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Created December 9, 2014 18:03
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Fiddling with a different abstract machine for nonstrict evaluation
module Main where
import Debug.Trace
data Runtime
= Prim !Int
| Await !Strictness !(Runtime -> Runtime)
| App !Runtime !Runtime
whnf :: Runtime -> Runtime
whnf i@(Prim _) = i
whnf a@(Await _ _) = a
whnf (App f x) = case whnf f of
Await Strict body -> case whnf x of x -> whnf (body x)
Await Nonstrict body -> whnf (body x)
_ -> error "cannot apply a non-function"
instance Show Runtime where
show r = case r of
Prim n -> show n
App f x -> show f ++ " " ++ show x
Await _ _ -> "<await>"
data Strictness = Strict | Nonstrict
nil :: Runtime
nil = Await Strict (\z -> Await Nonstrict (\_ -> z))
int :: Int -> Runtime
int = Prim
cons :: Runtime -> Runtime -> Runtime
cons h t = Await Nonstrict (\_ -> Await Strict (\f -> f `App` h `App` t))
-- Skip over an argument
skip :: Runtime -> Runtime
skip r = Await Nonstrict (\_ -> r)
-- foldl :: ![] -> !(s b -> s2 a -> s b) -> s b -> !b
-- foldl [] !f z = z
-- foldl (h:t) !f z = foldl t f (f z h)
-- Gak, this is pretty ugly
foldlRuntime :: Runtime
foldlRuntime = Await Strict $ \list ->
list `App` (Await Strict (\_ -> Await Strict id))
`App` (Await Nonstrict (\h -> Await Nonstrict (\t ->
Await Strict (\f@(Await strictness _) ->
Await strictness (\z -> ("z: " ++ show z) `trace`
foldlRuntime `App` t
`App` f
`App` (f `App` z `App` h))))))
plus :: Runtime
plus = Await Strict (\x -> case x of
Prim x -> Await Strict (\y -> case y of
Prim y -> Prim (x+y)
_ -> error "second argument to `plus` not a Prim")
App f x -> error "first argument to `plus` is an `App`"
_ -> error "first argument to `plus` not a Prim")
nums :: Runtime
nums = foldr cons nil (map int [0..1000])
incr :: Runtime
incr = plus `App` (Await Strict id) `App` int 1
sumExample :: Runtime -- Int
sumExample = foldlRuntime `App` nums `App` plus `App` int 0
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y
main = case whnf (incr `App` int 41) of
Prim n -> putStrLn (show n)
_ -> error "failed"
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