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Last active April 14, 2016 19:38
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Save pcolunga/7945877 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Assign relations between people with specified constraints. "Secret Pal" or "Amigo Invisible" style :)
import scala.util.Random
/** Azareus: assign relations between people with single way constraints. */
trait Azareus {
val r = new Random()
type Person = String
type Couple = (Person, Person)
type Constraint = (Person, Person)
type Result = List[Couple]
/** Return random result of couples given set of people and constraints. */
def azareus(people: List[Person], rules: List[Constraint]) : Result =
results(r.shuffle(people)).find(result => result.forall(!rules.contains(_)))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible!"))
/** Return all possible combinations results (lazy approach!). */
def results(people: List[Person]) = => relations(p :+ p.head))
/** Circular list of people to couple results. */
def relations(people: List[Person]) : Result = people match {
case x :: Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => (x, xs.head) :: relations(xs)
object AzareusMain extends App with Azareus {
val people = List("Peter","Luke","Vic","Claire","Joe")
val constraints = List(("Peter", "Claire"), ("Claire","Peter"), ("Vic","Luke"), ("Luke", "Vic"))
println(azareus(people, constraints))
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