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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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ternary failed
package main
import (
func main() {
var foo = map[bool]string{true: "foo", false: "bar"}[true]
fmt.Println("Hello Go", foo)
var bar = map[bool]string{true: "foo", false: "bar"}[false]
fmt.Println("Hello Go", bar)
Hello Go foo
Hello Go bar
Program exited.
package main
import (
func sendCapture() string {
fmt.Println("Send Capture")
return "url"
func sendFile(filename string) string {
fmt.Println("Send File", filename)
return "url"
func main() {
var url = map[bool]string{true: sendCapture(), false: sendFile(os.Args[1])}[len(os.Args) == 1]
fmt.Println("Hello Go", url)
Send Capture
panic: runtime error: index out of range
goroutine 16 [running]:
runtime.panic(0x113be0, 0x1a39dc)
/tmp/sandbox/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:279 +0x120
/tmpfs/gosandbox-992bfd34_3434ac75_ca326031_a55b9406_b94753c2/prog.go:20 +0x3a0
goroutine 19 [runnable]:
[process exited with non-zero status]
Program exited.
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