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Created December 27, 2011 23:05
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Programmatic translation to iteratees from pull-based code
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ImplicitParams #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- Skip nodes let us do filtering without lookahead
-- uncons is then a simple loop that removes any Skip nodes
data Step a s = Empty | Yield a s | Skip s
newtype ListT f a = ListT { runListT :: f (Step a (ListT f a)) }
instance Monad f => Monad (ListT f) where
return a = ListT (return (Yield a empty))
(ListT s) >>= f = ListT $
s >>= \step -> case step of
Yield h t -> return $ (Skip $ f h `mplus` (t >>= f))
Skip t -> return $ Skip (t >>= f)
Empty -> return Empty
instance (Monad f) => MonadPlus (ListT f) where
mzero = ListT (return Empty)
(ListT s) `mplus` b = ListT $
s >>= \step -> case step of
Yield h t -> return $ Yield h (t `mplus` b)
Skip t -> return $ Skip (t `mplus` b)
Empty -> return $ Skip b
instance MonadTrans ListT where
lift fa = ListT $ liftM (\a -> Yield a empty) fa
empty :: Monad f => ListT f a
empty = ListT (return Empty)
cons :: Monad f => a -> ListT f a -> ListT f a
cons h t = ListT . return $ Yield h t
data Input a = Done | Await | Element a
isDone :: Input a -> Bool
isDone Done = True
isDone _ = False
prompts :: ListT (Reader (Input a)) a
prompts = ListT . reader $ \input -> case input of
Done -> Empty
Await -> Skip prompts
Element a -> Yield a prompts
promptsT :: Monad f => ListT (ReaderT (Input a) f) a
promptsT = ListT . ReaderT $ \input -> case input of
Done -> return Empty
Await -> return $ Skip promptsT
Element a -> return $ Yield a promptsT
type IsEOF = Bool
data Moore a b = Feed b (Input a -> Moore a b) | Stop b IsEOF
data MooreT f a b = FeedT b (Input a -> f (MooreT f a b)) | StopT b IsEOF
invert :: (forall f . Monad f => ListT f a -> ListT f b)
-> Moore a (Maybe b)
invert f = go Nothing (f prompts) where
go cur res = Feed cur $ \a -> case runReader (runListT res) a of
Empty -> Stop cur (isDone a)
Yield h t -> go (Just h) t
Skip s -> go cur s
invertT :: Monad f => (forall t . (MonadTrans t, Monad (t f)) => ListT (t f) a -> ListT (t f) b) -> MooreT f a (Maybe b)
invertT f = go Nothing (f promptsT) where
go cur res = FeedT cur $ \a -> do
step <- runReaderT (runListT res) a
return $ case step of
Empty -> StopT cur (isDone a)
Yield h t -> go (Just h) t
Skip s -> go cur s
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