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Created December 10, 2014 20:56
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Annotated layout trees
module Elmz.Layout where
import List
import Array (Array)
import Either(..)
import Graphics.Element as E
import Graphics.Element (Direction, Element, Position)
type Pt = { x : Int, y: Int }
type Region = { topLeft : Pt, width : Int , height : Int }
data LayoutF r
= Beside r r
| Above r r
| Container { width : Int, height : Int, innerTopLeft : Pt } r
| Embed Element
data Layout k = Layout (LayoutF (Layout k)) Element k
map : (a -> b) -> Layout a -> Layout b
map f (Layout r e a) = Layout (case r of
Beside r r2 -> Beside (map f r) (map f r2)
Above r r2 -> Above (map f r) (map f r2)
Container dims r -> Container dims (map f r)
Embed e -> Embed e) e (f a)
tag : Layout k -> k
tag (Layout _ _ k) = k
element : Layout k -> Element
element (Layout _ e _) = e
transform : (Element -> Element) -> Layout k -> Layout k
transform f (Layout l e k) = Layout l (f e) k
widthOf : Layout k -> Int
widthOf l = E.widthOf (element l)
heightOf : Layout k -> Int
heightOf l = E.heightOf (element l)
embed : k -> Element -> Layout k
embed k e = Layout (Embed e) e k
empty : k -> Layout k
empty k = embed k E.empty
beside : k -> Layout k -> Layout k -> Layout k
beside k left right =
Layout (Beside left right) (element left `E.beside` element right) k
above : k -> Layout k -> Layout k -> Layout k
above k top bot =
Layout (Above top bot) (element top `E.above` element bot) k
horizontal : k -> [Layout k] -> Layout k
horizontal k ls = reduceBalanced (empty k) (beside k) ls
vertical : k -> [Layout k] -> Layout k
vertical k ls = reduceBalanced (empty k) (above k) ls
intersperseHorizontal : Layout k -> [Layout k] -> Layout k
intersperseHorizontal sep ls =
horizontal (tag sep) (intersperse sep ls)
intersperseVertical : Layout k -> [Layout k] -> Layout k
intersperseVertical sep ls =
vertical (tag sep) (intersperse sep ls)
container : k -> Int -> Int -> Pt -> Layout k -> Layout k
container k w h pt l =
let pos = E.topLeftAt (E.absolute pt.x) (E.absolute pt.y)
e = E.container w h pos (element l)
in Layout (Container { width = w, height = h, innerTopLeft = pt } l) e k
pad : Int -> Int -> Layout k -> Layout k
pad eastWestPad northSouthPad l =
container (tag l)
(widthOf l + eastWestPad*2)
(heightOf l + northSouthPad*2)
(Pt eastWestPad northSouthPad)
outline : Color -> Int -> Layout k -> Layout k
outline c thickness l =
pad thickness thickness l |> transform (color c)
fill : Color -> Layout k -> Layout k
fill c e = container (tag e) (widthOf e) (heightOf e) (Pt 0 0) e
|> transform (color c)
-- roundedOutline : k -> Int -> Color -> Int -> Layout { k | element : Element } -> Layout { k | element : Element }
-- roundedOutline k cornerRadius c thickness l = todo
row : [Layout k] -> [Layout k]
row ls = case ls of
[] -> []
_ -> let maxh = maximum ( heightOf ls)
cell e = let diff = maxh - heightOf e
in if diff == 0 then e
else container (tag e) (widthOf e) maxh (Pt 0 (toFloat diff / 2 |> floor)) e
in ( cell ls)
column : [Layout k] -> [Layout k]
column ls = case ls of
[] -> []
_ -> let maxw = maximum ( widthOf ls)
cell e = let diff = maxw - widthOf e
in if diff == 0 then e
else container (tag e) maxw (heightOf e) (Pt (toFloat diff / 2 |> floor) 0) e
in ( cell ls)
{-| Find all regions in the tree whose path is equal to the given path.
Relies on the assumption that nodes have paths which prefix paths
of their descendents; thus, we can avoid searching any subtree whose
path does not at least prefix the target path.
More precisely: for any two nodes, `p`, and `c` of the `Layout`,
where `c` is a descendent of `p`, `prefixOf (tag p).path (tag c).path`
must be true.
region : (k -> k -> Bool) -> (a -> k) -> Layout a -> k -> [(a, Region)]
region prefixOf by l ks =
go origin ks (Layout layout e a) =
if | ks == by a -> [ (a, Region origin (E.widthOf e) (E.heightOf e)) ]
| not (by a `prefixOf` ks) -> [] -- avoid recursing on any subtrees which cannot possibly contain ks
| otherwise -> case layout of
Beside left right ->
go origin ks left ++
go { origin | x <- origin.x + widthOf left } ks right
Above top bot ->
go origin ks top ++
go { origin | y <- origin.y + heightOf top } ks bot
Container params inner ->
go { origin | x <- origin.x + params.innerTopLeft.x, y <- origin.y + params.innerTopLeft.y }
Embed e -> []
in go (Pt 0 0) ks l
{-| Find all tags whose region contains the given point. -}
at : Layout k -> Region -> [k]
at l r =
bx1 = r.topLeft.x
by1 = r.topLeft.y
bx2 = bx1 + r.width
by2 = by1 + r.height
-- See for why this works
intersects : Pt -> Int -> Int -> Bool
intersects topLeft w h =
let ax1 = topLeft.x
ay1 = topLeft.y
ax2 = ax1 + w
ay2 = ay1 + h
in ax1 < bx2 && ax2 > bx1 && ay1 < by2 && ay2 > by1
distinctCons : a -> [a] -> [a]
distinctCons h t = case t of
[] -> [h]
ht :: tt -> if ht == h then t else h :: t
go origin (Layout layout e k) =
if not (intersects origin (E.widthOf e) (E.heightOf e))
then []
else k `distinctCons` case layout of
Beside left right ->
go origin left ++
go { origin | x <- origin.x + widthOf left } right
Above top bot ->
go origin top ++
go { origin | y <- origin.y + heightOf top } bot
Container params inner ->
go { origin | x <- origin.x + params.innerTopLeft.x, y <- origin.y + params.innerTopLeft.y }
Embed e -> []
in go (Pt 0 0) l
{-| Find all tags whose region intersects the given region,
ordering and grouping results by the given ranking function.
The first group returned will consist of elements with the
highest rank, followed by elements with the next highest rank, etc.
atRanked : (k -> Int) -> Layout k -> Region -> [[k]]
atRanked rank l r =
let f k = (rank k, k)
g (i, k) (i2, cur, acc) =
if i == i2 then (i2, k :: cur, acc)
else (i, [k], reverse cur :: acc)
done (_, cur, acc) = reverse cur :: acc
in case f (at l r) |> sortBy fst of
[] -> []
(i,k) :: tl -> foldl g (i, [k], []) tl |> done
lub : Region -> Region -> Region
lub r1 r2 =
let topLeft = Pt (r1.topLeft.x `min` r2.topLeft.x) (r1.topLeft.y `min` r2.topLeft.y)
botRight = Pt (r1.topLeft.x + r1.width `max` r2.topLeft.x + r2.width)
(r1.topLeft.y + r1.height `max` r2.topLeft.x + r2.height)
in Region topLeft (botRight.x - topLeft.x) (botRight.y - topLeft.y)
selectableLub : (a -> Bool) -> [(a, Region)] -> Maybe Region
selectableLub f rs = case filter (f << fst) rs of
[] -> Nothing
rh :: rt -> Just (foldl lub (snd rh) ( snd rt))
reduceBalanced : a -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
reduceBalanced z op xs =
let fixup stack = case stack of
(b,n) :: (a,m) :: t -> if n >= m then fixup ((op a b, n+m) :: t)
else (b,n) :: (a,m) :: t
_ -> stack
finalize stack = foldl op z ( fst stack)
in foldl (\a stack -> fixup ((a,1) :: stack)) [] xs
|> finalize
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