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Created February 2, 2013 02:03
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Stream transducer library
{-# Language ExistentialQuantification, GADTs #-}
module Control.Process where
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude hiding (zip, zipWith)
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO
data Process f a = Halt
| Emit a (Process f a)
| forall r . Await (f r) (r -> Process f a) (Process f a)
(<>) :: Process k a -> Process k a -> Process k a
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid (Process k a) where
mempty = Halt
mappend Halt p = p
mappend (Emit h t) p2 = Emit h (t <> p2)
mappend (Await req recv fb) p2 = Await req (\res -> recv res <> p2) (fb <> p2)
instance Monad (Process f) where
return a = Emit a Halt
Halt >>= f = Halt
(Emit h t) >>= f = f h <> (t >>= f)
(Await req recv fb) >>= f = Await req (\res -> recv res >>= f) (fb >>= f)
type Source a = Process IO a
type Process1 a b = Process (Is a) b
type Tee a b c = Process (T a b) c
type Wye a b c = Process (Y a b) c
type Sink a = Source (a -> IO ())
type Channel a b = Source (a -> IO b)
type Server s a b = Source (s -> a -> (s, b))
-- run :: Monad m => Process m a -> m [a]
(|>) :: Process k a -> Process1 a b -> Process k b
p1 |> Halt = disconnect p1
(Emit h t) |> (Await Refl recv fb) = t |> recv h
Halt |> (Await Refl recv fb) = Halt |> fb
(Await req recv1 fb1) |> p2 = Await req (\a -> recv1 a |> p2) (fb1 |> disconnect p2)
tee :: Tee a b c -> Process f a -> Process f b -> Process f c
tee Halt p1 p2 = disconnect p1 <> disconnect p2
tee (Await L recv fb) (Emit h t) r = tee (recv h) t r
tee (Await L recv fb) Halt r = tee fb Halt r
tee t@(Await L _ fb) l@(Await req recvl fbl) r = Await req (\res -> tee t (recvl res) r) (disconnect l <> disconnect r)
tee (Await R recv fb) l (Emit h t) = tee (recv h) l t
tee (Await R recv fb) l Halt = tee fb l Halt
wye :: Nondeterminism f => Wye a b c -> Process f a -> Process f b -> Process f c
wye Halt p1 p2 = disconnect p1 <> disconnect p2
wye _ _ _ = error "todo"
class Nondeterminism f where
choose :: f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
await req recv = Await req recv Halt
await1 = Await Refl
emit h = Emit h Halt
lift :: (a -> b) -> Process1 a b
lift f = repeatedly $ await Refl (emit . f)
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tee a b c
zipWith f = repeatedly $
await L (\a ->
await R (\b -> emit $ f a b))
zip = zipWith (,)
flatten :: Process f (f a) -> Process f a
flatten (Emit h t) = Await h (\a -> Emit a (flatten t)) Halt
flatten Halt = Halt
flatten (Await req recv fb) = Await req (flatten . recv) (flatten fb)
connect :: Process f a -> Process f (a -> b) -> Process f b
connect p1 p2 = tee (zipWith (flip ($))) p1 p2
-- through :: Source a -> Channel a b -> Source b
through :: Process f a -> Process f (a -> f b) -> Process f b
through src chan = flatten $ connect src chan
observe :: Source a -> Sink a -> Source a
observe src snk = flatten $ connect src (unswallow snk)
cap :: Source a -> Sink a -> Source ()
cap src snk = flatten $ connect src snk
bcap :: Nondeterminism f => Int -> Process f a -> Process f (a -> f ()) -> Process f ()
bcap maxBuffer src snk = flatten $ wye (buffer maxBuffer) src snk
buffer :: Int -> Wye a (a -> b) b
buffer maxBuffer = go [] 0
-- there are three cases:
-- * the buffer is full, in which case we block on the sink
-- * the buffer is empty, in which case we block on the source
-- * the buffer is nonempty, in which case we accept either a source or a sink
-- not quite right - buffer is in reverse order
-- need to handle flushing buffer?
go (a:as) n | n > maxBuffer = await Y $ \f -> Emit (f a) (go as (n-1))
go [] n = await X $ \a -> go [a] (n+1)
go buf n = await Z (step buf n)
step buf n (Left a) = go (a : buf) (n+1)
step (a:as) n (Right f) = Emit (f a) (go as (n-1))
passX :: Wye a b c
passX = undefined
passY :: Wye a b c
passY = undefined
resource :: IO r -> (r -> IO (Maybe a)) -> (r -> IO ()) -> Source a
resource acquire step release = Await acquire recv0 Halt
recv0 res = go (step res) (release res)
go step release = Await step (maybe Halt (\a -> Emit a (go step release))) (stop release)
stop release = Await release (const Halt) Halt
linesR :: FilePath -> Source String
linesR f = resource (openFile f ReadMode) step hClose
step h = hIsEOF h >>= \b ->
if b then Just <$> hGetLine h
else return Nothing
fileW :: FilePath -> Sink String
fileW f = resource (openFile f WriteMode) step hClose
step h = return . Just $ \s -> hPutStr h s
unswallow :: Sink a -> Channel a a
unswallow snk = snk |> lift go
go f a = f a >> return a
repeatedly :: Process k a -> Process k a
repeatedly p = let pr = p <> repeatedly p in pr
ignore :: Process1 k a
ignore = Await Refl (const ignore) Halt
disconnect :: Process k a -> Process k b
disconnect (Emit h t) = disconnect t
disconnect Halt = Halt
disconnect (Await req recv fb) = fb |> ignore
data Is a b where
Refl :: Is a a
data T a b c where
L :: T a b a
R :: T a b b
data Y a b c where
X :: Y a b a
Y :: Y a b b
Z :: Y a b (Either a b)
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