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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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A type for tracking well-typed edits to a codebase, equipped with a commutative merge function
module Edit where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- | Invariant: if a hash is open, its dependents in the `Edit` must also be open
data Edit h =
Edit { closed :: Map h (Set h)
, opened :: Map (h,h) (Map h (Set h)) }
instance Ord h => Monoid (Edit h) where
mempty = Edit Map.empty Map.empty
mappend (Edit c1 o1) (Edit c2 o2) = Edit c o
c = Map.unionWith Set.union c1 c2
o = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith Set.union) o1' o2'
-- subtract from `o2` any entries closed by `c1`
-- and subtract from `o1` any entries closed by `c2`
keep c (h,h2) = maybe True (Set.notMember h2) (Map.lookup h c)
strip c (root, deps) =
let deps' = Map.filterWithKey (\h _ -> Map.notMember h c) deps
in if Map.null deps' && not (keep c root) then []
else [(root, deps')]
o1' = Map.fromList $ Map.toList o1 >>= strip c2
o2' = Map.fromList $ Map.toList o2 >>= strip c1
scope :: Edit h -> Set h
scope = Map.keysSet . closed
resolve :: Ord h => (Set h -> h) -> h -> Edit h -> Edit h
resolve r h (Edit closed opened) =
Edit (Map.adjust (Set.singleton . r) h closed) opened
class Ord h => Dependencies h where
dependencies :: h -> Set h
dependents :: h -> Set h
transitiveDependencies :: Dependencies h => (h -> Bool) -> h -> Set h
transitiveDependencies guard h | guard h =
let dh = dependencies h
in dh `Set.union` (Set.unions $ map (transitiveDependencies guard) (Set.toList dh))
transitiveDependencies _ _ = Set.empty
transitiveDependents :: Dependencies h => (h -> Bool) -> h -> Set h
transitiveDependents guard h | guard h =
let dh = dependents h
in dh `Set.union` (Set.unions $ map (transitiveDependents guard) (Set.toList dh))
transitiveDependents _ _ = Set.empty
transitiveDependents' :: Dependencies h => h -> Set h
transitiveDependents' = transitiveDependents (const True)
-- Like `resolve`, but propagates the resolution out to transitive dependents
resolve' :: Dependencies h => (Set h -> h) -> h -> Edit h -> Edit h
resolve' r h (Edit closed opened) =
closed' = Map.adjust (Set.singleton . r) h closed
kept = maybe Set.empty keep' (Map.lookup h closed)
keep' hs = Set.unions . map transitiveDependents' $ Set.toList hs
dirty = transitiveDependents (\h -> Map.member h closed') h
prune h s =
if Set.member h dirty then Set.filter (\h -> Set.member h kept) s
else s
-- for all dependents of initial change, strip out any hashes
-- that don't depend on `kept`, the resolved hash
in Edit (Map.mapWithKey prune closed') opened
-- | Open a hash for editing. Preserves the `Edit` invariants.
-- Thus opening a hash results in all transitive dependents referenced
-- by the `Edit` being opened as well.
open :: Dependencies h => (h -> (h, Map h h)) -> h -> Edit h -> Edit h
open breakDeps h e@(Edit closed opened) =
-- am like 73% sure this is correct
(h', deps0) = breakDeps h
deps = Set.singleton deps0
hs' = Set.insert h' $ fromMaybe Set.empty (Map.lookup h closed)
closed' = Map.delete h closed -- a hash cannot be closed and open
addDeps s = Just $ Map.unionWith Set.union (fromMaybe Map.empty s) deps
-- when opening, preserve existing info
opened' = foldl (\m h' -> Map.alter addDeps (h,h') m) opened (Set.toList hs')
-- there may be some dependents of 'h' that need to be opened to preserve invariant
e' = Edit closed' opened'
dirty = Map.keys (submap (dependents h) closed')
in foldl' (\e h -> open breakDeps h e) e' dirty
-- | The submap of the input containing only keys that exist in the given
-- `Set`. Trims the map first with some `log(n)` splits, then filters remaining
-- keys in linear time. This really belongs in Data.Map.
submap :: Ord k => Set k -> Map k v -> Map k v
submap ks _ | Set.null ks = Map.empty
submap ks m =
(low,high) = (Set.findMin ks, Set.findMax ks)
lowEdge = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton low) (Map.lookup low m)
highEdge = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton high) (Map.lookup high m)
(middle, _) = Map.split low m
(trimmedMiddle, _) = Map.split high middle
filteredMiddle = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k ks) trimmedMiddle
lowEdge `Map.union` filteredMiddle `Map.union` highEdge
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