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Created August 9, 2017 14:50
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(use srfi-13)
(use file.util)
(define (ini-value->bool value)
[(or (string-ci=? value "false")
(string-ci=? value "no")
(string-ci=? value "off")
(string-null? value))
[(or (string-ci=? value "true")
(string-ci=? value "yes")
(string-ci=? value "on"))
[else (error "unrecognized value" value)]))
(define (append-section sec key)
(if sec
(string-append sec "." key)
(define (unquote-string str)
(if (string-scan str #\\)
(cut with-input-from-string str
(lambda ()
(let loop ([ch (read-char)])
[(eof-object? ch) #t]
[(char=? ch #\\) (let ([next (read-char)])
(if (eof-object? next)
(write-char next)
(loop (read-char)))))]
[else (begin
(write-char ch)
(loop (read-char)))])))))
(define (quote-string str)
(cut with-input-from-string str
(lambda ()
(let loop ([ch (read-char)])
[(eof-object? ch) #t]
[(or (char=? ch #\\)
(char=? ch #\")) (begin
(write-char #\\)
(write-char ch)
(loop (read-char)))]
[else (begin
(write-char ch)
(loop (read-char)))]))))))
(define (ini-file->list :optional (iport (current-input-port)))
(let loop ([list (port->string-list iport)]
[section #f]
[result '()])
(if (pair? list)
(let ([line (string-trim-both (car list))]
[next (cdr list)])
[(or (string-null? line) (#/^[#\;]/ line))
(loop next section result)]
;; [section]
[(#/^\[\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s*\]$/ line)
=> (lambda (re)
(loop next (re 1) result))]
;; [section "subsection"]
[(#/^\[([a-z]+)\s+"(.*)"\s*\]$/ line)
=> (lambda (re)
(loop next
(append-section (re 1)
(unquote-string (re 2)))
;; key = "value with spaces in quotes"
[(#/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"$/ line)
=> (lambda (re)
(loop next
(cons (cons (append-section section (re 1))
(unquote-string (re 2)))
;; key = value
[(#/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\s*=\s*([^\s].*)$/ line)
=> (lambda (re)
(loop next
(cons (cons (append-section section (re 1))
(re 2))
[else (error "unsupported line" line)]
(define (write-section section oport)
(let ([pos ( string-scan section #\.)])
(if pos
(display (format "[~a \"~a\"]\n"
(substring section 0 pos)
(quote-string (substring section
(+ pos 1)
(string-length section)))))
(display (format "[~a]\n" section)))))
(define (write-key-value no-indent key value oport)
(define (quote-needed? str)
(> (length (string-split str #/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/)) 1))
(unless no-indent
(display "\t"))
(if (quote-needed? value)
(display (format "~a = \"~a\"\n" key (quote-string value)) oport)
(display (format "~a = ~a\n" key value) oport)))
(define (list->ini-file ini :optional (oport (current-output-port)))
(define (split-section x)
(let ([key (car x)]
[value (cdr x)])
(let ([first-dot (string-scan-right key #\.)])
(if first-dot
(list (substring key 0 first-dot)
(substring key
(+ first-dot 1)
(string-length key))
(list "" key value)))))
(let loop ([ini (sort (map split-section ini) string<? car)]
[section ""])
(let ([line (car ini)]
[next (cdr ini)])
(if (string-ci=? section (car line))
(write-key-value (string-null? section) (cadr line) (caddr line) oport)
(if (pair? next)
(loop next section)))
(let ([section (car line)])
(write-section section oport)
(write-key-value (string-null? section) (cadr line) (caddr line) oport)
(if (pair? next)
(loop next section)))))))
(with-input-from-file (expand-path "~/w/git/.git/common/config")
(lambda ()
(write (assoc "branch.grep-icase.description" (ini-file->list)))))
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