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Created October 19, 2012 06:14
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Value iteration in grid world for AI
# Author: Pat Kujawa
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint, pformat
class Cell(object):
def __init__(self):
self.is_terminal = False
self.policy = ''
self.value = 0
def __str__(self):
return pformat(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
world_bounds_rows = 3
world_bounds_cols = 4
world_input = np.array([[0,0,0,100], [0,np.nan,0,-100], [0,0,0,0]])
class GridWorld(object):
def __init__(self, array):
cells = []
for row_idx, row in enumerate(array):
for col_idx, value in enumerate(row):
cell = Cell()
cell.row = row_idx
cell.col = col_idx
cell.value = value
# TODO get reward from input
# If the value is nonzero, NaN, or +-Inf, set as reward too
cell.reward = value or 0
cell.blocks = np.isnan(value)
assert len(cells[row_idx]) == world_bounds_cols
assert len(cells) == world_bounds_rows
cells[0][3].is_terminal = True
cells[1][3].is_terminal = True
self.cells = cells
def policy(self):
return [[c.policy for c in rows] for rows in self.cells]
def __iter__(self):
for row in self.cells:
for cell in row:
yield cell
def as_array(self):
a = [ [cell.value for cell in row] for row in self.cells ]
return np.array(a)
def north(self, cell):
row = cell.row; col = cell.col
if row > 0:
row -= 1
return self._next_cell_if_not_blocked(cell, row, col)
def south(self, cell):
row = cell.row; col = cell.col
if row < world_bounds_rows-1:
row += 1
return self._next_cell_if_not_blocked(cell, row, col)
def west(self, cell):
row = cell.row; col = cell.col
if col > 0:
col -= 1
return self._next_cell_if_not_blocked(cell, row, col)
def east(self, cell):
row = cell.row; col = cell.col
if col < world_bounds_cols-1:
col += 1
return self._next_cell_if_not_blocked(cell, row, col)
def _next_cell_if_not_blocked(self, cell, row, col):
n = self.cells[row][col]
if n.blocks:
return cell
return n
def __str__(self):
return pformat(self.as_array())
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
class ValueIterationAlgo(object):
def __init__(self, discount_factor, world):
self.discount_factor = discount_factor = world
def update(self, state):
if state.is_terminal or state.blocks: return
max_pv = 0 # probability * value, as used in V(s) calculation
# Moves in NSEW order
moves_pvs = [
0.8* + 0.1* + 0.1*,
0.8* + 0.1* + 0.1*,
0.8* + 0.1* + 0.1*,
0.8* + 0.1* + 0.1*
moves_directions = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west']
max_idx = np.argmax(moves_pvs)
max_pv = moves_pvs[max_idx]
policy = moves_directions[max_idx]
state.value = self.discount_factor * max_pv + state.reward
state.policy = policy
## print locals()
def __str__(self):
return pformat(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
def done():
global world, prev_world
# If NaNs are in the inputs, we may get a warning. Ignore it and it won't affect the epsilon comparison because np.nan > epsilon is False
diff = np.abs(world.as_array() - prev_world)
except RuntimeWarning:
return not (diff > epsilon).any()
epsilon = 0.0001
discount_factor = 0.9
def part_b():
global world, prev_world
world = GridWorld(world_input)
prev_world = np.ones_like(world_input) # init to something other than input
algo = ValueIterationAlgo(discount_factor, world);
iter_cnt = 0
print 'iteration {}'.format(iter_cnt).center(72, '-')
if done(): break
prev_world = world.as_array()
for cell in world:
iter_cnt += 1
world_arr = world.as_array()
def part_c():
global world, prev_world
discount_factor = 0.9
world = GridWorld(world_input)
prev_world = np.ones_like(world_input) # init to something other than input
algo = ValueIterationAlgo(discount_factor, world)
iter_cnt = 0
print 'iteration {}, discount={}'.format(
iter_cnt, discount_factor).center(72, '-')
if done(): break
prev_world = world.as_array()
for cell in world:
iter_cnt += 1
world_arr = world.as_array()
if world.cells[2][3].policy != 'west': break
discount_factor -= 0.01
print 'part b:'
print 'part c:'
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