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Last active September 23, 2021 15:15
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Nondeterminism ability
structural ability Split where
skip! : x
both : a -> a -> a
Split! : [a] ->{Split} a
Split! = cases
[] -> skip!
[a] -> a
as ->
(l,r) = halve as
force (both (Split l) (Split r))
Split : [a] -> '{Split} a
Split as _ = Split! as
Split.toList : '{Split, g} a ->{g} [a]
Split.toList s =
go = cases
{ a } -> [a]
{ skip! -> k } -> []
{ both l r -> k } ->
(handle k l with go) ++ (handle k r with go)
handle !s with go
Split.append : '{Split, g} a -> '{Split, g} a -> '{Split, g} a
Split.append s1 s2 _ = force (both s1 s2)
(Split.append.aliases.<>) = Split.append
Split.keep : (a ->{Split,g} Boolean) -> '{Split, g} a -> '{Split, g} a
Split.keep f s _ =
a = !s
if f a then a else skip! : (a ->{Split,g} b) -> '{Split, g} a -> '{Split, g} b f s _ =
a = !s
f a
Split.mapSome : (a ->{Split,g} Optional b) -> '{Split, g} a -> '{Split, g} b
Split.mapSome f s _ = match f !s with
None -> skip!
Some b -> b
Split.zipSame : '{Split, g} a -> '{Split, g} b -> '{Split, g} (a, b)
Split.zipSame sa sb _ =
go : '{Split,g2} y -> Request {Split} x ->{Split,g2} (x,y)
go sb = cases
{ a } -> (a, !sb)
{ skip! -> _ } -> skip!
{ both la ra -> k } ->
handle !sb with cases
{ _ } -> skip!
{ skip! -> k } -> skip!
{ both lb rb -> k2 } -> force (
both (zipSame '(k la) '(k2 lb))
(zipSame '(k ra) '(k2 rb))
handle !sa with go sb
> Split [1,2,3,4]
<> Split [5,6,7]
|> zipSame (Split (range 1 8))
|> Split.toList
> Split.toList <| keep (x -> x `mod` 2 == 0) (Split (range 0 20))
> Split.toList <| mapSome (x -> Some (x + 12)) (Split (range 0 20))
structural ability Split m where
empty! : x
both : m -> a -> a -> a
structural type Split.Step m a r
= Empty
| One a
| Two m r r
Split.metric : Reducer {} a m -> '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} m
Split.metric R s = match step s with
Empty -> R
One a -> Reducer.inject R a
Two m _ _ -> m
Split.fromList : Reducer {} a m -> [a] -> '{Split m} a
Split.fromList R as _ = match as with
[] -> empty!
[a] -> a
as ->
(l,r) = halve as
lt = fromList R l
rt = fromList R r
force (Split.append R lt rt)
Split.append! : Reducer {} a m -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} a
Split.append! R s1 s2 =
!(both (Reducer.op R (metric R s1) (metric R s2)) s1 s2)
Split.append : Reducer {} a m -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.append R s1 s2 _ = append! R s1 s2
Split.toList : '{Split m,g} a ->{g} [a]
Split.toList s =
go = cases
{ a } -> [a]
{ empty! -> _ } -> []
{ both _ l r -> k } ->
(handle k l with go) ++ (handle k r with go)
handle !s with go
Split.step : '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} (Step m a ('{Split m,g} a))
Split.step s =
go : Request {Split m} a ->{Split m,g} (Step m a ('{Split m,g} a))
go = cases
{ a } -> One a
{ empty! -> _ } -> Empty
{ both m l r -> k } -> Two m ('(k l) : '{Split m,g} a) '(k r)
handle !s with go
Split.two : m -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.two m s1 s2 _ = !(both m s1 s2) : (Either m a ->{Split m, g} Ordering) -> '{Split m, g} a -> '{Split m, g} a f s _ = search! f s! : (Either m a ->{Split m, g} Ordering) -> '{Split m, g} a ->{Split m, g} a! f s = match step s with
Empty -> empty!
One a -> match f (Right a) with
Equal -> a
_ -> empty!
Two m l r -> match f (Left m) with
Less -> empty!
_ -> search! f (both m l r) : (a ->{Split m,g} b) -> '{Split m, g} a -> '{Split m, g} b f s _ = f !s
Split.keep : (a ->{Split m,g} Boolean) -> '{Split m, g} a -> '{Split m, g} a
Split.keep f s _ =
a = !s
if f a then a else empty!
Split.mapSome : (a ->{Split m,g} (Optional b)) -> '{Split m, g} a -> '{Split m, g} b
Split.mapSome f s _ = match f !s with
None -> empty!
Some b -> b : (a ->{g} m) -> m -> (m -> m ->{g} m) -> Reducer g a m f z op = Reducer f (Monoid z op)
-- > Split.toList <| 'empty!
Split.innerJoin : (Either a k -> Either b k ->{g} Ordering) -> '{Split k,g} a -> '{Split k,g} b -> '{Split k,g} (a,b)
Split.innerJoin overlap s1 s2 _ = match overlap (metric s1) (metric s2) with
Equal -> todo "hmm"
_ -> empty!
-- structural type T k a = Empty | Leaf a | Branch (T k a) (T k a) | K k (T k a)
-- This one fuses map, filter, flatMap, can do append, but can't support
-- searching, joins, intersection. Should separate key type from the value type
structural ability S1 where
empty! : x
both : a -> a -> a
structural ability Split m where
empty! : x
both : a -> a -> a
summarize : m -> a -> a
structural type Split.Step m a r
= Empty
| One a
| Summarize m r
| Both r r : (m ->{Split m,g} Ordering) -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a ord ix _ =
go : Request {Split m} x ->{Split m,g} x
go = cases
{ a } -> a
{ empty! -> _ } -> empty!
{ summarize m a -> resume } -> match ord m with
Equal -> handle resume a with go
_ -> empty!
{ both l r -> resume } ->
l' _ = handle resume l with go
r' _ = handle resume r with go
both l' r' ()
handle !ix with go
Split.first : '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} Optional a
Split.first ix = match step ix with
Empty -> None
One a -> Some a
Summarize _ r -> Split.first r
Both l _ -> Split.first l
Split.last : '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} Optional a
Split.last ix = match step ix with
Empty -> None
One a -> Some a
Summarize _ r -> Split.last r
Both _ r -> Split.last r : m -> a -> '{Split m,g} a m a _ = summarize m a
Split.append! : '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} a
Split.append! ix1 ix2 = both ix1 ix2 ()
Split.append : '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.append ix1 ix2 _ = both ix1 ix2 ()
Split.toList : '{Split m,g} a ->{g} [a]
Split.toList ix =
go = cases
{ a } -> [a]
{ empty! -> _ } -> []
{ summarize _ a -> k } -> handle k a with go
{ both l r -> k } ->
(handle k l with go) List.++ (handle k r with go)
handle !ix with go : (a ->{Split m,g} b) -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} b f a _ = f !a
Split.keepIf : (a ->{Split m,g} Boolean) -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.keepIf f ix _ =
a = !ix
if f a then a else empty!
Split.aliases.Split.filter = keepIf
Split.mapSome : (a ->{Split m,g} Optional b) -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} b
Split.mapSome f a _ = match f !a with
None -> empty!
Some b -> b
Split.unstep! : Step m a ('{Split m,g} a) ->{Split m,g} a
Split.unstep! = cases
Empty -> empty!
One a -> a
Summarize m r -> summarize m r ()
Both l r -> both l r ()
Split.step : '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} (Step m a ('{Split m,g} a))
Split.step s =
go : Request {Split m} a ->{Split m,g} (Step m a ('{Split m,g} a))
go = cases
{ a } -> One a
{ empty! -> _ } -> Empty
{ summarize m a -> k } -> Summarize m '(k a)
{ both l r -> k } -> Both ('(k l) : '{Split m,g} a) '(k r)
handle !s with go
Split.summary.root : '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} Optional m
Split.summary.root ix = match step ix with
Summarize a _ -> Some a
_ -> None
Split.summary : (m -> m ->{Split m,g} m) -> '{Split m,g} a ->{Split m,g} Optional m
Split.summary op ix = match step ix with
Empty -> None
One _ -> None
Summarize m _ -> Some m
Both l r -> match (summary op l, summary op r) with
(None, None) -> None
(Some m1, Some m2) -> Some (op m1 m2)
(Some m, _) -> Some m
(_, Some m) -> Some m
Split.summaries : (m ->{} m ->{Split m,g} m) -> ['{Split m,g} a] ->{Split m,g} Optional m
Split.summaries op ixs = match List.somes ( (summary op) ixs) with
[] -> None
h +: t -> Some (List.foldLeft op h t)
Split.fromReduce : (a ->{Split m,g} m) -> (m -> m ->{Split m,g} m) -> [a] -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.fromReduce inj op as _ = match as with
[] -> empty!
[a] -> summarize (inj a) a
as ->
(l,r) = halve as
l' = Split.fromReduce inj op l
r' : '{Split m,g} a
r' = Split.fromReduce inj op r
match summaries op [l', r'] with
None -> both l' r' ()
Some m -> summarize m (both l' r') ()
Split : [a] -> '{Split m} a
Split as _ = match as with
[] -> empty!
[a] -> a
as ->
(l,r) = halve as
both (Split l) (Split r) ()
Split.unfold : s -> (s ->{g} (Split.Step m a s)) -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.unfold s f _ = match f s with
Empty -> empty!
One a -> a
Summarize m s -> summarize m (unfold s f) ()
Both l r -> both (unfold l f) (unfold r f) ()
> Split [1,2,3,4,5,6]
|> (x -> x * 100)
|> keepIf (x -> x < 500)
|> Split.toList
Split.withSummary : '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} (a,Optional m)
Split.withSummary ix _ =
go : Optional m -> Request {Split m} a ->{Split m,g} (a, Optional m)
go m = cases
{ a } -> (a, m)
{ empty! -> _ } -> empty!
{ both l r -> k } ->
l' _ = handle k l with go m
r' : '{Split m,g} (a,Optional m)
r' _ = handle k r with go m
both l' r' ()
{ summarize m a -> k } ->
a' _ = handle k a with go (Some m)
summarize m a' ()
handle !ix with go None
Split.accumulate : (a ->{g} m) -> (m -> m ->{g} m) -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} a
Split.accumulate inj op ix _ = match step ix with
Empty -> empty!
One a -> summarize (inj a) a
Summarize a r -> summarize a r ()
Both l r ->
l' = accumulate inj op l
r' : '{Split m,g} a
r' = accumulate inj op r
match summaries op [l',r'] with
None -> both l' r' ()
Some m -> summarize m ()
both l' r' ()
Split.joinBy : (m -> m ->{g} Ordering) -> '{Split m,g} a -> '{Split m,g} b -> '{Split m,g} (a, b)
Split.joinBy ord ixa ixb _ =
go : Boolean
-> [(Optional m, '{Split m,g} a)]
-> [(Optional m, '{Split m,g} b)]
-> {Split m,g} (a,b)
go breakA = cases
[], _ -> empty!
_, [] -> empty!
(None,_) +: as, _ +: bs -> go breakA as bs
_ +: as, (None,_) +: bs -> go breakA as bs
as0@((Some m1, a) +: as), bs0@((Some m2, b) +: bs) ->
match ord m1 m2 with
Less -> go as bs0
Greater -> go as0 bs
Equal ->
if breakA then match step a with
break : '{Split m,g} x ->{Split m,g} ['(Optional m, '{Split m,g} x)]
break ix = match step ix with
Empty -> []
One a -> [(None, 'a)]
go [(summary.root ixa, ixa)] [(summary.root ixb, ixb)]
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