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Last active February 11, 2017 04:40
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Trivial catenable sequence with amortized O(1) uncons and unsnoc
module Catenable (Catenable, empty, singleton, toList, fromList, uncons, unsnoc) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Control.Monad
-- | Trivial catenable sequence. Supports O(1) append, and (amortized)
-- O(1) `uncons`, and `unsnoc`, such that walking the sequence via
-- N successive `uncons` steps or N `unsnoc` steps takes O(N). Like a
-- difference list, conversion to a `[a]` takes linear time, regardless
-- of how the sequence is built up.
-- Walking the sequence by alternating `unsnoc` and `uncons` is a worst-case
-- for this data structure and takes quadratic time.
data Catenable a = Empty | Single a | Append (Catenable a) (Catenable a)
instance Ord a => Ord (Catenable a) where
a `compare` b = toList a `compare` toList b
instance Eq a => Eq (Catenable a) where
a == b = toList a == toList b
instance Functor Catenable where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Catenable where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Catenable where
return = Single
a >>= f = case a of
Single a -> f a
Empty -> Empty
Append l r -> Append (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
-- | Totally legit, since constructors not exposed and all operations
-- quotient out the internal grouping structure of the `Catenable`.
instance Monoid (Catenable a) where
mempty = Empty
mappend = Append
empty :: Catenable a
empty = Empty
singleton :: a -> Catenable a
singleton = Single
toList :: Catenable a -> [a]
toList c = go c [] where
go Empty [] = []
go Empty (hd:rights) = go hd rights
go (Single a) rights = a : go Empty rights
go (Append l r) rights = go l (r : rights)
fromList :: [a] -> Catenable a
fromList = foldr (\hd tl -> Single hd `Append` tl) Empty
uncons :: Catenable a -> Maybe (a, Catenable a)
uncons c = go c [] where
go Empty [] = Nothing
go Empty (hd:rights) = go hd rights
go (Single a) rights = Just (a, foldr Append Empty rights)
go (Append l r) rights = go l (r : rights)
unsnoc :: Catenable a -> Maybe (Catenable a, a)
unsnoc c = go c [] where
go Empty [] = Nothing
go Empty (hd:lefts) = go hd lefts
go (Single a) lefts = Just (foldl' Append Empty lefts, a)
go (Append l r) lefts = go r (l : lefts)
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