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Powerful functions for manipulating Excel data utilizing a hidden temporary sheet
' PowerSheet
' Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Timothy Baxendale (
' This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
' modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
' version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
' This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' Lesser General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Option Explicit
' Last update: 11/02/19
' Requires: SheetEx.bas [Rev 1010]
' Description: Apply complex functions to transform data in ranges
' Change the POWERSHEET_VER constant to keep certain backward compatability
' Revisions stack on top of one another, i.e. If you roll back to Rev 1000, you will lose
' all features past that version
' Revisions:
' 1000 - use old parameter order for ApplyFormula, requiring `Destination` argument
' 1010 - use empty string default value for `TransformRange`, `JoinPreserve`
' 1012 - use old parameter order for TempSheet property
' 1013 - apply no restrictions on temp sheets
' 1015 - do not use clipboard by default
' 1016 - include ClearTemp subroutine; use ClearAfter variable, not macro
#Const POWERSHEET_VER = 1017
#Const CLEAR_AFTER = False
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
Public ClearAfter As Boolean
#End If
Public Const TEMP_SHEET As String = "PowerSheet.Temp"
Private CanUndo As Boolean
' Creates a temporary sheet that is xlSheetVeryHidden or returns the existing temp sheet
' Index - the temp sheet index. If no temp sheet exists at that index, it will be created. This is 0 by default.
' Create - whether or not to create the temp sheet if it is not found
#If POWERSHEET_VER > 1012 Then
Property Get TempSheet(Optional ByVal Index As Long = 0, Optional ByVal Create As Boolean = True) As Worksheet
Property Get TempSheet(Optional ByVal Create As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Index As Long = 0) As Worksheet
#End If
#If POWERSHEET_VER > 1013 Then
If Index < 0 Then Err.Raise 5, "Temporary sheet " & Index & " has been reserved by the PowerSheet"
#End If
Set TempSheet = TempSheetInternal(Index, Create)
End Property
Private Property Get TempSheetInternal(Optional ByVal Index As Long = -1, Optional ByVal Create As Boolean = True)
Dim SheetName As String
If Index = -1 Then
SheetName = TEMP_SHEET
CanUndo = False
SheetName = TEMP_SHEET & Index
End If
On Error GoTo catch
Set TempSheetInternal = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If Not ClearAfter Then TempSheetInternal.UsedRange.Delete
#ElseIf Not CLEAR_AFTER Then
#End If
Exit Property
If Create Then
Set TempSheetInternal = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
TempSheetInternal.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
TempSheetInternal.Name = SheetName
End If
End Property
Private Function TryCreateSheet(ByVal SheetName As String) As Worksheet
On Error GoTo catch
Set TryCreateSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName)
Set TryCreateSheet = Nothing
Exit Function
Set TryCreateSheet = Worksheets.Add
TryCreateSheet.Name = SheetName
End Function
' Performs an index match on a range and replaces that range with those values
' DestValues - the destination keys that will be replaced
' SourceLookup - the source keys
' SourceValues - the source values that will replace the destination
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1016 Then
Sub TransformRange(ByRef DestValues As Variant, ByRef SourceLookup As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
Sub TransformRange(ByRef DestValues As Variant, ByRef SourceLookup As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
#End If
Dim rSrcLookup As Range, rDestValues As Range, rSrcValues As Range
Dim tmp As Worksheet, rColumnB As Range
Dim copied As Long, Formula As String
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
Set rDestValues = SheetEx.GetRange(DestValues)
Set rSrcLookup = SheetEx.GetRange(SourceLookup)
Set rSrcValues = SheetEx.GetRange(SourceValues)
copied = CopyOption(Array(rDestValues, tmp.Columns("A")), Clipboard)
Set rColumnB = tmp.Columns("B").Resize(RowSize:=copied)
Formula = SheetEx.CreateLookup(rSrcLookup, rSrcValues, tmp.Columns("A"))
If IsMissing(DefaultValue) Then
#If POWERSHEET_VER > 1010 Then
Formula = "=" & Formula
Formula = "=IFNA(" & Formula & ", """")"
#End If
If TypeName(DefaultValue) = "String" Then DefaultValue = """" & Replace(DefaultValue, """", """""") & """"
Formula = "=IFNA(" & Formula & ", " & DefaultValue & ")"
End If
SheetEx.FillValues rColumnB, Formula, Clipboard:=Clipboard
CopyOption Array(rColumnB, rDestValues), Clipboard
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Sub
' Transforms a range into a set of numbers based on their values. Each value is assigned a unique number.
' Range - the range to transform into numbers
' StartCount - the number to start counting new items
Sub NumberValues(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal StartCount As Double = 1)
Dim rng As Range, tmp As Worksheet
Dim A As Range, B As Range, C As Range, D As Range
Dim copied As Long
Set rng = SheetEx.GetRange(Range)
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
copied = SheetEx.FastCopy(rng, tmp.Columns("A"))
Set A = tmp.Columns("A").Resize(RowSize:=copied)
A.RemoveDuplicates 1
Set A = ShrinkToFit(A, exRow)
copied = SheetEx.FastCopy(rng, tmp.Columns("C"))
Set B = tmp.Columns("B").Resize(RowSize:=A.Rows.Count)
With B.Cells(1, 1)
.Value2 = StartCount
.AutoFill B, xlFillSeries
End With
SheetEx.SortTable tmp.Range("A:B"), 1, Order:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
Set C = B.Resize(RowSize:=copied).Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)
Set D = C.Resize(RowSize:=copied).Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)
SheetEx.JoinReplace A, B, C, D
SheetEx.FastCopy D, rng
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Sub
' Removes duplicates in a range without taking into account the entire column
' Range - the range in which to remove duplicates
' Columns - a single column number or an array of column numbers to include in the remove duplicate range
' Header - whether or not this data set contains a header
' DeleteEmpty - delete any blank cells at the bottom of the range when duplicates are removed
Sub RRemoveDuplicates(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef Columns As Variant, Optional ByVal Header As XlYesNoGuess = xlNo, Optional ByVal DeleteEmpty As Boolean = True)
Dim rng As Range, tmp As Worksheet
Dim copied As Long
Set rng = SheetEx.GetRange(Range)
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
copied = SheetEx.CopySingle(rng, tmp, Paste:=xlPasteAll)
If IsArray(Columns) Then
SheetEx.GetRange(tmp).RemoveDuplicates (Columns), Header
SheetEx.GetRange(tmp).RemoveDuplicates Columns, Header
End If
copied = SheetEx.CopySingle(tmp, rng, Paste:=xlPasteAll)
If DeleteEmpty And copied < rng.Rows.Count Then
Dim rEmpties As Range
Set rEmpties = rng.Offset(RowOffset:=copied).Resize(RowSize:=Math.Abs(rng.Rows.Count - copied))
rEmpties.Delete xlShiftUp
End If
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Sub
' Copies only the unique values from a range to a destination
' Source - the source range to copy
' Destination - the destination range
' Columns - the column or column array with unique values
' Paste - the paste type
' CellType - copy only special cells
' Append - append instead of overwrite the destination
' StackSources - if an array of ranges is specified as the source, indicates whether the sources should be
' added to the bottom of the range rather than to the right of it
Function CopyUnique(ByVal Source As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant, Optional ByRef Columns As Variant, Optional ByVal Header As XlYesNoGuess = xlNo, Optional ByVal Paste As XlPasteType = xlPasteValues, Optional ByVal CellType As XlCellType, Optional ByVal Append As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal StackSources As Boolean = False)
Dim rSrc As Range, rDest As Range
Dim tmp As Worksheet, copied, ColCount As Long
Dim i As Long
If Not IsArray(Source) Or TypeName(Source) = "Range" Then
Source = Array(Source)
End If
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
Set rDest = SheetEx.GetRange(Destination)
For i = LBound(Source) To UBound(Source)
Dim tmpDest As Range
Set rSrc = GetRange(Source(i))
If tmpDest Is Nothing Then
Set tmpDest = tmp.Columns("A").Resize(RowSize:=rSrc.Rows.Count)
ColCount = CountColumns(rSrc)
ElseIf Not StackSources Then
Set tmpDest = tmpDest.Offset(ColumnOffset:=rSrc.Columns.Count)
If Header = xlYes Then Set rSrc = SheetEx.RShrink(rSrc, Height:=-1)
ColCount = ColCount + CountColumns(rSrc)
End If
copied = SheetEx.CopySingle(rSrc, tmpDest, CellType, Paste, Append:=StackSources And i <> LBound(Source))
Next i
If IsMissing(Columns) Then
Dim NewCols() As Variant
ReDim NewCols(ColCount - 1)
For i = LBound(NewCols) To UBound(NewCols)
NewCols(i) = i + 1
Next i
Columns = NewCols
End If
If IsArray(Columns) Then
SheetEx.GetRange(tmp).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=(Columns), Header:=Header
SheetEx.GetRange(tmp).RemoveDuplicates Columns, Header
End If
CopyUnique = CopySingle(tmp, rDest, Paste:=Paste, Append:=Append)
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Function
' Join a column on a key without replacing any value that has already been filled
' SourceKeys - the range that contains keys on the source table
' SourceValues - the range of values to copy to the destination
' DestKeys - the range that contains keys on the destination table
' DestValues - the range to place the copied values, only blank cells in this range will be overwritten
' ReplaceZero - whether or not the value of zero should be replaced with a new value
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1016 Then
Sub JoinPreserve(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Variant, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ReplaceZero As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
Sub JoinPreserve(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Variant, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ReplaceZero As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
#End If
Dim rDestKeys As Range, rSrcKeys As Range, rDestValues As Range, rSrcValues As Range
Dim tmp As Worksheet, copied As Long, Formula As String, ArrayFormula As Boolean
Dim Offset As Long
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
Set rDestKeys = SheetEx.CombineRange(DestKeys)
Set rSrcKeys = SheetEx.CombineRange(SourceKeys)
Set rDestValues = ROffset(DestValues, Height:=MaxRow(rDestKeys), Width:=1)
Set rSrcValues = ROffset(SourceValues, Height:=MaxRow(rSrcKeys), Width:=1)
If IsArray(DestKeys) And TypeName(DestKeys) <> "Range" Then
Dim n As Long
For n = LBound(DestKeys) To UBound(DestKeys)
copied = WorksheetFunction.Max(CopyOption(Array(DestKeys(n), tmp.UsedRange.Offset(ColumnOffset:=Offset)), Clipboard), copied)
Offset = Offset + CountColumns(DestKeys(n))
Next n
copied = CopyOption(Array(DestKeys, tmp), Clipboard)
Offset = CountColumns(DestKeys)
End If
copied = WorksheetFunction.Max(CopyOption(Array(rDestValues, ROffset(tmp, ColumnOffset:=tmp.UsedRange.Columns.Count, Width:=1)), Clipboard), copied)
With ROffset(tmp, Height:=copied)
Dim MatchCol As Range, TestCol As Range, ValueCol As Range
Dim AddrValue As String, AddrMatch As String
Set ValueCol = .Offset(ColumnOffset:=Offset).Resize(ColumnSize:=1)
Set MatchCol = ValueCol.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)
Set TestCol = MatchCol.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)
Formula = SheetEx.CreateLookup(SourceKeys, rSrcValues, SheetEx.RangeToArray(.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, WorksheetFunction.Max(.Columns.Count - 1, 1)))))
ArrayFormula = IsArray(SourceKeys) And TypeName(SourceKeys) <> "Range" And IsArray(DestKeys) And TypeName(DestKeys) <> "Range"
If IsMissing(DefaultValue) Then
#If POWERSHEET_VER > 1010 Then
Formula = "=" & Formula
Formula = "=IFNA(" & Formula & ", """")"
#End If
If TypeName(DefaultValue) = "String" Then DefaultValue = """" & Replace(DefaultValue, """", """""") & """"
Formula = "=IFNA(" & Formula & ", " & DefaultValue & ")"
End If
AddrValue = ValueCol.Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False)
AddrMatch = MatchCol.Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False)
SheetEx.FillValues MatchCol, Formula, Calculate:=Calculate, Clipboard:=Clipboard, ArrayFormula:=ArrayFormula
If ReplaceZero Then
SheetEx.FillValues TestCol, "=IF(OR(" & AddrValue & "="""", " & AddrValue & "=0), " & AddrMatch & ", " & AddrValue & ")", Calculate:=Calculate, Clipboard:=Clipboard
SheetEx.FillValues TestCol, "=IF(" & AddrValue & "="""", " & AddrMatch & ", " & AddrValue & ")", Calculate:=Calculate, Clipboard:=Clipboard
End If
CopyOption Array(TestCol, rDestValues), Clipboard
End With
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Sub
' Applies a formula to a given range based on an excel formula
' Ranges - a range or array of ranges that will be used as an argument for this formula
' Formula - the formula that should be applied to the array. Arguments can be used in the formula string
' in the format %1 is arg1, %2 is arg2, etc.
' Destination - where to place the final values. if this argument is omitted, the the first range in the Ranges array is used
' FillRight - whether or not the columns should be expanded and filled to the right
#If POWERSHEET_VER >= 1016 Then
Sub ApplyFormula(ByVal Ranges As Variant, ByVal Formula As String, Optional ByRef Destination As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal FillRight As Boolean = False)
#ElseIf POWERSHEET_VER > 1000 Then
Sub ApplyFormula(ByVal Ranges As Variant, ByVal Formula As String, Optional ByRef Destination As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal FillRight As Boolean = False)
Sub ApplyFormula(ByVal Ranges As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant, ByVal Formula As String, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
#End If
Dim tmp As Worksheet, Last As Long
Dim copied As Long, i As Long
Dim ccount As Long
If Not IsArray(Ranges) Or TypeName(Ranges) = "Range" Then Ranges = Array(Ranges)
If IsMissing(Destination) Then Set Destination = Ranges(LBound(Ranges))
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
Let Last = 1
For i = LBound(Ranges) To UBound(Ranges)
Dim arg As String, argRange As Range, ColCount As Long
copied = WorksheetFunction.Max(CopyOption(Array(Ranges(i), tmp.Columns(Last)), Clipboard), copied)
ColCount = CountColumns(Ranges(i))
With GetRange(Ranges(i))
Set argRange = tmp.Columns(Last).Resize(RowSize:=1, ColumnSize:=ColCount)
If ColCount = 1 Then Set argRange = argRange.Range("A1")
arg = argRange.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
Formula = Replace(Formula, "%" & (i + 1), arg)
Last = Last + ColCount
ccount = WorksheetFunction.Max(ColCount, ccount)
End With
Next i
With ROffset(tmp, Height:=copied)
Dim Final As Range
Set Final = .Columns(tmp.UsedRange.Column + tmp.UsedRange.Columns.Count)
#If POWERSHEET_VER > 1000 Then
If FillRight Then Set Final = .Columns(tmp.UsedRange.Column + tmp.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Resize(ColumnSize:=.Columns.Count)
#End If
FillValues Final, Formula, Clipboard:=Clipboard
CopyOption Array(Final, Destination), Clipboard
End With
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Sub
' Applies an excel formula in place to a single dimensional VBA array. The array can ONLY contain primitive types.
' Objects are not supported and could produce unexpected results
' arr - the single dimensional array of values
' Formula - the formula to apply to those values. %1 will be replaced with the value of the array
' Clipboard - whether or not to use the clipboard
' Example:
' arr = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
' ApplyFormulaToArray arr, "=%1 + 5"
' Output:
' arr = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sub ApplyFormulaToArray(ByRef arr As Variant, ByVal Formula As String, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
With TempSheetInternal
Dim nRow As Long
Dim x As Long
Let nRow = 1
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
.Cells(nRow, "A").Value = arr(x)
nRow = nRow + 1
Next x
FillValues .Columns("B").Resize(RowSize:=nRow - 1), Replace(Formula, "%1", "A1"), Calculate:=True, Clipboard:=Clipboard, ArrayFormula:=False
Let nRow = 1
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
arr(x) = .Cells(nRow, "B").Value
nRow = nRow + 1
Next x
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then .UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End With
End Sub
' Replaces entire cells whose contents match the Match argument with the Replace argument
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1016 Then
Sub ReplaceValue(ByRef Range As Variant, ByVal Match As Variant, ByVal Replace As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
Sub ReplaceValue(ByRef Range As Variant, ByVal Match As Variant, ByVal Replace As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
#End If
Dim rng As Range, tmp As Worksheet
If TypeName(Match) = "String" Then Match = """" & Match & """"
If TypeName(Replace) = "String" Then Replace = """" & Replace & """"
ApplyFormula Ranges:=Range, Formula:="=IF(%1=" & Match & ", " & Replace & ", %1)", Destination:=Range, Clipboard:=Clipboard
End Sub
' Adds two or more columns together and pastes the result in a destination
' Columns - the columns that need to be added
' Destination - the range where the values will be pasted
' SkipBlank - whether or not to add blank columns together. If blanks are skipped, the result will be 0 instead of an empty cell.
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1016 Then
Sub SumColumns(ByVal Columns As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant, Optional ByVal SkipBlank As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
Sub SumColumns(ByVal Columns As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant, Optional ByVal SkipBlank As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
#End If
Dim varName As String, szFormula As String
If Not IsArray(Columns) Or TypeName(Columns) = "Range" Then Columns = Array(Columns)
varName = "%" & (UBound(Columns) + 1)
szFormula = "SUM(%1:" & varName & ")"
If SkipBlank Then szFormula = "IF(COUNTA(%1:" & varName & ")<>" & (UBound(Columns) + 1) & ", """", " & szFormula & ")"
ApplyFormula Ranges:=Columns, Clipboard:=Clipboard, Destination:=Destination, Formula:="=" & szFormula
End Sub
' Adds a column to another column based on its key
' SourceKeys - the range that contains keys on the source table
' SourceValues - the range of values to copy to the destination
' DestKeys - the range that contains keys on the destination table
' DestValues - the range to place the copied values, only blank cells in this range will be overwritten
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1016 Then
Sub AddToColumn(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
Sub AddToColumn(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
#End If
Dim rSrcKeys As Range, rSrcValues As Range
Dim rDestKeys As Range, rDestValues As Range
Dim tmp As Worksheet, copied As Long
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal
copied = CopyOption(Array(DestKeys, tmp.Columns("A"), DestValues, tmp.Columns("B")), Clipboard)
Set rSrcKeys = GetRange(SourceKeys)
Set rSrcValues = GetRange(SourceValues)
With ROffset(tmp, Height:=copied)
JoinReplace SourceKeys, SourceValues, .Columns("A"), .Columns("C"), DefaultValue:=0, Clipboard:=Clipboard
FillValues .Columns("D"), "=$B1+$C1", Clipboard:=Clipboard
CopyOption Array(.Columns("D"), DestValues), Clipboard
End With
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Sub
' Copies the values that are in Column1 that are not in Column2
' This function will use TempSheet -2, creating it if it doesn't exist.
' Column1 - a column of values
' Column2 - the second column with values
' Destination - where to place the distinct values
' Paste - the paste type
' CellType - copy only special cells
' Append - append instead of overwrite the destination
Function CopyDistinct(ByRef Column1 As Variant, ByRef Column2 As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant, Optional ByVal Paste As XlPasteType = xlPasteValues, Optional ByVal CellType As XlCellType, Optional ByVal Append As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim tmp1 As Worksheet, tmp2 As Worksheet, rDest As Range
Dim copied As Long
Set tmp1 = TempSheetInternal(-2)
With tmp1
CopyUnique Column1, .Columns("A"), CellType:=CellType, Paste:=Paste
CopyUnique Column2, .Columns("B"), CellType:=CellType, Paste:=Paste
Set tmp2 = TempSheetInternal
copied = CopySingle(.Range(.Cells(1, 1), SheetEx.LastCell(.UsedRange)), tmp2.Range("A2"))
End With
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp1.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
With ROffset(tmp2, Height:=copied + 1)
Dim nas As Range
.Range("A1:C1").Value2 = "HEADER"
FillValues RShrink(.Columns("C"), Height:=-1), "=MATCH($A2, " & RShrink(.Columns("B"), Height:=-1).Address & ", 0)"
FilterTable .Range("A:C"), "C", "<>#N/A"
Set nas = SafeSpecial(RShrink(.Range("A:C"), Height:=-1), xlCellTypeVisible)
If Not (nas Is Nothing) Then nas.Delete xlUp
ClearFilters .Range("A:C")
CopyDistinct = FindLastRow(.Columns("A")) - 1
If CopyDistinct > 0 Then CopySingle RShrink(.Columns("A"), Height:=-1), Destination, Append:=Append
End With
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
If ClearAfter Then tmp2.UsedRange.Delete
#End If
End Function
Private Function CopyOption(ByRef Ranges As Variant, ByVal Clipboard As Boolean, Optional ByVal StackSources As Boolean = True)
If Clipboard Then
CopyOption = CopyMult(Ranges)
CopyOption = FastCopyEx(Ranges, StackSources:=StackSources)
End If
End Function
' Formats a range and saves the values.
' Using the clipboard will ensure that the values are in the correct format, but it could be slower.
Sub FormatColumn(ByRef ColumnRange As Variant, ByVal Format As String, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal FormatBlanks As Boolean = True)
With GetRange(ColumnRange)
Dim szFormula As String
szFormula = "TEXT(%1, """ & Replace(Format, """", """""") & """)"
If Not FormatBlanks Then szFormula = "IF(%1="""", """", " & szFormula & ")"
ApplyFormula Ranges:=.Columns(1), Destination:=.Columns(1), Formula:="=" & szFormula, Clipboard:=Clipboard
End With
End Sub
#If POWERSHEET_VER < 1017 Then
' Clears a temporary sheet by deleting the used range
Sub ClearTemp(Optional ByRef Sheet As Worksheet)
Dim tmp As Worksheet
Set tmp = TempSheetInternal(Create:=False)
If Not (tmp Is Nothing) Then tmp.UsedRange.Delete
End Sub
#End If
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