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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Simple IO type
object IO2a {
The previous IO representation overflows the stack for some programs.
The problem is that `run`
sealed trait IO[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] =
FlatMap(this, (a: A) => Suspend { () => f(a) }) // note this returns immediately
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] =
flatMap(f andThen (Return(_)))
sealed trait Productive[A] extends IO[A]
case class Return[A](a: A) extends Productive[A]
case class Suspend[A](resume: () => IO[A]) extends Productive[A]
case class FlatMap[A,B](sub: IO[A], k: A => Productive[B]) extends IO[B] // k must produce a `Productive`
object IO extends Monad[IO] {
def unit[A](a: => A): IO[A] = Return(a)
def flatMap[A,B](a: IO[A])(f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = a flatMap f
def printLine(s: String): IO[Unit] =
Suspend(() => Return(println(s)))
val p = IO.forever(printLine("Still going..."))
val actions: Stream[IO[Unit]] =
Stream.fill(100000)(printLine("Still going..."))
val composite: IO[Unit] =
actions.foldLeft(IO.unit(())) { (acc, a) => acc flatMap { _ => a } }
@annotation.tailrec def run[A](io: IO[A]): A = io match {
case Return(a) => a
case Suspend(r) => run(r())
case FlatMap(x, f) => x match {
case Return(a) => run(f(a)) // since f: A => Productive[B], we are assured this returns in one step
case Suspend(r) => run(FlatMap(r(), f))
case FlatMap(y, g) =>
run(y flatMap (a => g(a) flatMap f)) // g: A => Productive[B], so `g(a)` is assured to return in one step
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