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Created September 19, 2013 21:35
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  • Save pckujawa/6630183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pckujawa/6630183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unzip all zip files in this directory (or all dirs, recursively) and optionally delete the zip file when done. Uses 7zip.
:: To actually include the path expansion character (tilde), I had to give valid numbers; see for bug reference. Also, try call /? for more info.
@REM The %~n0 extracts the name sans extension to use as output folder. If you need full paths, use "%~dpn0". The -y forces overwriting by saying yes to everything. Or use -aoa to overwrite.
@REM Using `x` instead of `e` maintains dir structure (usually what we want)
:: If you want recursive, use FOR /R
@FOR %%a IN (*.zip) DO @(
@if [%1] EQU [/y] (
@7z x "%%a" -o"%%~dpna" -aoa
) else if [%1] EQU [/yd] (
@7z x "%%a" -o"%%~dpna" -aoa
@if errorlevel 1 (
@echo There was an error so I won't delete
) else (
REM You can also prompt with del /p
@del "%%a"
) else (
@echo 7z x "%%a" -o"%%~dpna" -aoa
@echo USAGE: Use /y to actually do the extraction. Use /yd to extract then delete the zip file.
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