zip g.eval(
override def pipe[E](h: F[(B,D),E]) = h match {
case Par(f2, g2) => Par(f pipe f2, g pipe g2)
/** This code does not compile */
// case Pipe(Flip(), Par(g2,f2)) => Par(f pipe f2, g pipe g2) pipe Flip()
case _ => Pipe(this, h)
case class Flip[A,B]() extends F[(A,B),(B,A)] {
def eval = _ map { case (a,b) => (b,a) }
case class Pipe[A,B,C](f: F[A,B], g: F[B,C]) extends F[A,C] {
def eval = f.eval andThen g.eval
object GADT2 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val x = MapF((x: Int) => x+1)
val y = MapF((x: Int) => x*2)
val z = x.pipe(y).eval(List(1,2,3))
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Note that the following code works in Haskell:

-- provides swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
import Data.Tuple

data F a b where
  MapF :: (a -> b) -> F a b
  Pipe :: F a b -> F b c -> F a c
  Flip :: F (a,b) (b,a)

-- smart constructor for pipe, which does optimization
pipe (MapF f) Flip = MapF (swap . f)  
pipe f g           = Pipe f g

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