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Last active December 11, 2018 16:05
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Runge-Kutta, Euler-Richardson midpoint, and Euler methods compared for a simple harmonic oscillator simulation.
# Purpose:
# Author: Pat
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import math
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
from pprint import pprint, pformat
def euler(t, x, f, dt):
return x + f(t, x) * dt
def euler_richardson_midpoint(t, x, f, dt):
halfdt = 0.5 * dt
xmid = x + halfdt * f(t, x)
xnext = x + f(t + halfdt, xmid)*dt
return xnext
erm = euler_richardson_midpoint
def runge_kutta(t, x, f, dt):
k1 = f(t , x )*dt
k2 = f(t + 0.5*dt, x + 0.5*k1)*dt
k3 = f(t + 0.5*dt, x + 0.5*k2)*dt
k4 = f(t + dt , x + k3 )*dt
xnext = x + 1/6.0*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
return xnext
def predictor_corrector(t, x_prev, x, f, dt):
# Take first step with RK to init
if x_prev is None:
x_prev = runge_kutta(t, x, f, dt)
x_p = x_prev + 2*f(t, x) * dt # _predictor
xnext = x + 0.5 * (f(t, x_p) + f(t, x)) * dt
return xnext
k = 1.0
m = 1.0
class Sho(object):
def step(self, t, state):
v_prev = state[1]
x_prev = state[0]
return np.array([v_prev, -k*x_prev/m])
def run(self, integration_fn, dt, predictor_corrector_used = False):
x_0 = 1 # m
v_0 = 0 # m/s
# Timing
# Run for five complete cycles
t_end = 5 * (2 * math.pi * k/m)
# Let us call the state of the system 'state'
states = [np.array([x_0, v_0])]
elapsed_time = 0
while elapsed_time < t_end:
if predictor_corrector_used:
if len(states) == 1:
prev_state = None
prev_state = states[-2]
next_state = integration_fn(elapsed_time, prev_state, states[-1], self.step, dt)
next_state = integration_fn(elapsed_time, states[-1], self.step, dt)
elapsed_time += dt
# The trouble with the above, is that what you really want is all the positions
# Turn the list to an array:
states = np.array(states)
# Now array slices get all positions and velocities:
positions = states[:,0]
velocities = states[:,1]
sim_times = pl.frange(0, elapsed_time, dt)
# Find the energy
energies = 0.5*k*positions**2 + 0.5*m*velocities**2
an_energy = 0.5 # at t=0, v=0 so E = 0.5*k*x^2=0.5 J
starting_energy = energies[0]
ending_energy = energies[-1]
energy_change_percentage = 100.0 * abs(starting_energy - ending_energy) / starting_energy
# store vars in the object for easier inspection
l = locals().copy()
del l['self']
for key,value in l.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
return energy_change_percentage
def run_until(self, integration_fn, energy_change_tolerance_percentage, dt_start=1, dt_narrowing_fn=None, dt_expanding_fn=None, predictor_corrector_used=False):
dt = dt_start
narrower = dt_narrowing_fn or self._narrow_dt
expander = dt_expanding_fn or self._expand_dt
cnt_runs = 1
while cnt_runs < 12:
diff =, dt, predictor_corrector_used) - energy_change_tolerance_percentage
if abs(diff) < 1e-3:
elif diff > 0:
dt = narrower(dt)
dt = expander(dt)
cnt_runs += 1
self.num_times_dt_modified = cnt_runs
return self.dt # set in, so should be accurate
def _narrow_dt(self, dt):
# Default narrower - go by halves
return 0.5 * dt
def _expand_dt(self, dt):
# Default expander - go by 3/2
return 1.5 * dt
def doplot():
global int_fn_name, problem
## Analytical
an_times = np.linspace(0, problem.elapsed_time, 100)
positions_an = problem.x_0 * np.cos(math.sqrt(k/m) * an_times)
## sim_value_at_approx_end = problem.positions[ problem.sim_times >= problem.t_end][0] # take first
## an_value_at_end = positions_an[-1]
## percent_diff = 100.0 * abs(sim_value_at_approx_end - an_value_at_end) / an_value_at_end
percent_diff = problem.energy_change_percentage
## Plotting
pl.title(r'Simple Harmonic Osc. (%s method, $dt=%.5f$, $diff=%.3f\%%$)' % (int_fn_name, problem.dt, percent_diff))
sim_pt_size = 3
pl.scatter(problem.sim_times, problem.positions, sim_pt_size, color='black', label='simulation')
pl.plot(problem.sim_times, problem.positions, color='black', alpha=0.5)
pl.plot(an_times, positions_an, color='red', label='analytical')
pl.legend(loc='lower left', frameon=False) #TODO make smaller/alpha
# Move axes to be on the plot
ax = pl.gca() # get current axes
# Remove right and top axes
pl.xlabel('Time (s)', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) # needs to be after messing with axes or won't show up
pl.ylabel('Position (m)')
pl.xlim(-1, problem.sim_times.max()+1)
def do_plots():
global int_fn_name, problem
plotNum = 1
pl.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
for int_fn, int_fn_name, dt, pc in [
[euler, 'Euler', 3e-5, False], # 1e-4 is about as small as you want or Euler takes forever
[predictor_corrector, 'Pred-Corr', 0.0070, True],
[euler_richardson_midpoint, 'ER midpoint', 0.0234375, False],
[runge_kutta, 'Runge-Kutta', 0.1875, False]]:
pl.subplot(4, 1, plotNum), dt, predictor_corrector_used=pc)
plotNum += 1
pl.savefig("pat_improved_ode_sim.png", dpi=72)
def find_tolerances():
'''Usage: tols = find_tolerances(); three times.'''
global problem
for fn, dt_start, pc in [
## [euler, 0.1, False], # takes a while
[runge_kutta, 1, False],
[euler_richardson_midpoint, 0.5, False],
[predictor_corrector, 0.1, True]]:
best_dt = problem.run_until(fn, 0.01, dt_start, predictor_corrector_used=pc)
yield fn, best_dt
problem = Sho()
for tol in find_tolerances():
print tol, 'after tweaking dt', problem.num_times_dt_modified, 'times'
print 'energy change %', problem.energy_change_percentage
##int_fn_name = 'PC'
##print, 0.1, True)
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