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Last active February 21, 2018 09:22
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Another effectful stream representation
{-# Language ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language RankNTypes #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List hiding (uncons)
import Data.Time
data Free f r
= Pure r
| Eval (f r)
| Fail Err
| forall x . Bind (Free f x) (x -> Free f r)
| OnError (Free f r) (Err -> Free f r)
type Err = String
type Pull f o r = Free (StreamF f o) r
type Stream f o = Pull f o ()
data ViewL f r where
Bound :: f x -> (x -> Free f r) -> Maybe (Err -> Free f r) -> ViewL f r
Done :: r -> ViewL f r
Failed :: Err -> ViewL f r
viewL :: Free f r -> ViewL f r
viewL f = go f K0 Nothing where
bind :: Applicative f => K f a b -> a -> f b
bind K0 a = pure a
bind (K f) a = f a
go :: Free f x -> K (Free f) x r -> Maybe (Err -> Free f r) -> ViewL f r
go (Pure x) k _ = case k of K0 -> Done x; K k -> viewL (k x)
go (Eval fx) k onErr = case k of
K0 -> Bound fx pure onErr
K k -> Bound fx k onErr
go (Fail err) _ onErr = case onErr of
Nothing -> Failed err
Just onErr -> viewL (onErr err)
go (OnError fx onErrInner) k onErr = case k of
K0 -> case onErr of
Nothing -> go fx K0 (Just onErrInner)
Just onErr -> go fx K0 (Just $ \e -> OnError (onErrInner e) onErr)
K k -> case onErr of
Nothing -> go fx (K k) (Just $ \e -> onErrInner e >>= k)
Just onErr -> go fx (K k) (Just $ \e -> OnError (onErrInner e >>= k) onErr)
go (Bind x f) K0 onErr = go x (K f) onErr
go (Bind x f) (K k) onErr = go x (K $ \x -> f x >>= k) onErr
data K f a b where K0 :: K f a a; K :: (a -> f b) -> K f a b
data StreamF f o r where
Wrap :: f r -> StreamF f x r
Output :: [o] -> StreamF f o () -- use more interesting pure stream type here
Outputs :: Stream f o -> StreamF f o ()
-- todo: add other instructions here, like UnconsAsync, Acquire, Release, Snapshot
-- implement runFold' which handles resource map
uncons :: Stream f o -> Pull f x (Maybe ([o], Stream f o))
uncons s = case viewL s of
Done () -> pure Nothing
Bound e f onErr -> case e of
Wrap fx -> eval (Wrap fx) >>= (uncons . f)
Output os -> pure (Just (os, f ()))
Outputs os -> uncons os >>= \o -> case o of
Nothing -> uncons (f ())
Just (hd, tl) -> pure (Just (hd, tl >> f ()))
flatMap :: Stream f o -> (o -> Stream f o2) -> Stream f o2
flatMap s f = uncons s >>= \o -> case o of
Nothing -> pure ()
-- todo - a bit of extra work on the result of `map f os` to collapse
-- pure segments as much as possible
Just (hd, tl) -> eval (Outputs (foldr (>>) (pure ()) (map f hd))) >> (tl `flatMap` f)
runFold :: Monad f => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream f a -> f b
runFold f z s = go f z (viewL (uncons s)) where
go :: Monad f => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ViewL (StreamF f x) (Maybe ([a], Stream f a)) -> f b
go _ z (Done Nothing) = pure z
go f z (Done (Just (hd, tl))) = go f (foldl' f z hd) (viewL (uncons tl))
go f z (Bound (Wrap fx) g onErr) = fx >>= \x -> go f z (viewL (g x))
transform :: (forall x . f x -> g x) -> Free f a -> Free g a
transform nt f = case viewL f of
Done x -> Pure x
Bound fx g onErr -> Bind (Eval (nt fx)) (\x -> transform nt (g x))
eval :: f a -> Free f a
eval = Eval
interpret :: Monad f => Free f a -> f a
interpret f = case viewL f of
Done a -> pure a
Bound fa k onErr -> fa >>= (interpret . k)
emit :: a -> Stream f a
emit a = eval (Output [a])
emits :: [a] -> Stream f a
emits as = eval (Output as)
timeit :: IO () -> IO ()
timeit e = do
start <- getCurrentTime
end <- getCurrentTime
print (diffUTCTime end start)
appendEx :: [(Int, Stream IO Int)]
appendEx = [ (i, foldl' (>>) (pure ()) (map emit [1..i])) | i <- [100000,200000,400000]]
constantAppend = appendEx `forM_` \(i, s) -> timeit $ do
n <- runFold (+) 0 s
putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ show n)
bindEx :: [(Int, Stream IO Int)]
bindEx = [ (i, void $ foldl' (>>) (pure 1) (map pure [1..i])) | i <- [100000,200000,400000]]
constantBind = bindEx `forM_` \(i, s) -> timeit $ do
n <- runFold (+) 0 s
putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ show n)
bindEx2 :: [(Int, Stream IO Int)]
bindEx2 = [ (i, void $ foldl' (>>) (pure 1) (map (eval . Wrap . pure) [1..i])) | i <- [100000,200000,400000]]
constantBind2 = bindEx2 `forM_` \(i, s) -> timeit $ do
n <- runFold (+) 0 s
putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ show n)
bindEx3 :: [(Int, Stream IO Int)]
bindEx3 = [ (i, void $ foldr (>>) (pure 1) (map (eval . Wrap . pure) [1..i])) | i <- [100000,200000,400000]]
constantBind3 = bindEx3 `forM_` \(i, s) -> timeit $ do
n <- runFold (+) 0 s
putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ show n)
flatMapEx :: [(Int, Stream IO Int)]
flatMapEx = [ (i, void $ foldl' go (emit 1) [1..i]) | i <- [100000,200000,400000]] where
go s i = s `flatMap` \k -> emit i
flatMapEx2 :: [(Int, Stream IO Int)]
flatMapEx2 = [ (i, void $ foldl' go (emits [1..i]) [1..1000]) | i <- [1000,2000,4000]] where
go s i = s `flatMap` \k -> emit i
constantFlatMap = flatMapEx `forM_` \(i, s) -> timeit $ do
n <- runFold (+) 0 s
putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ show n)
constantFlatMap2 = flatMapEx2 `forM_` \(i, s) -> timeit $ do
n <- runFold (+) 0 s
putStrLn (show i ++ ": " ++ show n)
tests = do
putStrLn "- bind(3) ----"
constantBind3 -- O(n)
putStrLn "- bind(2) ----"
constantBind2 -- O(n)
putStrLn "- constantBind ----"
constantBind -- O(n)
putStrLn "- constantAppend ----"
constantAppend -- O(n)
putStrLn "- constantFlatMap ----"
constantFlatMap -- O(n)
putStrLn "- constantFlatMap (2) ----"
constantFlatMap2 -- O(n)
instance Monad (Free f) where return = Pure; (>>=) = Bind
instance Applicative (Free f) where pure = return; (<*>) = ap
instance Functor (Free f) where fmap = liftM
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