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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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/** Feed a sequence of inputs to a `Process1`. */
def feed[I, O](i: Seq[I])(p: Process1[I, O]): Process1[I, O] = {
def go(
in: Seq[I], out: Vector[O]
, cur: Process1[I, O]
, stack: Vector[Throwable => Trampoline[Process1[I, O]]]
): Process1[I, O] = {
if (in.nonEmpty) {
cur match {
case Halt(_) | Emit(_) if stack.isEmpty => emitAll(out) ++ cur
case Halt(rsn) => go(in, out, Try(stack.head(rsn).run), stack.tail)
case Emit(os) => go(in, out fast_++ os, Try(stack.head(End).run), stack.tail)
case Append(p, n) => go(in, out, p, n fast_++ stack)
case AwaitP1(rcv, fb) => go(in.tail, out, Try(rcv(in.head)) onHalt fb, stack)
} else emitAll(out) ++ cur
go(i, Vector(), p, Vector())
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